سليمان طلب من قهوجي تقارير عن القصف السوري: لإقامة مخيمات للاجئين في مناطق حدودية سورية
Read this story in Englishطلب رئيس الجمهورية ميشال سليمان من قائد الجيش العماد جان قهوجي "ايداع وزارة الخارجية تقارير قصف الطيران السوري للحدود اللبنانية"، كذلك جدد دعوته الى " عقد مؤتمر دولي للبحث في توزيع الاعداد الاضافية من النازحين من سوريا على الدول الشقيقة والصديقة".
وأفادت معلومات صحافية الخميس، أن سليمان جدد أمام زواره "دعوته الى عقد مؤتمر دولي للبحث في توزيع الاعداد الاضافية من النازحين من سوريا على الدول الشقيقة والصديقة، او اقامة مخيمات في داخل الاراضي السورية بعيدة عن مناطق الاشتباكات تكون محمية من قوات تابعة للامم المتحدة وقريبة من الحدود اللبنانية والاردنية والتركية والعراقية".
وأضافت المعلومات أنه "كذلك طلب من قهوجي ايداع وزارة الخارجية والمغتربين نسخاً عن التقارير الامنية التي افادت عن قصف الطيران المروحي السوري لمواقع داخل الحدود اللبنانية في جرود عرسال أمس بقذيفتين على عمق 11 كيلومتراً وفي 18 آذار الفائت بقذائف على عمق نحو خمسة كيلومترات".
وكان سليمان قد كلّف وزير الخارجية عدنان منصور، "توجيه رسالة احتجاج الى الجانب السوري بهدف عدم تكرار عمليات القصف وخرق الحدود"، وذلك بعد ان اعلنت "الوكالة الوطنية للاعلام"، ان "الطيران الحربي السوري قصف خراج بلدتي خربة يونين ووادي الخيل في جرود عرسال".
كما اعتبر ان هذه العمليات، "انتهاك مرفوض للسيادة اللبنانية".
Funny to see that the Govt and Army are not doing anything to defend its citizens.
Some democratic Govt this is.
At least Lebanon is still somewhat of a democracy. They don't have a proper democracy yet in your terrorist hometown of Kashmir, do they?
Al Qaeda sympathizing terrorists complaining about the lack of democracy. What's this world come to?
karim_m2 what a wonderful comment my Ashura brain damaged friend kudos. By the way how were Al Qaeda terrorists going into Iraq from Syria after the US invasion? I bet the Wahhabis send them there by landing them at the Damascus International airport and nail salon dressed as ZZ Top under the noses of the unsuspecting Syrian customs agents. Then loading them into tourist buses under the mustaches of Assad's tourist friendly security apparatus. The buses took them to training facilities disguised as Scout camps, complete with a Baden Powell portrait looking suspiciously like Ben Laden, to be trained. After a month there they boarded the buses again destination the Syrian Iraqi border past the Syrian Border guards who were fooled by the sneaky terrorists using their fingers to pull the sides of their eyes to look like Japanese tourists, brown Japanese tourists oddly enough. That's what probably happened. After all President Assad said that he was doing all he can to stop them.
Agreed, they need to do more, i dare say Suleiman wants to do more but is concerned with the backlash he may receive from the iranian puppets in government with their extremist shia ideology dictating everyone of their move, it is Palestine, resistance yada yada, Iran & Syria need to liberate Palestine through Lebanon for some odd reason.
This security vacuum will push 3arsal for forming an armed resistance. Which will ultimately play in favor of Assad trying to destabilize LEBANON. Our president should show those Northerners that the army won't let them down...
I thought the Army once said they will respond to any aggression towards Lebanon.
Well if the Army won't then option 2 will be send in the resistance to defend the borders.
I know I know in my dreams!
Listen guys I know many of you won't like what I have to say, but these terrorists in Arsal slayed our army, being with or against Assad I hope he takes all of them out. This way our army won't be forced to confront them internally.
Baffling how some fools rush to attack anyone criticizing the Syrians even when the critique is warranted, goes to show a trained monkey can only do what it was trained to do. During thirty year of occupation the Syrians trained a lotta monkeys some of them will always fall back on that training having learned nothing else. Where's Justin Bieber when you need him, he can take them all thru our airport and no one will stop him I promise.
I suggest to General Qahwaji to do the report and once it is done cut out the middle man and throw it in the trash, after all that's what FM Adnan Mansewer will do with it.