"حزب الله" يرى أنه على الحكومة أن تكون سياسية لإدارة شؤون البلاد

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رأى رئيس كتلة "الوفاء للمقاومة" النائب محمد رعد أن " لا تستطيع حكومة في هذا الظرف العصيب ان تدير شأن لبنان ان لم تكن حكومة سياسية".

وأشار رعد في كلمة له الأحد، الى أنه "بعد استقالة الحكومة السابقة قبلنا ان نسمي الرئيس المكلف (تمام سلام) والذي سماه الفريق الاخر"، مردفاً "نحن ننتظر ان يشكل حكومته التي تفرض الواقعية ان تكون حكومة سياسية في هذه المرحلة الدقيقة، وسط الاهتزازات التي تصيب المنطقة لا يمكن لحكومة تكنوقراط ان تدير شؤون البلاد، والواقعية السياسية تفرض ان تتشكل حكومة سياسية جامعة تتمثل فيها الاطراف السياسية باوزانها التمثيلية كما هي في المجلس النيابي".

ورأى رعد أن "كل تمثيل خارج هذه المعادلة سوف يسهم في تضييع مزيد من الوقت وبتشكيل عقبات تتراكم امام تأليف الحكومة، ونحن لا نطلق موقفا وانما نكشف واقعا وحقيقة".

واضاف "لا تستطيع حكومة في هذا الظرف العصيب ان تدير شأن لبنان ان لم تكن حكومة سياسية، والمهمة التي تنتظرها ليست مهمة واحدة وليست مهمة اجراء انتخابات فقط، مثلا هناك مسألة التصدي لمشكلة النازحين السوريين الى لبنان، هي مهمة قائمة بحد ذاتها وهي اكبر من مهمة اجراء الانتخابات فكيف يمكن لحكومة غير سياسية ان تعالج مثل هذه المسألة".

يُشار الى ان سلام اجرى وما زال يجري مشاورات مع مختلف الاقطاب السياسية من اجل تأليف الحكومة العتيدة، كما يذكر أن سلام كلف، مطلع نيسان الجاري، (بعد استقالة حكومة نجيب ميقاتي في 22 آذار الفائت) بتشكيل الحكومة بأكثرية 124 صوتا وفيما طالبت قوى 14 آذار بحكومة حيادية تريد 8 آذار حكومة سياسية وقال رئيس الحزب "التقدمي الإشتراكي" النائب وليد جنبلاط أنه لن يصوت على حكومة من لون واحد.

التعليقات 24
Thumb banima3roof 09:53 ,2013 نيسان 21

let the delay games of march 8 begin and linger. suddenly the elections is not as important and the syrian refugees is more important of an issue. i suppose that makes sense since they do not adhere to any laws, legal institutions or the constitution... they are afraid of a non political cabinet that is going to tell hizbullah that you need to stop the killing in syria!

Default-user-icon magayrou (ضيف) 16:50 ,2013 نيسان 21

Accordionman... where do you live...

Thumb condor 09:59 ,2013 نيسان 21

“It faces other issues such as the Syrian refugees in Lebanon which is a bigger mission than holding the polls,” he said.

“So how could a non-political government deal with this situation?” the Hizbullah official wondered.

What a thug this terrorist is !.... So, a non-political minister is incapable of taking a decision in the interest of his country????

Missing maroun 10:09 ,2013 نيسان 21

they are just afraid of loosing the next elections.they want to keep a vacuum so they can do as they please.

Default-user-icon Jack (ضيف) 11:50 ,2013 نيسان 21

“The cabinet will not be able to govern Lebanon if it was not political,” - We've had generations of political cabinets and they don't govern either. So what's your point fart face?

Missing samiam 11:50 ,2013 نيسان 21

I just think HA, Amal and FPM don't want to appear as bad because their government of political hacks was the worst in this country's history. They have demonstrated that they cannot lead a country but rather are permanently etched as an opposition group with its mentality--after all they do call themselves the resistance and they need something to resist, like good governance.

Missing maroun 12:05 ,2013 نيسان 21

they want to lead at any cost even if it destroy lebanon,as long as syria and iran are happy.

Missing maroun 12:06 ,2013 نيسان 21

keep dreaming

Missing maroun 11:52 ,2013 نيسان 21

i have one and only name ..always use it and always will...as for you knowing me ..i doubt it ..because if you did you will be hiding in a cave next to nassy.

Missing maroun 12:12 ,2013 نيسان 21

keep dreaming idiot...

Thumb dasphinx 12:42 ,2013 نيسان 21

Hezbollah will never run out of excuses to ruin the country helped by his little proxies.

Thumb dasphinx 12:43 ,2013 نيسان 21

Didn't Bassil crawl into the KSA embassy last week?

Missing samiam 18:34 ,2013 نيسان 21

bassil has never been a diplomat nor will he ever be. Diplomacy requires someone with tact, foresight and tolerance--Bassil doesn't possess any of these qualities.

Simply put, he was groveling.

Thumb dasphinx 12:45 ,2013 نيسان 21

Change and Reform: shefnekon

Missing peace 14:12 ,2013 نيسان 21

yes indeed the worse gvt in the history of lebanon....
electricity? still waiting for it... 4G internet? what good is it for the average citizen to make ends meet? plus the prices of internet are the highest compared to other countries without all the benefits!
oil and gas? the studies were undertaken LONG before your bassil came to the gvt, he just continued the previous job...
insecurity? on the rise...
economic problems? on the rise...
urban planning? inexistent...
environment issues? inexistent...
infrastructures? getting worse...
so? nothing worth has been brought.

so funny propagandist FPMers....

Missing peace 15:01 ,2013 نيسان 21

"obviously you dont live in lebanon, peace.. " yes i do and nothing has changed...

"when we dont have it you cry for it, and when we do, you whine that the poor nawri cannot use it. your hypocrisy has never been better, peace "
lol... for 40 000 LL you have high speed TV,free telephone, illimited internet in europe... and you are proud of the achievement of bassil? you are a joke FT...
"why your previous M14 gvts didnt simply execute them?" easy => you blocked the parliament and prevented anything to be done under M14 gvt... and before that there was no M14 gvt just syrian gvt your friends BTW who always dictated what lebanon should do...
pathetic idiot...

Missing peace 15:07 ,2013 نيسان 21

"u really dont live in lebanon, do u (: just for ur info, we are experiencing an ongoing bloody uprising in syria for 2 years now."

what a LAME excuse by a poor FPMer... what is the link? we have no police in lebanon? just look who do the main felonies... your M8 friends from dahiye or the bekaa who feel protected by your gvt....nothing to do with syria.

"economic problems? on the rise... "
as is the case for the rest of the world. NO poor idiot... before M8 came into power lebanon despite the world crisis was spared... but your M8 friends just take that as an excuse to justify their INCOMPETENCE....
"urban planning? inexistent... "
a hariri legacy. this didnt happen in the past 2 years, my blind friend.."

what did your friend do to halt it? NOTHING and are still encouraging it... if they were concerned all the anarchic building would have stopped..

Missing peace 15:15 ,2013 نيسان 21

your diagnosis: ? total blindness and hypocrisy blaming everythng on M14 but still DOING NOTHING to change anything and even encouraging wastas and corruption... you blocked all reforms from the previous gvt so that as a hypocrit you are can come and complain that nothing was done: easy when you prevent people to work...

you are a total moron with an IQ of a kidergarden baby boy ...
no wonder from people following a man that spat on his ideas to ally with those he labeled terrorist for years and now lick their ar...s just for power and money. what can come out of people with no dignity? nada... but you entertain us here red nose clown!

Thumb Elemental 13:12 ,2013 نيسان 21

When you look at his pic, what do you see? Bet he's gazing at a Burger King.

Missing peace 16:50 ,2013 نيسان 21

waw... focusing only on the internet which is the worse service in the middle east is that all you have to pretend your FPM gvt did something? lol... you are getting more ridiculous post after post in your desperate attempt to justify your gvt failure...
with a hundred dollar internet subscription in a normal country you have free telephone free tv high speed internet... soory but you a total retard not even aware of it which makes it worse!
and yes electricity has not changed.... i repeat it.

"my parents in law live in sassine and have more than 20 hours of electricity from EDL per day. "
=> LOL and BIG LOL.... 20hrs of electricity in achrafieh has been like that for YEARS... bassil DID NOT change this fact... see how IDIOT you are.....

just go and take a pic of your FPM idols and isolate you in the toilets where you belong...
a real pathetic clown you are indeed...

Missing helicopter 18:57 ,2013 نيسان 21

The cabinet will not be able to govern Lebanon if it was not political,” Raad said. “It doesn’t only have the mission of supervising the parliamentary elections.”

“It faces other issues such as the Syrian refugees in Lebanon which is a bigger mission than holding the polls,” he said............
How could the Technocrat Government possibly do any worse than the M8 Government before it on all these issues?

Thumb chrisrushlau 20:32 ,2013 نيسان 21

March 14 theory is that Lebanon doesn't need a government of its own. Washington, Tel Aviv, Londond, and Paris give it more government than it needs already.

Missing samiam 21:47 ,2013 نيسان 21

so you support the Damascus/Tehran one instead to isolate this country even further. And if HA didn't have any arms, what if any relevance would their 'instistences' hold?

Thumb andre.jabbour 22:01 ,2013 نيسان 21

Raad, are you on your Fneish's pills? You seem to be out of your mind!