مسؤول أميركي: حزب الله لديه وجود كبير في اميركا
Read this story in Englishأعرب رئيس لجنة الامن الداخلي في مجلس النواب الاميركي مايكل ماكول عن "قلقه من دخول عناصر من حزب الله الى الولايات المتحدة عبر الحدود مع المكسيك الممتدة من سان دييغو الى تكساس"، مردفاً أن "حزب الله لديه وجود كبير في اميركا اللاتينية".
ونقلت صحيفة "النهار" في عددها الصادر الأحد عن ماكول "قلقه من دخول عناصر من حزب الله الى الولايات المتحدة عبر الحدود مع المكسيك الممتدة من سان دييغو الى تكساس"، لافتاً الى انهم "يحصلون على مساعدة من كارتيلات المخدرات المكسيكية".
واشار ماكول لموقع "تيم 10" الاخباري الاميركي الى ان "عناصر حزب الله موجودون هنا في الولايات المتحدة. وحزب الله لديه وجود كبير في اميركا اللاتينية".
وأضاف ان "العلاقة بين الجانبين في السابق كانت تدور حول المال والتمويل، غير ان حقيقة هذه العلاقات يمكن ان تتخذ طابعا عملانياً وتمثل قلقا أمنياً كبيراً للولايات المتحدة الاميركية".
واعتقلت السلطات المكسيكية العام الفائت ثلاثة عناصر مفترضين في حزب الله بينهم لبناني يحمل الجنسية الاميركية تم تسليمه الى الولايات المتحدة، على ما افادت صحيفة "ريفورما" المكسيكية.
I know Mowaten and crap thrower, his FPM lover, would post for us not to believe everything we read and supplement their arguments with Iranian made YouTube and Al Manar clips, so I thought I'd beat them to it.
None of us would believe the link if we didn't already call HA Hezbcocaine!!! Makes perfect sense.
Why is it that the Sunni gene, also called the GOING BERSERK gene and the GOING BANANAS gene in the medical field, has come out of its dormancy? Why? This is a medical mystery in search for an explanation. What has already become known is why the Sunnis are filthier than the filthiest filth. A simple Google search should reveal a lot.
That's right, dont believe your national counterparts and keep listening and swallowing everything from this pro-zionist regime who surely doesnt have any biase towards Israel and its interests...
Why dont you go back to Canada and join your government, that's exactly the type of brainwashed people they need these days.
Hizb of Iran controls the drug trade in many parts of the world specially in South America. This is a well known fact.
I agree accordionman, not a hizb fan but it's the sunni extremists that are causing destruction world wide. I wonder if the bulgarian bus was done by chechnyans, daghestanians or whatever these people are called.
I agree with both of you. HA can be involved in many things, but never had an operation in the US. As drugs go, if HA is not involved, someone else will be. To be successful in smuggling big amounts of drugs to any country, having a government connection is a must or you will never make it.
I agree with both of you. HA can be involved in many things, but never had an operation in the US. As drugs go, if HA is not involved, someone else will be. To be successful in smuggling big amounts of drugs to any country, having a government connection is a must or you will never make it.
Is it? Here i thought it was the US that bombed japan with a nuclear bomb, invaded three countries and caused mayhem and destruction there in the past years alone, i also thought it was them who supported dictators who keep their countries backwards and who supported bin laden back during the sovyet occupation. Silly me.
Ghada, the bulgarian bus incident was a false flag. All the so called victims were taken care of by israeli "paramedics" and the bulgarian authorities had no access to the dead bodies. People were basicly told by israel that israelis had been killed by hezballah and nobody had a right to quuestion it nor confirm that people actually had died besides the bulgarian driver. Such false flag operations scream mossad.
Hehe nice one. You have posted comments in the past stating your christian faith. So what happened, you converted and became a muslim all of a sudden?
Coward, no muslim would post such a thing because a muslim would know that the quran condemns such opinions that you have. Islam goes hand in hand with politics, family life, dress, eating etc.You hate the prophet's (S) religious state but you still claim to be a muslim? Nice try.
Terrorists exist within all religions and some manage to murder more than others yet avoid being called terrorists because they are the US or allied with the US. Every muslim should be against terrorism, but you want to pretend to be a muslim who hates islam basicly. Why be a muslim if you don't believe in the quran?
It'a about time the Americans take the big stick out, and hit the octopus in Tehran on the head, it will release all its tentacles at once!
kanaan I salute you.I agree with you, but add to that extreme christians as well and I am a christian.what these power hungry thugs do in the name of religion is an abomination in itself.what is unfortunate is the amount of followers that they can amass behind them.The Middleast India and Pakistan are furtle groung for such feeble minds.
Terrorist vs Freedom Fighter it is all justified in the Name's of "P O W E R & G R E E D."
Get It, as it has been going on since the beginning of time when humans broke up into separate sects and decided that one Side Wanted More!!