الجميل: طرح القانون المختلط لا يؤمن التمثيل الصحيح بل يعيدنا الى الماضي
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رأى عضو كتلة "الكتائب" اللبنانية النائب سامي الجميل أن "طرح القانون المختلط لا يؤمن التمثيل الصحيح بل يعيدنا الى الماضي".
واشار الجميل الثلاثاء، عقب انتهاء اجتماع اللجنة النيابية الفرعية في مجلس النواب الى أننا " نحتفظ بحقنا الديموقراطي لممارسة اعتراضنا والمنطلق الذي طرح اليوم لا يؤمن التمثيل الصحيح لجميع اللبنانيين".
وشدد على أننا"لن نكون معطلين ان كانت أكثرية الأفرقاء موافقة على طرح القانون المختلط كما تقدم اليوم لأن هذا الطرح في نظرنا لا يؤمن التمثيل الصحيح بل يعيدنا الى الماضي".
وعاودت اللجنة الفرعية اجتماعاتها الثلاثاء لمناقشة القانون المختلط.

Actually you re both wrong, but I enjoy how you ve tried to use Gemayal's disagreement with the hybrid law to argue that m14 doesn't allow dissension.
Perhaps you can back up your lackey opinions with evidence of m14 using henchmen or assassinations to keep its politician in line. You ve got the parties mixed up you fools.
M11er well said! at the end of the day gemayel, geagea, and aoun only care about guaranteeing them the most MPs and can care less about christian rights! little gemayel is preaching to us about progressive politics but forgot to enlighten us how he reached his position within his one family party if it was not for his last name.

If the PSP (Progressive Socialist Party) can have hereditary Beikmanship, then all others should be able to. I am with you if you included ALL in your comment, but not with you if you exculded the PSP from your comment.

this is from alakhbar folks you gotta take it with a grain of salt. This yellow rag was created to invent stories hired Joseph Samaha to give it some credibility but when he insisted on serious journalism was offed "of natural causes" while on a private trip to London and replaced by the Kool Aid drinking Ibrahim Amine and his inventive team, more journalists have resigned from alakhbar since it's launch in 2006 that all the other Lebanese newspapers combined a clear condemnation of this National Enquirer wanna be.
An alakhbar scoop is like a scoop of ice cream left in the sun, on close examination it melts leaving behind nothing but a sticky goo gathering flies.

"Fair" "just" representation? Does Sami really want to use those terms in reference to Christian party Deputies in Parliament when the current regime allows Christian parties 50% of the seats while Christian voters only make up, at most 39% of the population? He should be careful as the Moslems and Druze have a better case to make for "fair" and "just".
Lebanon needs to move to a Bi-Cameral solution to the election law issue. The competing interests cannot be resolved in the Unicameral context. The Chamber of Deputies must reflect the population, and the Lebanese Senate allow for equal representation between Moslem and Christian Senators and no Bill can become law unless it passes both Houses of Parliament in the same exact form.
This would be fair.