حزب الله ينفي "نفيا قاطعا" مشاركته في أحداث سوريا: شهداؤنا لا يخفون على أحد

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نفى حزب الله "نفيا قاطعا" مشاركته في الأحداث التي تشهدها سوريا ووضعها في خانة "التحريض المذهبي والطائفي وفي سياق المؤامرة نفسها التي تستهدف سوريا وحركات المقاومة".

وشرح حزب الله في بيان أصدره مساء الجمعة أنه "دأبت في الآونة الأخيرة بعض وسائل الإعلام العربية والإسرائيلية وعدد من المواقع الالكترونية، على الترويج لإشاعات تتحدث عن مشاركة الحزب في المواجهات العسكرية الدائرة في بعض المناطق السورية وعن سقوط شهداء له".

واعتبر الحزب أن "الفبركات قد وصلت إلى حد اختراع أسماء شهداء وتحديد أسماء مدنهم وبلداتهم".

وعليه نفى "هذه الإشاعات نفياً قاطعاً" واضعاً إيّاها "في خانة التحريض المذهبي والطائفي، وفي سياق المؤامرة نفسها التي تستهدف سوريا وحركات المقاومة" مضيفا:"كما أن شهداءنا لا يخفون على أحد، ونحن نعتز بهم ونعلن عنهم في وضح النهار".

ولفت الانتباه إلى أن "كل الجهات التي تروج لهذه الإشاعات هي فاقدة للصدقية".

وختم بيان حزب الله بالقول:"مع ذلك نجد أنفسنا مضطرين للنفي لكثرة هذه الأكاذيب التي نخشى أن يصدّقها بعض الناس الطيبين" مبديا ثقته بأن "سوريا، قيادةً وشعباً وجيشاً، قادرة على تجاوز هذه المحنة بحكمة وصلابة إنشاء الله".

التعليقات 13
Default-user-icon حسن جميل حمادة (لندن) (ضيف) 22:59 ,2011 حزيران 10

لا تتصوروا كم يسيء حزب الله للطائفة الشيعية سواء داخل او خارج لبنان. أمس قرأت لكاتب شيعي يطالب الحزب نفسه بأن يمنع أمينه العام من القاء اي كلمة بعد الآن. الشعب السوري يكرهنا كشيعة وكذلك المصري ونصف سكان البحرين وجميع شعوب منطقة الخليج وأكثر بكثير من نصف سكان لبنان، فالى أين يمضي حزب الله بالشيعة اللبنانيين باسم مقاومة ليس فيها الا الاسم فقط وهو الذي لم يطلق رصاصة على اسرائيل منذ خمس سنوات ؟.. نحن كشيعة نعتذر من الجميع من مسيئات حزب الله.

Default-user-icon Joe (ضيف) 23:21 ,2011 حزيران 10

As usual, hizbullah dinies involvement in Syria, as they denied involvement in Egypt, Bahrain and Kuwait. They are masters in prostituting the "resistance" name while they are nothing but a bunch of thugs and assassins.

Default-user-icon Youssef Haddad (ضيف) 23:27 ,2011 حزيران 10

To be credible Hezbollah should condemn the slaughter of peaceful Syrian protester and appeal to the Syrian regime in order to stop its repression.
Denial is not enough, especially when Nassrallah sided with Assad and expressed his full support for his regime.

Default-user-icon MUSTAPHA O. GHALAYINI (ضيف) 23:57 ,2011 حزيران 10

hassan supported the regime in his suppression openly,if this is not invovment,it's what?

Missing urotherside 02:38 ,2011 حزيران 11

jazeera has become the voice of the muslim brotherhood. The ones supporting what's going on in Syria will also pay the price if the regime goes down. They want to replace bad with worst. Real smart.

It is clear the powers are trying for a sunni-Shia war and I hope they don't get it. Don't be stupid guys.

Default-user-icon A. Templar (ضيف) 03:41 ,2011 حزيران 11

Sunni - Shia clash ...
Nothing new, these two tribes been battling it out since Islam became a concept.
They are holding the region hostage..
May the strongest win ...

Default-user-icon the far side (ضيف) 06:23 ,2011 حزيران 11

Al-Jazeera was glorified as the voice of the Arab's true resistance against the West until it's started reporting on the event in Syria. How can anything be worth than this .. General Aoun: "By the way, I remind you here that the Syrian regime had said that it came to ‎Lebanon to save its Christians from extermination. I want to ask this regime who, apart from ‎it, in fact wanted to exterminate us?" ‎

Default-user-icon Will (ضيف) 08:32 ,2011 حزيران 11

"urotherside" I quote for agreement,

by the way the news outlets both arab and international have twisted this uprising beyond facts and turned it into a propaganda machine to create chaos in the arab world, one such news agency to the surprise of many but not to some has been " AL Jazeera" channel, whcih has now made huge business deals with the Brittish comapnies and qatar recently signed off an enormous multi million billion dollar security deal with a comapny whos president been runnin pro zionist history for decades.

whats really happeining in syria on the ground is very different than whats being said outside, and this has been proven countless times by false imagery videos and reporting , they are paying people thousands of fdollars to act things out, recently a number of european incluiding a well known german news agency confirmed and apologized for the mislead info and news they had received and aired. by the way the demo numbers are nowhere near that high.

Default-user-icon Le Phenicien (ضيف) 09:53 ,2011 حزيران 11

The Syrian army doesn't need any help to finish the job against these Sunni Salafi Wahhaby terrorists .

Default-user-icon Ostrich (ضيف) 10:31 ,2011 حزيران 11

I often wonder why some people in Lebanon are quick to defend the Assad regime, giving all sorts of excuses and justifications for doing as much. Statements like "you don't know what's going to come next" and "the current regime is better than the one which will follow it" gloss over the fact that the Assad regime(s) have meant nothing but disasters for Lebanon. Invasion of the country, occupation that lasted 29 years, continuous interference in the country's internal affairs, disappearance of thousands of citizens and other atrocities are conveniently cast aside because of "what will come next".

The worst replacement of the current regime will not be worse than the one already in place. So, why worry? Take a chance on a new regime. It may be just as bad as the current one but it may turn out to be better.

Default-user-icon gmoney (ضيف) 15:00 ,2011 حزيران 11

@ le phenicien - thousands of civilians in the street in Syria, and they are all Sunni Salafi Wahhaby terrorists? R u for real?

Missing 7osrom 15:33 ,2011 حزيران 11

الحمل الوديع .........

Default-user-icon jallad (ضيف) 18:30 ,2011 حزيران 11

Ammmmmmmmmmmmmmmazing. Hizballah supported all the uprising in the arab world. But Syria.
I rest my case.