مقتل عنصرين من حزب الله في القصير السورية الحدودية وتشييع آخر
Read this story in Englishقتل عنصران من حزب الله كانا يحاربان الى جانب قوات النظام السوري في منطقة القصير السورية الحدودية مع لبنان، بحسب ما ذكر مصدر قريب من الحزب في منطقة البقاع.
وقال المصدر لوكالة "فرانس برس" الإثنين "قتل عنصران من حزب الله كانا توجها الى سوريا للمشاركة في القتال ضد المجموعات المسلحة في منطقة القصير"، من دون ان يوضح ظروف مقتلهما.
من جهتها أوضحت قناة الـ"MTV" أن القتيلين هما "حسن نصر الدين من الهرمل
ومحمد حيدر حيدر".
كذلك قالت القناة بعد ظهر الإثنين أن "إطلاق نار كثيفا حصل خلال تشييع حمزة ابراهيم غملوش العنصر في حزب الله الذي قتل في الاشتباكات بريف القصير" أمس الأحد.
واكد مدير المرصد السوري لحقوق الانسان رامي عبد الرحمن ردا على سؤال لفرانس برس "لم يعد خافيا على احد ان مقاتلي حزب الله هم الذين يقودون المعارك ضد مقاتلي المعارضة السورية في ريف القصير (محافظة حمص، وسط) وفي السيدة زينب، ضاحية دمشق، حيث يوجد مقام ديني يقصده الشيعة. كما انهم متواجدون في مناطق اخرى من حمص".
واشار المرصد الى تعرض مدينة القصير القريبة من الحدود الاثنين لقصف بالطيران الحربي ما ادى الى مقتل رجل وسقوط عدد من الجرحى.
وقتل في 16 شباط ثلاثة لبنانيين "مدربين لدى حزب الله" في معارك مماثلة في المنطقة نفسها، بحسب ما ذكر المرصد السوري لحقوق الانسان في حينه. واوضح مصدر في الحزب ان هؤلاء كانوا "في معرض الدفاع عن النفس"، وانهم "مقيمون في الاراضي السورية".
الا ان اللبنانيين اللذين قتلا اليوم الاثنين مقيمان داخل الاراضي اللبنانية، بحسب ما ذكر المصدر المحلي، رافضا الكشف عن هويتيهما او من اي منطقة يتحدران.
واقر الامين العام لحزب الله السيد حسن نصرالله في تشرين الاول بان بعض اللبنانيين المقيمين في الاراضي السورية الحدودية مع لبنان والمنتمين الى الحزب يقاتلون "المجموعات المسلحة" في سوريا بمبادرة منهم ومن دون قرار حزبي، وذلك "بغرض الدفاع عن النفس".
وتوجد على الحدود اللبنانية من الجانب السوري قرى عدة.
وتتهم المعارضة السورية والمعارضة اللبنانية حزب الله ب"التدخل عسكريا" في سوريا الى جانب النظام.
الصورة لتشييع غملوش اليوم (فيسبوك)
Mr Cat,
Well here in Australia your Hezbollah is branded as a Terrorist organisation.
Be carefully what you say and who you support. Cause they will grab you next time your in the Arncliffe park.
Jajajaja it's true. He's supporting terrorism this not so popular cat in the hat. Can u call the law enforcement agencie and have his freedom of speech revoked?
Come on Roar, while I may share your frustrations, do you really think its wise to generalize a whole race over some misguided fools. I am arab and I am equally concerned about syria as I am about Lebanon.
Hexbollah should be ashamed of its self defending a merciless tyrant all because he has Shia partisan leanings and there were still people thinking they were a legit resistance against Isreal but their true agenda has shown itself.
Mr ft
Wow all of a sudden FSA is now alnusra.
Al Nusra is branded as terrorist group same as Hezbollah.
So I guess your indirectly justify HA entering a foreign Country and fighting I assume?
And no! you did not say that ........
I am assuming so.
I thought HA was a Lebanese resistance not a group being involved in Syria??
Your welcome Flame thrower?
Ft you are disappointing. You know very well that al nusra is taking advantage of Syrian revolution and that they are armed and controlled from abroad. You cannot deny that there are Syrian people fighting against the regime and they are a majority and that they are fighting for a legitimate right. By fighting along the regime HA is fighting the Syrian people.
i live in the US and trust me no one cares about what is going on is Syria from my prospective tho the longer the war in Syria goes on the better off we as Lebanese will be on the long run " Long live the Syrian civil war "
last I checked the US put al nursa on the terrorist list. But you can make the connection if it makes you feel better.
Two problems FT.
One, al nusra does not represent the whole FSA, nor the whole Syrian opposition. That is quite an unfair and exaggerated statement. They are an extremist group that make headlines portraying them way bigger than they are (in fact, that is a prime tactic among radical groups". Furthermore, the rise in chaotic conditions are a direct result of Assad's brutality and mishandling of the crisis, and chaotic conditions are favourable to radical groups.
Two, how is al-Nusra allied to US and Israel exactly? US may turn a blind eye to their crimes, but to say that they are allied is quite a stretch. Pay more attention to domestic US politics and some of the influential American foreign policy think-tanks, and you'll understand much more the aims of US foreign policy.
that is the new syrian regime propaganda and repeated by M8ers that all the rebels now in syria are islamists... just to scare people and make them defend bashar like FT and mowaten are constantly doing on this site...
they call for disassociating from the syrian crisis and repeat that it does not concern lebanese and at the same time support hezbis to intevene in syria...
M8 double standards as usual... pure hypocrisy
Hey Roar :you are as stupid as a pole if you believe they died defending their home . as for the 100 from Australia ? who cares it is only trash killing trash in Syria and as i always say "long live the Syrian civil war"
Well, anonymetaxasusa continues his trend of making allegations with little evidence, based on pure speculation.
While I have been quite critical about Hezbollah's immoral stance towards the Syrian regime, there really is no evidence that it is actively involved in the fighting against the rebels. If Hezbollah members were actively aiding the regime, then you would find some of their bodies all across Syria and not just those close to the border.
Meanwhile, some pro-rebel M14 parties have actively aided the rebels and have no shame in doing so. They have actively sent fighters, provided weapons, and so on. There is substantial evidence of this, unlike the allegations against Hezbollah.
I am all for criticizing Hezbollah for its immoral stance with the Syrian regime, but I am still not convinced that it is directly fighting alongside the Syrian regime.
Now, here's what I expect from anti-Hezbollah people to reply:
"You are an idiot, you are a farsi, you are brainwashed, you are a traitor, you are a regime loyalist, etc..."
gcb1- Tex makes a good point on the location of the funerals. If these fighters were living in the areas of the funeral then how can they be "protecting their own homes that lie on the border" as the explanation given by hassan? are we going to change the rhetoric to HA members from all over Lebanon have decided to take it upon themselves to go to the border towns to protect their fellow shiites from ethnic cleansing? What happened to the chain of command? Does HA not have control over its soldiers? They get to choose for themselves without consent when and where to fight? I find a lot of the rhetoric to be BS on why and how they are dying in Syria. Sometimes it's recognizing the little inconsistencies in statements that reveal the entire lie. Just my thoughts.
Perhaps, and the argument is not entirely unreasonable. However, holding a funeral of one person in a certain place does not mean that person was always residing in the location of the funeral. Furthermore, it is entirely possible that those living in border areas called upon their fellow comrades to assist in self-defense (assuming that Hezbollah's activities are only limited border self-defense).
I acknowledge that there are some questions that are left unanswered, but I still have not seen enough to jump to the strong conclusion that Hezbollah is actively aiding the "shabeeha".
There may be alot questions/inconsistencies surrounding the theory that Hezbollah members are defending themselves, but there is just as many questions/inconsistencies surrounding the theory that Hezbollah members are actively aiding the regime all across Syria. That is my main point.
Such insults are not only limited to M8 supporters. Criticize both sides or criticize none.
gcb1: stop defendig your friend just fr the sake of it a read his post... he is saying that all M14 posts containing insults are never banned but M8 ones are...
so the same lecturing you just did applies to you
"Such insults are not only limited to M8 supporters"
Read that again, and a few more times. I just acknowledged that some M8 supporters use these immature insults, but that there are also some M14 supporters too that do that. It is not just one side. So how exactly am I "defending my friend"?
gcb1- The way I see it is HA is helping in key areas and are systematically picking and choosing when and where they help. Especially in areas and routes used to flow weapons from Iran to HA. This defending of border town homes is bull crap! I believe the numbers are blown out of proportion by the opposing side (ie. 5000 HA fighters are in syria) and it is backfiring as they are unrealistic.