علي: لم أتبلغ رسالة احتجاج من منصور وسوريا هي من يتعرض للاعتداء
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أعلن السفير السوري في لبنان علي عبد الكريم علي أنه "لم يتبلغ اليوم أو غير اليوم رسالة احتجاج من الخارجية اللبنانية"، مردفاً أن ""سوريا هي التي تتعرض للنيران ويسقط فيها ضحايا وتتلقى مسلحين وإنتهاكات للسيادتين اللبنانية والسورية".
وأشار علي الأربعاء عقب لقائه وزير الخارجية عدنان منصور من قصر بسترس الى أنه "لم يتبلغ لا اليوم ولا قبل اليوم رسالة إحتجاج من منصور"، مردفاً أن" الحرب التي تتعرض لها سوريا يشارك فيها قوى وأموال من كل أنحاء العالم".
ولفت الى أن "سوريا هي التي تتعرض للنيران ويسقط فيها ضحايا وتتلقى مسلحين وإنتهاكات للسيادتين اللبنانية والسورية".
وبالنسبة لطلب لبنان من منصور تسليم رسالة احتجاج الى الجامعة العربية إزاء الخروقات السورية على الحدود اللبنانية، أردف علي أن "الجامعة العربية نقضت نفسها ونعت نفسها"، مؤكداً "سوريا لم تقصف لبنان بل ردت على مصادر النيران".
وأكد علي في السياق نفسه، أن "ما تعرضت له بلدة القصر وحوش السيد علي من عمل جبهة النصرة"، لافتا الى أن "جرود عرسال كانت ضحية الارهابيين وسوريا ردت على مصادر النيران".
وأردف السفير السوري أن "الجيش اللبناني يقوم بدور مشكور عليه لضبط الحدود"، مضيفاً أن "أمن لبنان يصب في مصلحة سوريا".
وانعقد الإثنين اجتماعاً أمنياً في قصر بعبدا برئاسة سليمان وميقاتي، تناول الملفات الأمنية الحالية في البلاد وعلى رأسها ملف الخروقات الأمنية السورية على الحدود اللبنانية.
وشدد بيان الاجتماع على أن " أي اعتداء على الحدود اللبنانية أمر مرفوض لذلك وزارة الخارجية ستقوم بكل الاتصالات ازاء هذا الموضوع والجيش اللبناني سيكون على الحدود"، مردفاً أنه "طلب من الخارجية برفع مذكرة الى الجامعة العربية ازاء هذا الموضوع".
وقتل شخصان وسقط خمسة جرحى الاحد في قصف من سوريا على بلدة القصر البقاعية و حوش السيد علي- قضاء الهرمل، حيث نفذ الجيش انتشارا واسعا في المنطقة، فيما دعا رئيس الجمهورية ميشال سليمان الى "وقف هذه الممارسات".
وكانت قذائف من الجانب السوري قد سقطت يوم السبت في بلدتي القصر وسهلات الماء -الهرمل- التي تبعد عشرات الكيلومترات عن الحدود.
وسقط صاروخان من الجانب السوري صباح الإثنين على بلدة القصر الحدودية في الهرمل، بحسب ما افادت معلومات صحافية.
ويعتمد لبنان سياسة "النأي بالنفس" عن الأوضاع السورية.
maroun i feel the same as you. but it is hard to lock him up when we have march 8 who have no dignity. plus wait how the march 8 3aw 3aws will come on here and post comments supporting the regime and march 8.

As much as I agree with you on the lack of dignity possessed by M8, I'm afraid that they are not the only ones that suffer from that sort of disdain. That "courtesy" is extended to the majority of politicians in our believed country!

Maroun & banima.....who gives a rats turd what these M8 have to say or post....at the end of the day we all know Syria has done nothing but meddle & destroy Lebanon. M8rs enjoy living under the law & order of suppression (fist) that is typical of the Bashar family ruling. They simply don't know how to think for themselves and need this kind of governing.

“The terrorists are using the Lebanese border to attack Syria,” Ali said. “Some Lebanese have went there to participate in the killing of Syrians.”
Spot on! You have accurately described what HA is and what they are doing in Syria.

The foreign ministry should summon the GCC terrorist ambassadors and have them arrested for fostering the growth of Al Qaeda and terrorism. Show no mercy with the Khaliji barbaric terrorists!

karim_m3, I'm afraid that's not possible at this time the "GCC terrorist ambassadors" are otherwise occupied trying to keep Gebran Bassil from continually kissing their royal fat arses. Bassil as you have had plenty of experience in that particular exercise with Bashar Assad's slight and Walid Mouallem's rather plump one.

Spot on analysis of the situation, why is this guy in lebanon still? refugee, or representative of a government that is collapsing in civil war?
"Ali claimed Wednesday that the Syrian regime hasn't bombarded Lebanese territories. “It has only responded to the sources of fire.”
“And if a few shots were fired in disputed territories then we are keen on resolving the issue through the logic of two states,” he said."
right on i mean the arab league does not deal with the regime anymore and took their seat and gave it to the opposition and we still have the dictator's ambassador in lebanon?
“I asked for an appointment with the minister to hold consultations on several issues,” he said, adding “he did not summon me.”
what were the issues? kidnap more opposition and send them to syria?

Didn't I say that nobody respects Lebanon's soverignty? This isn't new...

ali u still have time to play,play while u can,or u think bashar will take u with him?

Karim Ben karim is on his way out. One of his last stunts before he rots in jail or exiles himself.

i got suspended here yet people like josh bustani or people that swear at shia are allowed to continue to post.
lol at this newspaper.

i got suspended here yet people like josh bustani or people that swear at shia are allowed to continue to post.
lol at this newspaper.

Syrian Army shells Achrafieh..
"Syrian (Arab league)ambassador downplays Lebanon's complaint to Arab League"

in the new cabinet, the first guy to get axed has to be Mansour--no FM in the world is less respected than he is. Everyone knows that he is representing only Syria and doesn't give a damn about his supposed home country.

OMG! He is the Lebanese FM? I would ask for some kind of refund on any taxes you may pay because Mansour obviously is working for Syria.

I pretended not to know who is who in the picture and analyzed the body and facial language and concluded that the guy on the right is the boss of the guy on the left.
Then I proceeded to read and came across this:
I haven’t been delivered and will not be handed over any letter of protest from the Lebanese foreign ministry,” Ali told reporters after holding talks with Foreign Minister Adnan Mansour.
WHich confirmed the analysis of the photo. Forget what Mr. Sleiman or Miqati asked Mansour to do, the guy on the right stated emphatically that "HE WILL NOT BE DELIVERED ANY LETTER OF PROTEST".