ذوو المخطوفين باعزاز يقفلون المحال السورية في حي السلم لحين عودة اهلهم

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اقدم اهالي المخطوفين الـ9 في اعزاز في سوريا، صباح الجمعة، على إقفال المحال التي يشغلها سوريون في مدينة العباس في حي السلم في الضاحية الجنوبية لبيروت.

واوضح الشيخ عباس زغيب المكلف من المجلس الإسلامي الشيعي الأعلى متابعة قضية المخطوفين، عبر "الوكالة الوطنية للاعلام"، ان "هذه الخطوة لا تقتصر فقط على السوريين، وهذه هي الخطوة الاولى من تحركاتهم".

كما اعتبر ان "للاتراك الدور الاساسي في انهاء هذا الملف".

وشدد الاهالي من منطقة حي السلم على انه "ممنوع على السوريين ان يعملوا في مناطقنا بعد اليوم وندعوهم اولئك الموجودين في مناطق اهالي المخطوفين الى العودة الى سوريا حفاظا على ارواحهم".

كما هددوا بأن تحركاتهم ستطال "المصالح التركية"، متهمين السفير التركي في لبنان انان اوزلديز بـ"الكذب".

يُشار الى انه تم الافراج عن إثنين من المخطوفين الـ11 في سوريا وهما حسين علي عمر، اواخر آب، وعوض ابراهيم في ايلول الفائت، وذلك بعد خطفهم في 22 ايار الفائت مع تسعة آخرين في منطقة أعزاز بسوريا اثر عودتهم من رحلة حج الى ايران.

ومذ ذلك الحين يعتصم أهالي المخطوفين امام السفارات وبالاخص التركية والقطرية، فضلاً عن قطع عدد من الطرق، مطالبين بالعمل على اعادة اهلهم من سوريا.

وكان قد بحث رئيس الجمهورية ميشال سليمان، في الدوحة، ملف المخطوفين اللبنانيين في اعزاز السورية، مع امير دولة قطر الشيخ حمد بن خليفة آل ثاني. كما ان وزير الداخلية في حكومة تصريف الاعمال مروان شربل قد اكد انه لم يتم نسيان ملف المخطوفين "ابداً وان الاهالي على علم بذلك"، الا انه لفت الى ان "الظروف السياسية الصعبة التي نمر بها هي التي عقّدت مسألة الافراج عنهم".

التعليقات 20
Missing karim_m2 11:25 ,2013 نيسان 05

It was very obvious that this was going to escalate while the Lebanese state failed to protect its citizens and the ISF allowed FSA-Al Qaeda terrorists to sneak into Lebanon, run around, kidnap civilians, and attack Lebanese army soldiers. Arrest the Qatari ambassador and try him for terrorism, and arrest all other Arab ambassadors as necessary until the Lebanese state and its citizens are no longer attacked or threatened. Enough is enough.

Missing samiam 11:31 ,2013 نيسان 05

and how about the thousands of Lebnanese that were killed and tortured by the ASSad regimes. Typical of you M8ers looking that other way. Do as we say not as we do.


Thumb sarkis 15:57 ,2013 نيسان 05

This is collective punishment, Israel is best known for this, funny how the jews did it to people after the Germans done it to them, now the shia do it to people after the jews done it them

Missing mohammad_ca 13:31 ,2013 نيسان 05

are the shops in the southern suburbs owned by alqaeda?

Missing allouchi 17:54 ,2013 نيسان 05

Kaka seems to thinks so...he's so paranoid and he thinks all Sunnis are alqaeda...what an idiot.

Missing ya_kord 15:12 ,2013 نيسان 05

i don't know if you remember but the Lebanese "pilgrims" were kidnapped in Syria not Lebanon! and if the state is refusing to send more military to our borders you should blame the goverment in power which are your beloved march 8! and what do syrian shop owners have anything to do with kidnappings? i'm sure if those syrian shopowners were allawites they would still be in business! and finally about arresting ambassadors , you must be less than 18 to actually say that so i won't even bothering with an answer about internaitonal law, embassies and their protection and diplomacy!

Thumb cityboy 16:14 ,2013 نيسان 05

While it is true that these syrian shop owners had nothing to do directly with the kinapping of the lebanese pilgrims, you cant stop lebanese from taking steps to pressure the backers of the kidnappers. Many Syrian refugees have opened shops without any legal documentation. They are guests in Lebanon, first and foremost. The action of these residents is civil and falls within their right.

Missing mohammad_ca 16:44 ,2013 نيسان 05

eh cityboy I am sure that those supporting the revolution opened up illegal shops in the southern suburbs...hizbocrap territory...think please.

Thumb jumblatdedon 15:54 ,2013 نيسان 05

THuggery of the highest ORDER, Karim the hezballah propagandist again starts firing his lie rockets & turning it into a shia/sunni fsa qartar thing.

Thumb lebanon_first 16:48 ,2013 نيسان 05

These "pilgrims", like the tal kalakh victims had no business going to syria in a time of war and then come crying and blaming the lebanese state for their stupidity.
They certainly dont pay taxes to the lebanese state or electricity even, and are probably on hezbollah's payroll. Let them ask Hezbollah to help them instead of doing thuggery and underminding our civil state.
If the syrian shops are legal, they should be protected by law, the same law that hits on fath el islam should hit those protestors.
I propose they go join the parents of those held in syria for decades in a sit in next to escwa or pressure HA to drop the arrogance.

Thumb benzona 19:32 ,2013 نيسان 05


Thumb sarkis 18:18 ,2013 نيسان 05

Excellent point, some people are disgusting, they hurt people that helped them

Thumb benzona 19:49 ,2013 نيسان 05

Les deux Tonino!

Default-user-icon Habib Tabrizianb (ضيف) 12:31 ,2013 نيسان 05

The picturs on the wall show how much the abducted have been pilgrimes and more over how much Hezbolah is an Lebanon,s pary. Those poster and pictures, themself are a good politicall idendties.

Default-user-icon achrafieh (ضيف) 14:26 ,2013 نيسان 05

samiam ur right
but u forgot to mention that while the terrorist syrian were killing and torturing lebanese all our politicians were hailing them and worst were appointed by these assad regime terrprist which makes our leaders traitors and partners in the killing and torturing

Default-user-icon serge (ضيف) 17:09 ,2013 نيسان 05

We should also boycott syrian business not only closing them.

Thumb jumblatdedon 17:41 ,2013 نيسان 05

Well, they do have their own army.

Missing allouchi 17:55 ,2013 نيسان 05

is that picture in Iran or Lebanon?

Thumb benzona 19:33 ,2013 نيسان 05


Thumb shab 02:08 ,2013 نيسان 06

the zak zak's are out again