الجيش الحر رفض دعوات الاسير والرافعي للقتال في سوريا: لا للمقاتلين الاجانب من أي جهة أتوا
Read this story in Englishرفض الجيش السوري الحر دعوة كل من الشيخ أحمد الاسير والشيخ سالم الرافعي الى القتال في سوريا، ردا على مشاركة عناصر حزب الله في معارك ريف القصير في محافظة حمص.
وقال المنسق السياسي والاعلامي للجيش الحر لؤي المقداد في اتصال هاتفي مع وكالة "فرانس برس": "نحن في القيادة المشتركة العليا نشكرهما لكننا نرفض اي دعوة للجهاد في سوريا ونرفض اي وجود للمقاتلين الاجانب من اي مكان اتوا".
واضاف: "قلنا مرارا ان ما ينقصنا في سوريا هو السلاح وليس الرجال".
وكان الاسير أعلن خلال لقاء مع انصاره في مدينة صيدا عن تأسيس "كتائب المقاومة الحرة بدءا من صيدا"، مفتيا "على كل مسلم من داخل لبنان ومن خارج لبنان (...) ان يدخل الى سوريا للدفاع عن اهلها ومساجدها ومقاماتها الدينية لا سيما في القصير وفي حمص".
وقال الاسير أنها "وجوب شرعي على كل مستطيع"، مضيفا: "لمسنا ان حزب ايران يتدخل دائما عسكريا، والآن بدا واضحا للجميع خطورة تدخل نصر الله وشبيحته داخل سوريا".
واشار الى ان هؤلاء "اتخذوا قرارا للدخول الى تلك المناطق وذبح الناس المستضعفين هناك".
وأعلن الرفاعي بدوره من طرابلس إرسال "الدعم من رجال وسلاح لاخوتنا اهل السنّة في القصير"، مطالبا"من جميع شباب السنّة الجهوزية التامة لارسال اول دفعة للواجب الجهادي في القصير".
ولقيت هذه الدعوات رفضا من رئيس الجمهورية ميشال سليمان الذي دعا الى "عدم السماح بإرسال أسلحة او مقاتلين الى سوريا كما وعدم السماح بإقامة قواعد تدريب داخل لبنان"، مشددا على ضررة التزام سياسة النأي بالنفس إزاء الازمة السورية".
كما دعا رئيس الحكومة السابق سعد الحريري، "جميع اللبنانيين إلى التعبير بكل الوسائل السلمية عن رفضهم للمشاركة في مثل هذه الجريمة".
ويخوض مقاتلون في حزب الله معارك ضارية مؤخرا الى جانب القوات النظامية في منطقة القصير، بحسب المرصد السوري لحقوق الانسان والمعارضة السورية.
ويقول حزب الله ان بعضا من عناصره المقيمين في قرى حدودية داخل الاراضي السورية يقومون "بالدفاع عن النفس" ضد هجمات من مقاتلي المعارضة.
In any other civilized country thugs like Asir and his illiterate followers ought to be executed or sent to Saudi Arabia or to Qatar. In Lebanon thugs like him do thrive due to the absence of a coward authority, they even have the protection of some politician thugs.
Keep em up Hakim soon all of Lebanon will be in Lebanon.
Jumblat will go in to protect his sect.
Aoun will go in
Geaga will go in
Open free for all, thx to HA.
and why is it he should be thrown in jail?
- hizbushaitan is operating under foreign Iranian agenda.
- hizbushaitan is unwanted in Lebanon and in Syria.
- hizbushaitan re solely to attack Lebanese people, under the excuse of resistance to Israel :)
so they should be thrown in jail too.
god bless you FSA for your courageous words of wisdom and common sense. you are the pillars of syrian society and you will always step on the necks jawqit march 8 3aw 3aws for their baseless accusations... now that the record is set straight, we finally realize that there is one sect and one regime that is seeking jihad and requesting jihad in syria.
hakim god bless you and too funny. in the past they requested proof, now that they are shown proof, they are attacking its authenticity. but what do you expect out of illiterate shiaas that support march 8? lol too funny! yes all the sudden the FSA has the ability to print fake lebanese IDs and fake Hizib el laat IDs lol. where is jawkit march 8 3aw 3aws? no one is going to shed a tear over your deaths in syria and as a matter of fact it is a joyous day when hizib el laat or el shaytaan is killed in syria!
only poor acting is your pajamas demented general aoun who had his own cabinet for 2 years and could not shed any light on his made up attempted assassination fake story lollll
yes ya illiterate shii3ee ya flamer boy, asir and the rest are a response to hizbullah bullying!
This statement demonstrates that FSA is the most Legitimate power to free Syria of its dictatorship. Not us Lebanese, no Iranians, not anyone else.
FSA-Al Qaeda is being destroyed. The Syrian Druze, Christian, Alawite, Shiite, and Sunni villages are arming to the teeth, forming their own village militias, and obstructing FSA-Al Qaeda's movement between regions. FSA-Al Qaeda is losing terrorists by the day and its head thug has already resigned and replaced with a puppet Christian.
Down with Arabism! Down with terrorism!
Doesnt make what ft is saying any less true.
This guy is obviously up to no good. Everyone denounced him, so great, take care of him.
I dont say he is not the result of HA, but every one is better off without him. (As much as i approve that these people go to syria instead of here)
Its now mustaqbal's job to either hold their street together or find a way to get this guy off the streets and into a cell.. Or a barber shop
OK, bla, bla, bla. Same old soap opera. The reality was said as follows: "There is a religious duty on every Muslim who is able to do so... to enter into Syria in order to defend its people, its mosques and religious shrines, especially in Qusayr and Homs," he told supporters..." SO WHAT ELSE IS NEW IN THE MUSLIM ARAB WORLD. WAR OF RELIGIONS. YALLA KILL EACH OTHER OR SET YOUR PETTY DIFFERENCES ASIDE AND GET A LIFE!
Ft it is unbelievable how biased you could be. Yes Asir should be stopped but should be all the other illegally weapon bearing militias in Lebanon and that includes HA, fplp, Tawhid, and Arab Democratic Party.
Pierre we re banging on a door that won't be answered here. FT is paid as a propagandist for the FPM, which means he will never be impartial.
He should go fight also in Syria,
But his words are encouraging. If all Salafists heed his call for jihad in Syria and leave Lebanon that would be wonderful Mashallah
One way tickets to paradise, keep it going al-Assir!
Like a Boss.
do the same things apply to your glorious Hizb as well FT ..if not why the double standards?
Lol the only thing that smells is your filthy good for nothing mouth Flamer and Mofagen.
I'm sorry to see your cousins are getting taken down in Homs. Sad day to see that other Lebanese are cheering against you animals.
I approve the FSA's rejection of Lebanon Salafists' Jihad call not for anything but because they know these castrated stinking crazies did not have the galls to fight the Syrians when they were crushing our skulls with rugged boots that Papa Salafisto Camouflajo Supremo, Rafic Syria, Syria's best Rafic, was buying them from Jacques Chirac's France and elsewhere as needed, too.
No one wants these guys there--Asir only wants publicity--he only has around 200 followers and when you throw in their immediate families, the number swells up to 700 which looks good in photo ops.
Again, a no one who wants to become a someone. How about we stop talking about him--maybe that will tame his ego.