"المستقبل": نصرالله زج لبنان مباشرة بآتون الحرب السورية ولم يعد لإعلان بعبدا قيمة لديه
Read this story in Englishأعلن نائبان في كتلة "المستقبل" النيابية أن "كلام الامين العام لحزب الله السيد حسن نصرالله هو اعلان مباشر عن أن "اعلان بعبدا" لم يعد له قيمة بنظره"، وأردفا أنّ " حزب الله زج لبنان في آتون الحرب السورية مباشرة".
وفي هذا السياق، اشار عضو كتلة "المستقبل" النائب أحمد فتفت في حديث لإذاعة "صوت لبنان" (100.5)، الخميس، الى ان "كلام نصرالله هو اعلان مباشر عن أن "اعلان بعبدا" لم يعد له قيمة بنظره وأن سياسة النأي بالنفس تجاه الازمة السورية هي كذبة كبيرة"، معتبرا ان "نصرالله زج لبنان في آتون الحرب السورية مباشرة".
وأكد فتفت ان "حزب الله حوّل سلاحه من سلاح مقاومة إلى سلاح ميليشيا اقليمية ينفذ ما تريده إيران"، معتبراً انه "على الدولة ان تنخذ قرارات سريعة وان تنشر الجيش على كل الحدود مع سوريا، كي يفصل بين لبنان والنار المشتعلة في سوريا".
وفي السياق نفسه، اكد فتفت الخميس عقب لقائه رئيس الجمهورية ميشال سليمان أنه "يجب الإسراع بنشر الجيش على الحدود اللبنانية السورية كافة وتحديدا في منطقة الهرمل والقصير وعدم الإكتفاء بالإنتشار الحاصل في منطقة جرود عرسال تفاديا لإمتداد النار السورية الى لبنان وللتصدي للفتنة القادمة عبر من ضحوا بالمقاومة وأبنائها من أجل مصالح أنظمة إقليمية منهارة ومستجدية".
كذلك، لفت النائب عمار حوري في حديث لقناة "المستقبل"، الخميس، الى أن "ما قاله نصرالله يصب في أكثر من خانة فهو أعلن على المستوى الداخلي إنسحاب الحزب من إعلان بعبدا".
وأضاف حوري أن "نصرالله أخبرنا أن الجيش النظامي لا وجود له في القصير وفي محيط السيدة زينب وهو في حال تراجعيّة ووضعه لا يطمئن حلفاؤه في لبنان وإيران"، مردفاً أن " عدم تطرّق الأمين العام للحزب إلى الشأن الداخلي في إطلالته الأخيرة يعكس أن الحزب بتوجهه ينتمي إلى أجندة إيرانيّة وأولويته اليوم هي الشأن السوري".
وكان قد رأى رئيس تيار "المستقبل" سعد الحريري ان "الدولة رهينة بيد حزب الله"، وان الامين العام للحزب السيد حسن نصرالله، اختار و"بشكل نهائي ان يعلن التزامه خط الدفاع حتى الموت عن نظام (الرئيس السوري) بشار الاسد".
وفي بيان اصدره الحريري، الاربعاء، اشار الى ان المواقف التي اعلنها الامين العام لـ"حزب الله" السيد حسن نصرالله، في كلمته، الثلاثاء، "في معظمها لا تمت الى المنطق او الى المسؤولية بأي صلة، لا سيما لجهة إنكاره المتواصل لوجود انتفاضة شعبية في سوريا تقابلها آلة عسكرية إجرامية غير مسبوقة".
وكان أعلن الأمين العام لـ"حزب الله" السيد حسن نصرالله الثلاثاء ان الحزب "لن يتردد" في مساعدة اللبانيين الموجودين في ريف بلدة القصير السورية وأن عناصر من الحزب تدافع عن مقام السيدة زينب في دمشق "منعا للفتنة"، معترفا أن هناك "شهداء" من الحزب يسقطون في سوريا "نعتز بهم".
nasrallah and his cronies the fpm and all others have lost all credibility with Lebanese people and across the world.
due to that, they already lost.
it may take some time to materialize, but their loss is now certain.
This is the very reason why the elections this year are so vital. Should the election law this year be massaged so that Hezbollah's ally, the FPM can win seats in parliament though it loses them in the popular vote, this would bring the March 8 Coalition a Majority and hand the institutions of the Lebanese Government to Nasrallah. It would also give the March 8 the upper hand in selecting the new Lebanese President in 2014. Hariri has said that Nasrallah has substituted Hezbollah for the Lebanese state. True, de facto, and if the Orthodox Plan is adopted, then de jure as well and the fate of Lebanon will be sealed and joined with the fate of Assad in Syria.
This is not the first time for Aoun to make this same strategic error. In 1989, when the world turned on Saddam Hussein, Aoun made of himself the ally of Hussein and this led to the US Green light being given to Hafez al Assad to come into Lebanon with his air force and end the interim prime ministership of the Little General, his flight into France, and led to 15 more years of Syrian occupation.
Aoun has a penchant for picking losers. First Hussein, now Bashar al Assad. And who pays the price for Aoun's strategic blunders? Lebanon and the Lebanese, every time.
to all
it seems like m8 guys have lost it: they realize their loss after nasrallah speech, thus they resort to insults :)
let us not indulge answering these fools.
it will take time for them to readapt to the new situation.
they were hoping for an Iranian/US deal, and they realized it will never happen. instead iran is depleting what is left from its monetary reserves and hizbushaitan has cut any possible future ties with everybody else in Lebanon and in the region, and they know the orice to pay will be extremely high.
for those who care for a good analysis of what is happening:
apology accepted.
but I believe you should apologize to all on this site as you insulted everyone.
as for your comment about attacking one side: well that is entirely correct!
hizbushaitan is a state within the state executing an Iranian agenda, having all of Lebanon as hostage, and now alienating the region. what do you expect from a true Lebanese? to say bravo?
I am sorry but I cannot, and I have a need to point what is going wrong in my country, and hizbushaitan is wrong.
Hezbollah fate and future are tied to the Syrian regime. The Iranian Regime's survival depends on Assad's survival. No wonder then if Hezbollah is involved in Syria.
it is up to the Lebanese Shias to decide if they want to be dragged into these Regimes' fights or if they want to return to their Lebanese surroundings.
Seems that I have touched a sensitive nerve with Josephine and the oracle, Mr. Flamethower so as to draw ad hominim attacks rather than to challenge the history presented in my post.
Unfortunately girls, this is the history. Aoun was taking war surplus captured by Saddam from the Iranians. Saddam had Russian made weapons and Iran had US made weapons left over from the days of the Shah. Saddam was selling the captured weapons. Jordan bought some, Lebanon bought some and Aoun was the interim PM at the time. He was dealing enough with Saddam in August 1990 that as the US ramped up to the First Gulf War and sought Assad's alliance, Assad exacted the price of occupation and Aoun gave Assad the perfect argument to make to the US - Aoun was collaborating with Saddam Hussein.
The rest is history. I lived it back then, you guys are trying to justify how your savior is driving Lebanon into the ground. Try that on someone else, or keep doing it here and I'll keep putting the facts in your face.
your arguments do not stand: armed salafis are the creation f hizbushaitan, either they are armed by them (for some part) or they are the result of the actions of hizbushaitan.
whatever they are a minority. this is why I have always insisted on supporting moderate sunnis: they are our guarantee in Lebanon.
salafis and hizbushaitan are both extremists and will drive Lebanon into sectarian war.
as for what is going on in Syria, everyone should have stayed out of it.
And sorry I am not a member of Mustaqbal or any other Lebanese political party because there is no such thing as a Lebanese political party. There are a lot of dicani, each has his own little political shop and makes their living off of it, but none are political parties.
I do find it ironic that Aoun is insisting on the Orthodox Gathering plan to insure that only Christians vote for the 50% of Parliament who are Christian deputies.
Where did the 50% Christian Deputy allotment come from? It is from the Taif Accord. And where did that come from? Rafiq Hariri and the Saudis, yeah those guys. So Aoun as he preaches against the Wahabis and the biggest Wahabi of all, Hariri, is making his uncompromising stand on Saudi ground. Haaaaa. They are all such a joke.
@roar. Read your history Mr. Roar. Aoun was taken out on October 13, 1990. The Gulf war didn't get started until January 17,1991. Lebanon was not the award to Assad for joining the alliance that took out Saddam. Assad used the US need for Arab allies as a convenient excuse to fully occupy Lebanon and Aoun's conduct made Assad's path that much easier. History shows that the Syrians did little more than sit in their tents.
And to answer your question, I assume you are referring to when the Syrian Army fought the Lebanese Army in 1990. No, at the time I was with Aoun. Too bad he was not with his army, but deserted his post.
@Mr. Roar. Maybe you should read recent history, like your own post. You said: "Syria was given the green light as a reward for it's assistance to the allies in the Gulf war."
Fact, the US Invasion did not happen until January 17, 1991. Everything up to that point was preparation of the US force and the securing of UN Resolutions to justify the Iraqi Assault. When you say "reward for assistence in the war" that means that the assistence was rendered and then the award granted. Words do mean something and these were the ones that you chose.
As we all know of the Assad Regime, it never gives anything before it gets what it wants in the bargain. This was true in Lebanon in 1990. Assad got Lebanon before it lifted a finger to assist in the Gulf War. And Assad got his request a lot easier because Aoun did two things: (1) He was giving assistance to Saddam well after August 1, 1990l; and (2) he had threatened to rocket the American Embassy at Awkar in the name of the People of Lebanon. The US has not forgotten either strategic blunder.
@Flamethrower. And your documents Mr. FT. Where are those, are are they all photoshopped like every other document le Generale petite puts out. History is history. It is not subject to change. Aoun was either a liar during the period of 1990-2006 when he professed to be a Lebanese nationalist, or he is a liar now since 2006 that he is doing all in his power to destroy Lebanon for his own selfish gain.
Herd mentality?? is that what you think this is? A herd of animals is a mindless grouping of beasts who mindlessly follow the bell cow, or their own need to feed their belly. What are Aounists if not that. You my friend are in the mindless herd, following a guy who clearly is mendacity personified.
Turning and turning in the widening gyre
The falcon cannot hear the falconer;
Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,
The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere
The ceremony of innocence is drowned;
The best lack all conviction, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity.....