إطلاق النار باتجاه الشيخ سالم الرافعي في طرابلس "من دون أن يصاب بأذى"

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اطلق مجهول ليل الإثنين رصاصة باتجاه الشيخ سالم الرافعي، أثناء خروجه من مسجد التقوى في مدينة طرابلس، "من دون أن يصاب بأذى".

وقالت الوكالة الوطنية للاعلام، أن "مجهولا أطلق رصاصة باتجاه الشيخ الدكتور سالم الرافعي، أثناء خروجه من مسجدالتقوى في طرابلس، لكنه لم يصب بأذى واستقرت الرصاصة في باب المسجد".

وأفادت قناة الـ LBCI أن "شعبة المعلومات استخرجت الرصاصة وبدأت تحقيقاتها".

ولفتت الى أن "الشيخ سالم الرافعي موجود في هذه الأثناء في منزل النائب محمد كبارة، وسيتلو بيانا عن الحادثة وعن ضرورة عدم الانجرار للفتنة".

التعليقات 14
Thumb neons 01 نيسان 2013, 20:34

who would want to get his hand dirty with him?

Thumb benzona 01 نيسان 2013, 22:01

My grandma slipped on a banana. Israel put it there. I fell in the stairs yesterday, Israel made it shiny and slippery....

Thumb rover98 01 نيسان 2013, 22:13

At least the man does not worship his leader.

Missing rudy 02 نيسان 2013, 18:50

yahya maybe you should try it if its that nice.

we need less people who think like you and more people who generally think getting hit that getting hit by a bullet is bad.

Missing maroun 02 نيسان 2013, 00:57

your dirty kind would.

Missing maroun 02 نيسان 2013, 06:55

FT the truth hurts ..go and find a dole and play with it

Missing maroun 02 نيسان 2013, 09:31

doll*..a barbie best for you ..

Thumb sarkis 02 نيسان 2013, 08:28

Hezballah dont like this kaafir sunni , obviously, watch out for a hezb attempt to cause strife in lebanon now that things are not going their way

Missing antibiotic 23 حزيران 2013, 18:18

SHIA who else

Thumb benzona 01 نيسان 2013, 22:11

Didide et impera!

Missing thinkingleb 02 نيسان 2013, 01:10

Finally anonymetxasusa some here actually thinks beyond the obvious and looks beyond what they are led to believe. Everything has to have it opposite Israel needs H.A. They need Israel and everyone needs a place to play. Playground Lebanon. Till the day the Lebanese wake up and realise we can control our own destiny we will remain the toys of Israel Saudi Iran USA and any one else with the need to beat their chest but don't want their house messed up

Default-user-icon Chouchti Mdawayi (ضيف) 02 نيسان 2013, 01:54

Those Sunnis are really, really, really LOSING IT, and thereby getting crazier and crazier and crazier. This is in addition to being filthier than the filthiest filth. If they do not attack and kill people of other religions or sects, they do it to other Sunni crazies (and they have all become CRAZY). allouchti, geha, primesuspect, haloummou YA AHL AL SUNNA. The JIHAD is calling you. Sharpen your daggers and 3ALEHOM! allhou BOOM BLAST akbar. By the way, gabby1425 is still stuck in his diatribe of utter... well... umm... duh... stupidities? Poor gabbaguybo. The innumerable demise of the ASSad regime is starting to get to that void ball that is sitting between his shoulders.

Thumb LEBhasNOhope 02 نيسان 2013, 15:08

correct me if I'm wrong but on top of the STL presenting evidence of HA's involvement. HA has been caught red handed several times now in Lebanon. how people still deny HA's involvement is beyond me but then I realize we are speaking of Lebanese who have selective memory and are willing to accept any conspiracy theory with absolutely zero evidence all the while calling actual evidence fabricated.

Missing peace 02 نيسان 2013, 15:54

hezbis are indirectly allied with israel as both cannot accept a strong lebanon! they both need a divided lebanon to better rule it... hezbi needs a weak lebanon to keep its arms and do whatever they want without any fear! and israel to thrive economically without a competitor in the region!

so yes hezbis are allied with israel on that matter!!! but blind FPMers don t see that, they only see their little interests....