العثور على جثة شيخ داخل محله في حاصبيا

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عثر على الشيخ سلمان الحرفاني جثة هامدة في محله لبيع الاقمشة في حاصبيا.

وتبين بعد كشف الطبيب الشرعي على الجثة "انها مصابة بخمس طلقات نارية من مسدس عيار 5 ملم" بحسب الوكالة "الوطنية للإعلام".

ولم تورد الوكالة خلفية الحادث.

بدوره استنكر شيخ عقل طائفة الموحدين الدروز الشيخ نعيم حسن "أشد الاستنكار الجريمة البشعة" داعيا الاجهزة المعنية الى كشف ملابساتها بأسرع وقت، وجلب المرتكبين الى العدالة".

وكان قد حصل منذ أسيوعين اعتداء على 4 مشايخ في منطقة خندق الغميق والشياح تبعه توتر وقطع طرقات في بيروت وطرابلس.

التعليقات 27
Thumb zahhet 23:10 ,2013 آذار 27


Missing ehab11 11:37 ,2013 آذار 28

Jaafari/Moqdadi/Hizballa all over it, when will this cancer stop.

Missing ehab11 13:26 ,2013 آذار 28

"Baseless and systematic accusations" he says, funny the pot is calling the kettle black. Ehab well said

Missing ehab11 13:27 ,2013 آذار 28

The truth cannot get any stronger

Thumb sarkis 12:24 ,2013 آذار 28

What will the chia do when the Sunnis, Christians & Druze say, We have had enough. they are pushing the limit.

Missing eurybaric 00:15 ,2013 آذار 28

ahlan! I just hope for the lebanese christians not to take sides in this (eternal?) conflict and actually concentrate on their *imminent* issues. Sad but not shocked from all this violence...

Thumb primesuspect 00:25 ,2013 آذار 28

typical Jaafari/Moqdadi/Hizballa.... M.O.

Thumb stalin 00:50 ,2013 آذار 28


Thumb LebCynic 01:10 ,2013 آذار 28

The killing of any spiritual leader is unexceptable.

Missing thinkingleb 01:47 ,2013 آذار 28

Thank you very much i always enjoy witty and thoughtfully constructed answers. So please anyone out there that has any relay them to hlo2-minhon. Poor guy needs all the help he can get.

Missing thinkingleb 01:56 ,2013 آذار 28

I apologise to you it seems that i am in a battle that i am not equipped for as i am not willing to get a lobotomy to be able to match your intelligence.

Missing thinkingleb 02:14 ,2013 آذار 28

I agree no one should attack mothers but who did that first?
Good night my mentally challenged friend. I look forward to reading your comments with disdain again in the future.

Thumb andre.jabbour 02:37 ,2013 آذار 28

Everybodee this is a roberee
where are you BruceLee?
I need to pee!

Missing thinkingleb 02:48 ,2013 آذار 28

im so glad i helped its always a pleasure.

Missing thinkingleb 03:29 ,2013 آذار 28

That's it take the high road

Missing thinkingleb 03:41 ,2013 آذار 28

Did someone upset you?

Missing thinkingleb 03:51 ,2013 آذار 28

Sorry about that I told even though you small and can't get it up you still have feelings

Missing thinkingleb 04:07 ,2013 آذار 28

I love you too. :)

Missing thinkingleb 04:14 ,2013 آذار 28

No I'm here I could be behind you even :)

Missing thinkingleb 04:18 ,2013 آذار 28

You have made my day thank you my mentally challenged friend

Missing thinkingleb 04:42 ,2013 آذار 28

The sad thing is we have the same ideas about Lebanon and the Lebanese I just don't wish them harm

Missing thinkingleb 05:10 ,2013 آذار 28

That's the Lebanese spirit when they it's impossible you found a way to lower the bar and walk under it head held up high.

Missing thinkingleb 06:07 ,2013 آذار 28

hey I'm here also

Missing thinkingleb 06:16 ,2013 آذار 28

ok felt left out there

Default-user-icon SamSaaaaam (ضيف) 10:50 ,2013 آذار 28

Stop blowing this story out of proportions.... Just a bunch of drugged poor souls. No one is to blame. yalla move along....

Missing freedom4lebs 14:12 ,2013 آذار 28

Well said the1phoenix ,always wise .

Default-user-icon John Marina (ضيف) 23:04 ,2013 آذار 28

There are very many priests, sheiks, immams in Lebanon compared to its population numbers Lebanon must control and
restrict their numbers in percent to the Lebanese population, their numbers relative to the Lebanese population is the joke of the world.
Each one of those figures carries its own agenda where the ignorants follow them like sheep.