زورق سوري يدخل المياه الاقليمية ويطلق النار على صياد من العريضة الشمالية
Read this story in Englishاصيب صياد، صباح الجمعة، بطلق ناري اطلقه زورق سوري دخل المياه الاقليمية قبالة سواحل بلدة العريضة الحدودية الشمالية.
فقد افادت "الوكالة الوطنية للاعلام" ان زورقاً سورياً دخل المياه الاقليمية اللبنانية واطلق النار على مركب لصيد الاسماك تابع لاهالي بلدة العريضة.
وادى اطلاق النار الى اصابة الصياد خالد احمد العلي في رجله وتم نقله الى احدى المستشفيات في منطقة العريضة.
الى ذلك، لفتت الوكالة الى ان الصيادين عادوا ادراجهم، وناشدوا الدولة العمل على حمايتهم.
وهذه الحادثة ليست الاولى من نوعها، ففي كانون الثاني الفائت، اطلقت البحرية السورية النار على مركب، قبالة شاطئ العريضة ما ادى الى مقتل فتى، واحتجاز رجلين، اعيد اطلاقهما بعد حوالى اليومين.
It is shameful that this government has zero care for its own blood, its own people, the lebanese people are the fabric of this nation, if you refuse to defend them why stay in government?
I'm getting sick off this. Now where is the HA I mean Lebanese army to defend the Lebanese citizens and its borders.
Why is the Govt quite and don't even flinch.
Again bruce, Nasrallah himself has a beard, so foes every picture of the imams, why be so disrespectful for? You are the biggest troll on here to both sunni & shias, Even jesus has a beard in photos, this can also be offensive to christians, you should shut your mouth & stop pretending to be a shia
Everybodee this is a roberreee
how are you BruceLee?
It seems you're thirstee !
You can either come to mee
or throw urself into the sea
Do you have no shame? a Lebanese citizen is killed by that Tyrant's forces and all you do is joke. is all you care about Palestine & Iranian interests ? You are not lebanese
Well thank you FT I stand corrected, but still his life was in danger, let me ask you what if this happened on the southern border? Hezballah will protest and it has the right too. We want to see the same thing happen with the Syrians
What ever comes from Syrian is ok for M8. Whether they bomb, shoot, injure, kill, restrict Lebanon from using its water (nahr el Kabir and oronte), plan terrorist attacks, kidnbap and jail lebanese, ....
Why am I not surprised? As usual more foreigners not having any respect for Lebanon...