قتيلان و5 جرحى في قصف سوري على قرى في الهرمل وسليمان دعا الى "وقف هذه الممارسات"

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قتل شخصان وسقط خمسة جرحى اليوم الاحد في قصف من سوريا على بلدة القصر البقاعية و حوش السيد علي- قضاء الهرمل، حيث نفذ الجيش انتشارا واسعا في المنطقة، فيما دعا رئيس الجمهورية ميشال سليمان الى "وقف هذه الممارسات".

وأفادت الوكالة الوطنية للاعلام، عن "استشهاد الفتى عباس خيرالدين (13 عاما) متأثرا بالجروح التي أصيب بها جراء سقوط صاروخين مصدرهما الجانب السوري، على بلدة حوش السيد علي الحدودي"، مشيرة الى اصابة "شخص مجهول الهوية".

وكانت قذيفة سقطت بعد ظهر اليوم أيضا على بلدة القصر، ما أدت بحسب الوكالة إلى "استشهاد علي حسن قطايا، وجرح 4 أشخاص أحدهم في حالة خطرة ويدعى محمد خليل جعفر، فيما أصيب 4 آخرون بحالات إغماء".

وأعلنت قناة "الميادين" عن مقتل اثنين وسقوط سبعة جرحى على الاقل في قصف صاروخي من مواقع المعارضة السورية في القصير على بلدة القصر البقاعية".

و أصدرت قيادة الجيش - مديرية التوجيه بيانا أكدت فيه تعرض "بلدة القصر الحدودية في منطقة الهرمل لسقوط عدد من قذائف المدفعية، مصدرها الأراضي السورية، ما أدى الى إستشهاد أحد المواطنين وإصابة ثلاثة آخرين بجروح، بالإضافة الى حصول أضرار مادية في بعض منازل البلدة".

وإثر ذلك ، "استنفرت وحدات الجيش ونفذت إنتشارا واسعا في المنطقة، كما اتخذت الإجراءات اللازمة لحماية الأهالي والرد على مصادر الإعتداء بالشكل المناسب". بحسب بيان الجيش.

هذا، ودان سليمان القصف على بلدة القصر، داعيا الى "وقف هذه الممارسات التي لم تؤد الى الا الى سقوط لبنانيين ابرياء لا علاقة لهم بالصراع الدائر خارج بلادهم".

و اتصل سليمان بقائد الجيش جان قهوجي مستطلعا تدابير حماية المواطنين في منطقة الهرمل.

وكانت قذائف من الجانب السوري قد سقطت يوم أمس السبت في بلدتي القصر وسهلات الماء -الهرمل- التي تبعد عشرات الكيلومترات عن الحدود.

التعليقات 23
Thumb banima3roof 17:42 ,2013 نيسان 14

thank you syria for your brotherly ties and love for lebanon! thank you march 8 for your continued ties and love for the syrian regime! may you all rot in hell

Thumb LEBhasNOhope 23:02 ,2013 نيسان 14


Thumb Kalzyturks 03:41 ,2013 نيسان 15

True to that true!

Missing mohammad_ca 19:08 ,2013 نيسان 14

Do not be surprised when FSA or supporters in Lebanon start attacking hizbocrap targets in Lebanon.

Missing akkar1 20:00 ,2013 نيسان 14

another inocent lebanese killed all because ha wants to support bashar. Lebanon brace yourself for war and thank you nassrallah

Default-user-icon Français (ضيف) 20:01 ,2013 نيسان 14

what kind of logic is that? might as well kill every sunni child in lebanon then. what a 'tard

Missing akkar1 20:03 ,2013 نيسان 14

sorry josh but ur wrong cause no wahabi mufti would ever say or do that they say the opposite suicide is harram u have got that mixed up with al qaida

Default-user-icon Wahhab Wiami (ضيف) 20:13 ,2013 نيسان 14

akkar1 you are wrong all of the Assad's enemies are Wahhabis. The people of Achrafieh Wahhabis, the citizens if Zahleh Wahhabis, the Lebanese soldiers if Dahr el Wahsh and Hadad Wahhabis. Hell even Michel Aoun is a Wahhabi, here's the proof


Missing realist 20:15 ,2013 نيسان 14

Ha will bring death and destruction upon its community for no logical reason. What is the interest of the she3a Lebanese to go to war with millions of Syrians? It is purely Iranian interest and the she3a Are hostage. Too late now anyway, the easiest thing is to start a fire, the hardest thing is to put it out.

Missing greatpierro 22:15 ,2013 نيسان 14

if someone is break washed it's you. It's not because you have sunni extremist that all sunnis should be considered extremist and be treated and judged as such. Look around you in Beirut, Tripoli, Saida, etc... all the sunnis living there are no extremists. By regecting sunnis and categorizing them as extremist you only achieve animosity and hostilities among the communities.

Missing peace 22:32 ,2013 نيسان 14

TFEH 3a josh elmahboul....seems he is not lebanese and knows nothing about lebanon other than what OTV brainwashes him to say....

Thumb LebCynic 04:24 ,2013 نيسان 15

Thats a very valid point. Not all Sunni's or any person from any other sect should be tainted with the same brush as the extremists of that sect.

Thumb scorpyonn 22:18 ,2013 نيسان 14

Time to target the Presidential Palace in Damascus and those crazy Imams in Tehran. I pray that the US cripples Iran with a blow that takes it back to the stone age where it belongs.

Default-user-icon Killshia (ضيف) 22:32 ,2013 نيسان 14


Kill all Shia Rafidah!!!!!!!!! They are worse than Yahud!!!!!


Thumb banima3roof 23:00 ,2013 نيسان 14

"Subsequently, army units were deployed widely across the area and took measures in the field necessary to protect people and respond to the source of the attack as appropriate."

However, there was no indication that the Lebanese army was gearing to return fire in response to the latest spillover of the conflict in neighboring Syria, Agence France Presse reported.

that is why it is impossible to live with such statements... hence either we have a national army or we do not!

Thumb Kalzyturks 23:12 ,2013 نيسان 14

Funny I see the lol side of your personal attacks.

Cause I have not seen a wahabi or Sunni strap themselves and blow up something.

Who killed the American soldiers in Beirut in a suicide attack??

Now lets see here if this innocent child was from a Christian family.
I could say that God saved him from being raped by peadophiles. Or he would of grown up to be brainwashed as one and I would not say that any way.

Or being brainwashed by the Holy Spirit to believe he is the chosen one and Join Kkk etc...

Every group has extremes but why your hatred to one side?

Thumb Kalzyturks 23:18 ,2013 نيسان 14

Now why it took the army so long to get the forces to protect the borders.

Akkar was being shelled on a daily basis residents their are asking for army presence.

Arsal region bombed by air and no response from army even when the residents are pleading for army presence.

But it took for some innocent lives to be killed and then they respond???


Is it because it is HERMEL region full stop!

Missing samiam 23:44 ,2013 نيسان 14

These events and the non reactions of the 'resistance' are proving to everyone that they are nothing more than Iranian stooges/mercenaries and have nothing to do with Lebanon.

Thumb Kalzyturks 00:58 ,2013 نيسان 15

Flamethrower wrote translated:

"Gadi Francis: Nasra Front claimed responsibility for bombing the town of minors in Hermel, which claimed the lives of two"


Thumb Kalzyturks 02:41 ,2013 نيسان 15

But why did the army respond now in particular respond to HERMEL region and no where else.

Everyone knows who is in the HERMEL area.

Thumb Kalzyturks 02:59 ,2013 نيسان 15

No the foreign minister will send a second letter to Syria that they shelled the wrong area.

"A little further North" A little further North"

The army is there to make sure they do t she'll the wrong area again.

Thumb shab 03:28 ,2013 نيسان 15

Friendly fire from our "sister", No problem.

Thumb scorpyonn 06:29 ,2013 نيسان 15

I hope the new Syrian govt does not punish all of us because of those Islamic Lebanese lunatics who fought on the side of that despot Assad.