الجيش الاسرائيلي يسقط طائرة دون طيار قادمة من لبنان وحزب الله ينفي إرسالها

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أعلن الجيش الاسرائيلي في بيان الخميس انه اعترض واسقط طائرة دون طيار قادمة من لبنان حاولت اختراق المجال الجوي الاسرائيلي على بعد اميال من شواطىء مدينة حيفا، فيما نفى حزب الله إرسال الطائرة.

وجاء في بيان صادر عن حزب الله: "ينفي الحزب أن يكون قد أرسل أي طائرة بلا طيار باتجاه أجواء فلسطين المحتلة".

وكان الجيش الاسرائيلي أعلن في بيان له أنه "تم رصد طائرة غير معرفة تقترب من سواحل اسرائيل وتم اعتراضها بنجاح من قبل سلاح الجو على بعد خمسة اميال بحرية عن شاطىء حيفا حوالي الساعة الثانية بعد الظهر (11 تغ) اليوم".

وتابع البيان "هذه المرة الثانية التي يتم فيها اعتراض طائرة غير معرفة في الاجواء الاسرائيلية في الاشهر السبعة الاخيرة".

ومن جهته، اكد رئيس الوزراء الاسرائيلي بنيامين نتانياهو بانه ينظر "ببالغ الخطورة" الى قضية الطائرة دون طيار.

وقال نتانياهو في بيان قصير "انظر ببالغ الخطورة الى هذه المحاولة لاختراق حدودنا.سنواصل العمل من اجل الدفاع عن مواطني اسرائيل".

وذكرت الاذاعة العامة الاسرائيلية بان نتانياهو كان على متن مروحية متجهة الى الشمال ليشارك في احتفال وقت رصد الطائرة، وقامت مروحيته بهبوط اضطراري لحين اعتراض الطائرة دون طيار بطلب من الاجهزة الامنية.

واتهم نائب وزير الدفاع الاسرائيلي داني دانون حزب الله بارسال هذه الطائرة.

وقال دانون لاذاعة الجيش الاسرائيلي "هذه محاولة جديدة من حزب الله لارسال طائرة دون طيار للاراضي الاسرائيلية".

واضاف "نرى بان حزب الله يعمل على جميع الجبهات، سواء مع طائرات دون طيار او المساعدات الضخمة للقوات الموالية للاسد في سوريا".

واكد دانون "نحن مستعدون وسنتصرف وفقا لذلك. سيكون هناك رد اسرائيلي. حزب الله يعرف بانه لا ينبغي استفزازنا".

ومن ناحيته، قال المتحدث باسم الجيش الاسرائيلي الكولونيل بيتر ليرنر في مؤتمر صحافي انه " بعد وقت قليل من الساعة الواحدة ظهرا تم رصد الطائرة دون طيار تتحرك من الشمال الى الجنوب على طول ساحل لبنان".

وتابع "لا نعرف من اين قدمت هذه الطائرة او الى اين كانت تتجه" مؤكدا بان التحقيق جار في الموضوع بالاضافة الى البحث عن بقايا الطائرة دون طيار.

وكان قد أعلن الأمين العام لـ"حزب الله" السيد حسن نصرالله في 11 تشرين الأول الماضي أن "المقاومة في لبنان أرسلت طائرة إستطلاع متطورة من الأراضي اللبنانية باتجاه البحر وسيرتها مئات الكيلومترات فوق البحر واخترقت العدو ودخلت وحلقت فوق منشآت وقواعد مهمة لعشرات الكيلومترات فوق الجنوب إلى أن اكتشفها العدو فوق ديمونا وأسقطها".

وقال نصرالله حينها "من حقنا أن نسير طائرات استطلاع متى شئنا وهذه الرحلة لن تكون الأولى وسنسير ما استطعنا وحتى إلى جزيرتي طيران وصنافر" العربيتين المحتلتين.

وفي 6 تشرين الأول أعلن الجيش الاسرائيلي ان قواته اسقطت طائرة استطلاع حلقت في الاجواء الاسرائيلية.

التعليقات 63
Thumb Elemental 17:17 ,2013 نيسان 25

This had better stop there, last thing anyone wants right now is more war.

Thumb geha 18:00 ,2013 نيسان 25

Israel has now its excuse to eradicate hizbushaitan by eradicating Lebanon.
this will put us back another 10 years.
so whatever richness we will get some day from oil and gas will be depleted before we get them, and all that thanks to hizbushaitan.

Thumb geha 19:17 ,2013 نيسان 25

congrats to all Lebanese:
the first civil marriage has been approved today :)

Thumb geha 19:56 ,2013 نيسان 25

the US has confirmed today the use of chemical weapons by the Syrian regime.
this is the prelude to conclude the situation in Syria and Lebanon by eradicating the Iranian presence.

Missing supmanigga 22:30 ,2013 نيسان 25

Hahahahahahaha the civil marriage comment is genius, hahahahahaahha

Missing VINCENT 00:20 ,2013 نيسان 26

Unfortunately, this is what happens when the business of running a a Country and its welfare is left to those or highjacked by those who but their religious and otherwise extrinsic interests ahead of loyalty to the country and national interests. It is further unfortunate since all of this has happened before in some form or fashion and will happen again unless we identify these people, make sure they are not in position of power and diminish/slow down this vicious cycle.

Thumb geha 19:18 ,2013 نيسان 25

yes leave the Lebanese in Lebanon, so go live in iran you traitor.

Thumb banima3roof 20:04 ,2013 نيسان 25

well i suppose we have to wait for more details. but it is another clear indication to junblat, and suleiman who claim to be in the middle that they cannot continue to be in the middle. they have to chose state institutions or a state within a state. the longer that they drag their feet, the stronger that hizbullah gets, and then we get their favorite remark:"those who think that hizbullah arms can be collected by force are dreaming." but we have got to this stage to where hizbullah controls everything in the country because you failed to take drastic measure all the way back then!

Thumb banima3roof 20:06 ,2013 نيسان 25

actually this might be a good time for israel to hit hizbullah. it will force hizbullah to bring their shayateen from syria, and israel can bomb the hell out of lebanon because no country is going to come to the aid of lebanon in the meantime. and of course this will give assad more time to butcher his people. it is sad, but a true statement!

Missing mohammad_ca 20:11 ,2013 نيسان 25

Have the Lebanese Army and government respond ya zakzak.

Thumb banima3roof 20:14 ,2013 نيسان 25

and if this was sent by hizbullah, then it brings us back to the same issues: 1.iran and syria never dare to send a honey bee over israel but are always ready to have the lebanese do it and pay the price! 2. hizbullah continues to serve a foreign agenda and their presence in the government and parliament is nothing but a cover up! 3. hizbullah's continued claim that they must exist because the army cannot defend the country is baseless because the army could have sent the same drone had hizbullah provided the same to the army! 4. hizbullah is not interested in a strong lebanese state and are just using stall tactics from leaving governmental institutions non-functional to dealing drugs, laundering money and selling weapons, all with the assistance and blessings of demented pajamas general aoun!

Thumb benzona 21:16 ,2013 نيسان 25

@Flamethrower: we want peace wi Israel? Who's "we"? Hezb Ebola and Iran want its annihilation and extermination of its people. So, who's the we?

Thumb banima3roof 21:21 ,2013 نيسان 25

flamer boy you got banned from nahar again? man oh man.. must be your kind words that gets you kicked off of naharnet, mish heik farsi boy?

Thumb benzona 00:57 ,2013 نيسان 26

But you didn't deny that hezb Iran wants its total destruction. YouTube it and you see your idols preaching its annihilation.

Default-user-icon roundi (ضيف) 17:24 ,2013 نيسان 25

>> Netanyahu said "he sees this attempt to breach the borders as extremely grave".

WWWWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA .... They cross our borders almost every day ...

Thumb jabal10452 17:37 ,2013 نيسان 25

Hezbollah taking decisions of war and peace all by itself again. Total disregard for our government and its institutions; Total disregard of the democratic will of the people. Might as well face it: we are all hostages of Hezbollah. The tragic part is that some of us are willing hostages.

Thumb Elemental 17:40 ,2013 نيسان 25

Sad but true, they're Iranian and act above the law.

Thumb justice 17:54 ,2013 نيسان 25

This is the equation the terrorist party wants: army + People + "resistance". Did this fake resistance inform the army before they send this useless drone? I am almost sure NOT. They are acting as if they are a superpower and must be cut to size soon.

Thumb justice 18:25 ,2013 نيسان 25

MTV: Customs agents at Beirut International Airport arrested a Lebanese and a Syrian national for attempting to smuggle 100 military uniforms.

and it makes me laugh.... look at what our security agencies busy doing:)))) HA is heavily fighting in Syria, Jihadist calls are issued, rockets being fired, and a drone is sent. Yet, our government is worried about 100 military uniforms...... hehehehehhehehe!

Thumb phoenician 17:46 ,2013 نيسان 25

Isnt it a violation of the Lebanese air space if a terrorist party fly their own iranian made drones over our beloved Lebanon, scum. Partition please

Thumb jabal10452 17:52 ,2013 نيسان 25

With all due respect, you have a warped sense of dignity. Dignity is when my government can govern. Dignity is when my rights are not infringed upon by a militia.

Missing bombtheproblem 00:06 ,2013 نيسان 26

A dignified Lebanon was the one that built advanced rockets for scientific research. Not the one that hosts a terrorist group that builds rockets with the purpose of shooting them indiscriminately at peoples' homes.

Missing maroun 04:59 ,2013 نيسان 26

totally agree

Thumb jabal10452 00:23 ,2013 نيسان 27

Mowaten, I understand you point. My argument is that with a government that is able govern, any attempt to subdue us by anybody would be met by the resistance of a united people. This is where true pride and strength lie.

Default-user-icon KILLRAFIDAH (ضيف) 17:55 ,2013 نيسان 25

ishallah!!!!! The SHIA RAFIDAH will fight the YAHUD!!!! so that both will DIE!!!!!!!
Inshallah!!! War between Israel and Safavid Iran!!!!!!!!

we are the SUNNA mujahdin will clean our lands of the filthy Yahud and Farsi Shia!!!


Thumb Elemental 17:58 ,2013 نيسان 25

Looks like his paycheck from Iran came in.

Thumb geha 18:04 ,2013 نيسان 25

which dignity are you talking about? especially when we are under Iranian invasion?
are we Lebanese responsible for what these Iranian extremists are doing?
who gave them the right to send this drone?
let them take their filth and go away, back to iran or whatever.
who told you we accept such things to happen endangering the lives of Lebanese, without us having a say in the matter?

Missing moonsear 18:04 ,2013 نيسان 25

6000ft? they might as well have called Natanyahu and informed him of the drone as well as the path it was planning to take

Thumb LEBhasNOhope 18:20 ,2013 نيسان 25

Rodzil- "At least the iranians are providing you with elements to keep your dignity alive" and "You are all a bunch of cowards"
tell me something, where will Iran and yourself be the next time war breaks out between Israel and Lebanon? Clearly you and Iran are brave enough to face them that is why Lebanon must fight your wars for you. Coward is as coward does. COWARD!

Default-user-icon seeklight (ضيف) 18:23 ,2013 نيسان 25

I do not support hizb, but since Israel allows its warplanes to roam the sky of Lebanon and annoy the people with their sounds with no capacity to shoot them down then Lebanon or any individual who get annoyed or has the capacity to do something against it then he has the right to do it . Its is a silent war, us support Israel for its own interest and other countries will seek their own interests as well. Finally , I see hizb muddling in the Syrian war as an aggression and crime that should be stopped but I do not deny them the right to defend their own country.

Thumb justice 18:26 ,2013 نيسان 25


Thumb geha 18:36 ,2013 نيسان 25

you know what? go back to iran you filthy Iranian who came her uninvited.
do not talk about Lebanese leaders which have been assassinated by your filthy militia.
if they live outside Lebanon it is for security reasons which are due to your Iranian turbaned masters.
and who are you to talk to us about laws that cannot pass due to your Iranian militia threatening everybody to pass a law that will favor them in the elections.
go back to iran and do not pass go.

Thumb geha 18:38 ,2013 نيسان 25

show us one law that makes them technically part of the Lebanese state.
go play in iran you and your likes.
there is not a single law that allows the existence of this filthy militia so NO they are not legal in any way whatsoever.

Thumb geha 19:20 ,2013 نيسان 25

hizbushaitan is a registered party in Lebanon but its militia is not.
according to Lebanese la, no one has the right to form a militia.
once more you filthy Iranian: show us one law that allows for such filth to exist.

Missing peace 18:40 ,2013 نيسان 25

did the lebanese army give them the green light? or was it iran? did they coordinate with the gvt? or on their own?

this militia is getting more desperate by the day to keep its arms and power....

Missing peace 18:41 ,2013 نيسان 25

did the lebanese army give them the green light? or was it iran? did they coordinate with the gvt? or on their own?

this militia is getting more desperate by the day to keep its arms and power....

Thumb Elemental 18:45 ,2013 نيسان 25

Iranians are not Lebanese sir.

Thumb jcamerican 18:59 ,2013 نيسان 25

How dare you talk to the Israelis like that? They are the only people on earth, who have the right to violate any country they wish. Nobody has the right to spy on Israel. But they can, since they are very peaceful.

Thumb LEBhasNOhope 19:58 ,2013 نيسان 25

JC- you make a good point but one must deal with reality. Israel continuously violates our air space and has zero repercussions for doing so. It absolutely SUCKS but it’s the reality of the situation and HA drones and weapons are not enough to change that outcome. Actions have consequences and one should bear the responsibly of their actions. Provoking a war with Israel has consequences on all of Lebanon and all Lebanese people. Therefore retaliating in a manner that could provoke a war is a decision that should be taken collectively by the Lebanese government with full support of the Lebanese people. It is not a decision that should be taken by a single party/militia on their behalf or the behalf of another country without consent from the Lebanese people. That does not mean we support Israel. That means we support the rise of a state called Lebanon that acts on the Lebanese people’s behalf

Thumb jcamerican 10:25 ,2013 نيسان 26

19 thumbs down. Must be a lot if Israelis on this website.

Default-user-icon seeklight (ضيف) 18:59 ,2013 نيسان 25

I do not support hizb, but since Israel allows its warplanes to roam the sky of Lebanon and annoy the people with their sounds with no capacity to shoot them down then Lebanon or any individual who get annoyed or has the capacity to do something against it then he has the right to do it . Its is a silent war, us support Israel for its own interest and other countries will seek their own interests as well. Finally , I see hizb muddling in the Syrian war as an aggression and crime that should be stopped but I do not deny them the right to defend their own country.

Thumb geha 19:19 ,2013 نيسان 25

and you Iranian filth go to iran. you are not fooling anyone.

Default-user-icon Trinfon Zulgaity (ضيف) 19:20 ,2013 نيسان 25

When the Israelis bark day and night, you know they are out of any halfway good options, and this is always a great thing. In the meantime, the Sunnis, aka crazies such as geha, allouchti and primesuspect can continue to bark, too, while they get ready for the calling of the jihad because those virgins and in extreme heat waiting for the lunatics with wide open legs. 3alehom allouchti, geha and primesuspect. allhou BOOM akbar

Thumb primesuspect 06:04 ,2013 نيسان 26

wat do u want sick man?

Missing samiam 19:47 ,2013 نيسان 25

remember, the PLO was stationed here and it was actually in the early 80s;s. Lebanese learn nothing from history, first the palestinians, then the syrians and now the iranians.

Thumb hanibaal 21:12 ,2013 نيسان 25

Mr. Rodzil:

"At least the iranians are providing you with elements to keep your dignity alive"
The Iranians are not interested in the "dignity" of the Lebanese. They are only interested in pursuing their war aims against Israel and these goals are being pursued by proxy. Why risk Iranian lives when you have Lebanese cannon fodder? Who pays for Iranian interests? The Lebanese, and in blood. The Iranians have nothing but disdain for the Lebanese because they treat the Lebanese as expendable pawns. Did Iran lift a finger when Lebanon was being pulverized in 2006? Iran barks and sends diktats and the Lebanese die in droves....

Thumb hanibaal 21:12 ,2013 نيسان 25

Lebanese dignity comes from pride in the country's institutions. We have to support these institutions and strengthen them. You are proud of the drone? It inflates your ego? This miserable toy plane that is in shreds in the Mediterranean? What did it accomplish? All it did was undermine the state's authority. Iran wants to fight Israel, yalla ya abadayet, send your revolutionary guards to Israel and leave us the hell out of your ambitions for a Persian empire.

Thumb hanibaal 21:20 ,2013 نيسان 25

Rodzil: "we would have been under israeli siege till today, and your children would probably be speaking jewish today."
This would have been a miracle. Not even the Jews speak Jewish!

Missing rudy 21:29 ,2013 نيسان 25

Where was the protector of dignities and its syrian stooge in 2006?

Missing mohammad_ca 21:37 ,2013 نيسان 25

welayed elfaqih is not like the Holy See at all...it runs the foreign ministry and the ministry of nuclear affairs of Iran...when was the last time the Pope stipulated the foreign policies of any country?

Missing freeleb 23:32 ,2013 نيسان 25

Good work by the Hezb. SCREW THE JEWS

Missing bombtheproblem 00:02 ,2013 نيسان 26

Lebanese pragmatism dictates that we must make peace with Israel. Iranian extremism dictates that we are just an expendable pawn that can be played whenever a Mullah tells his dog Hassan that it's time to bite.

Missing bombtheproblem 00:10 ,2013 نيسان 26

At least, the Palestinians were fighting for themselves. I resent that they helped screw Lebanon up, but at least I respect their goal.
The Hizbos, on the other hand, have NO REASON to be antagonizing Israel. Israel could level half our country at the drop of a hat, Why the F are they messing with them?

Missing VINCENT 00:20 ,2013 نيسان 26

Unfortunately, this is what happens when the business of running a Country and its welfare is left to those or highjacked by those who but their religious and otherwise extrinsic interests ahead loyalty to the country and national interests. It is further unfortunate since all of this has happened before in some form or fashion and will happen again unless we identify these people, make sure they are not in position of power and diminish/slow down this vicious cycle.

Default-user-icon Fear of the dark (ضيف) 00:34 ,2013 نيسان 26

interesting How FT keep switching from screen to Screen,He is FT,next he is The roar ,oups Mouwaten,suddenly Karim,now coming up with Rodzil and his latest is Trifon.

Thumb benzona 01:24 ,2013 نيسان 26

I know who behind the drone, my friend Fernando! LOL ... I'm going to call him though to make sure

Default-user-icon dd (ضيف) 09:49 ,2013 نيسان 26

I think Hizballah is really thinking that the Lebanese are all stupid and he is the smartest!
The big change in the story is that the HIzb. denied the operation, and this is a sign of weakness, and it means only one thing they want to divert the attention from Syrian carnage in which they are very active,but are affraid to state it and this is a big change!

Thumb music66 10:22 ,2013 نيسان 26

If they are looking for peace,
1st give Palestinians their rightful lands back.. All Israelis MOVE TO THE UNITED STATES and take their lands ( it already has Hollywood so to speak )as well as maybe wall street. * who knows what else.
2. To Apologize to the Palestinians and the Lebanese people for previous crimes of war committed.
3. Peace will come when Israel acknowledges it is acting like it previous dictator the Nazi's who so wrongfully killed many innocents for wanting to create a Aryan race. Which Hitler failed at.
4. When Israel moves house, Iran will finally get all the Hezbollah living to put down all their weapons.
{PLUS SOME)))) then maybe peace in the middle east will be had for all of us.
5. If Hitler survived I am sure he would have been tried for war crimes. So too must Nasrallah and Netanyahu be tried in the Hague.

You can add any dictator to be tried in the Hague who is causing injustice on earth. I think then Earth will be at peace to some level.

Thumb music66 10:35 ,2013 نيسان 26

I dont think it will happen Jewish governments taking American owned land. Its a Long shot, but when money is no object I wonder what can and cant be bought. But then JUST a scenario people for example how would America react if Jewish government took over peoples land and built homes for the Jewish people rather than the multicultural American homes have. WHAT IF.

Thumb music66 10:39 ,2013 نيسان 26

So you see Rodzil peace I doubt it. sure Israel wants peace for its Jewish citizens but I wonder if they want the same peace for ALL its neighbours. I DOUBT IT. "God sends us neighbours so we can share , example Lend me a cup of sugar I give you some tomorrow. NOT bomb you and put your neighboring country into chaos and a state of war.

Default-user-icon jawad (ضيف) 10:54 ,2013 نيسان 26


Missing maroun 12:49 ,2013 نيسان 26

mowaten..sorry to disappoint you..the rat has admitted to doing it .

Missing phillipo 14:04 ,2013 نيسان 26

They were in Beirut in the 1970's to get the Palestinian Arafat and his Fatah thugs out of Lebanon, something the Lebanese Goverment was not capable of doing, or just didn't want to.