الشركة المشغلة لـ"فاطمة غول": الفيول الذي كان يصلنا لم يكن ملائما

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أعلنت شركة "كارادنيز" المشغلة لباخرة "فاطمة غول سلطان" المنتجة للطاقة أن "الفيول الذي كان يصلنا لم يكن ملائما" مفسرة بذلك أسباب الأعطال التي طرأت عليها.

وقال الشركة في بيان الخميس ان "الباخرة كانت قد أتمت مرحلة الإختبارات التشغيلية تحت إشراف مجموعة من الخبراء الدوليين المستقلين، وقد بدأت بتوليد طاقة بمقدار 188 ميغاواط قبيل الموعد التعاقدي".

وأوضح البيان أن "عمل الباخرة المجهزة بأحدث النظم التكنولوجية كان أساسيا في توفير ساعات تغذية كهربائية إضافية كانت محط ترحيب المواطنين اللبنانيين".

عليه أعلنت الشركة انه "بعيد البدء بعملية التشغيل، أفضت النتائج المخبرية التي أجريت في مختبرات عالمية أن الفيول الذي كان يصلنا لم يكن ملائم".

والحل هو أن الشركة "تعمل حاليا مؤسسة كهرباء لبنان على تزويد الباخرة بنوعية الفيول المناسب، بما يسمح عودة الباخرة لإنتاج الطاقة بشكل طبيعي" بحسب البيان.

وكانت توقفت تسعة مولدات من اصل 11 مولداً عن الانتاج في الباخرة التركية، وفق ما كشفت معلومات صحفية، ما يعني انها باتت تنتج 15 بالمئة من اجمالي طاقتها اي 27 ميغاواط.

وسبق أن كشفت صحيفة "السفير"،أن اعطال تقنية عدة برزت في الباخرة التي بدأت عملها مطلع الشهر الجاري، بسبب الرحلة الطويلة من تركيا الى لبنان.

إلا أن بيان الشركة أوضح أنه "على عكس ما ورد في بعض السيناريوهات التي تداولتها بعض الأطراف، فإن حدوث مشاكل تقنية من هذا النوع وارد في مشاريع من هذا الحجم، ولا سيما في ما يتعلق بعدم ملاءمة مواصفات الفيول المستخدم في بعض الدفعات".

واكدت شركة كارادنيز انها "تعي أهمية السعة الإضافية التي توفرها باخرة الطاقة "فاطمة غول سلطان" للشبكة اللبنانية، ولذلك فهي ستستمر في العمل من أجل تعويض ساعات التغذية".

كما أعلنت ان "الباخرة التي تعمل على الفيول السائل كمصدر وقود أساسي، يتم تشغيلها من قبل فريق من الخبراء مؤلف من 60 مهندسا وتقنيا".

التعليقات 18
Missing phillipo 19:22 ,2013 أيار 02

Sorry, this is not the reason.
The real reason is that ALL the Governments of Lebanon over the past 20-30 years have completely ignored the upcoming electricity shortage and didn't build the necessary power stations in time.

Missing samiam 20:10 ,2013 أيار 02

Actually, there was talk of privatizing the sector in the mid 1990's but Amal and HA nixed that--probably due to the amount of free electricity and corruption running through EDL. The talk then seems smart now as progress in this sector goes 2 steps forward and 5 steps back.

Of course, I haven't heard a good reason why privatizing the sector is a bad idea considering it costs this country $6B a year, but I am sure some people will make something up.

Missing samiam 19:50 ,2013 أيار 02

In other news, I saw that we are leading the world in the number of hours not getting electricity. We beat out such countries like Somalia, Afghanistan, and Mali.

Well Done Basil--now add that to your list of accomplishments.

Missing beirutbastard00 20:51 ,2013 أيار 02

All politics aside, M8 is not a good gov.

Thumb primesuspect 21:38 ,2013 أيار 02

Someone is pocketing money and perhaps insurance money too. G.B and M. A..... Public thieves.

Thumb LEBhasNOhope 22:26 ,2013 أيار 02

who in Lebanon expected it to go better than this? M8's performance has been second to none.... if you hold the list upside down.

Thumb LEBhasNOhope 23:45 ,2013 أيار 02

The way I see it my friend is M8 will take the money for both surgeries without performing either and shoot you in the head. They will blame the heart attack on Israel, the broken leg on salafists and demand your relatives thank them for shooting you in the head and never question anything they ever do again.

Thumb LEBhasNOhope 00:00 ,2013 أيار 03

FT- Living with Neanderthals would be a step up from lving side by side with you.

Default-user-icon me (ضيف) 23:29 ,2013 أيار 02

Nonsense - privatizing is the only guarantee for efficiency. It is the only way to avoid corruption. It can be regulated and at least managed by competent and accountable people not clowns!

Thumb benzona 23:35 ,2013 أيار 02

Construire des centrales technologiquement dépassées n'est pas très fut-fut.... Et l'avenir dans tout ça? Ou sont les énergies renouvelables? Photovoltaïque, éolienne, etc....

Moi je suis partisan de la politique du pollueur payeur.... Médite là-dessus....

Thumb benzona 01:54 ,2013 أيار 03

C'est bien beau d'avoir des cartons de projets. J'ai déjà l'idée à quoi ressemblerait mon hôtel sur la planète Saturne. Les faits parlent d'eux-mêmes... Le bon vieu fuel polluant et au prix fluctuant est LA solution de ce gouvernement....

Gouvernement qui d'ailleurs parie sur des gisements pétroliers off-shore dont l'avenir est incertain. On ne doit pas jouer au poker avec les citoyens qu'on est «sensé» servir. Pauvre pays...

Missing samiam 23:36 ,2013 أيار 02

actually dude, you are the brainwashed idiot and are lacking any clues. If you are going to be using electricity or telecom aa primary sources of revenue to run your country and pay your minions, then those sectors will ALWAYS lag behind. You can have private public partnerships that can work, but having a government, especially in an unstable environment trying to run things, just doesn't work. Look at any history book to figure that out. And unlike yourself, I actually have real experience with businesses and government and can figure out what works and what doesn't--you are too brainwashed and weak to discern reality from fantasy.

The government would be much better off putting resources into security and safety, like putting more police on the street to reduce crime and kidnappings by your so called allies. as well as take steps to increase transparency in government. Good luck getting that to work with your so called allies.

Thumb benzona 23:50 ,2013 أيار 02

I add, privatizing EDL is an option, opening the market to the competition would be a plus.

You're right samiam.... Increasing transparency is just a mere dream....

Default-user-icon me (ضيف) 23:41 ,2013 أيار 02

For people who are still defending the idiots governing the country, here is an idea: shut up and come back when your clowns start producing results; and when that happens i promise we will apologize for being rude and we will shut up. We are fed up with autosatisfaction, the most hilarious one was from telecoms; the guy seemed convinced that he did something great (seriously he doubled the internet speed from 256k to 512k - tested 5mn ago - impressive ha!)

Missing peace 00:58 ,2013 أيار 03

2013 and a tiny little country like lebanon is unable to produce its own electricity... and that has been going on for years whoever the minister in charge hezbollah FPM or any other. it clearly proves that NO politician has the desire to provide electricity to its citizens like in any normal country. what this minister is doing will solve nothing but only make him appear he is doing something to get reelected that s all...
and we still have sheeps to vote for these crooks and inefficient people, paying them salaries to sit and eat. lebanon has the gvt it deserve: wolves eatings sheeps.... and the sheeps are happy!

Thumb benzona 03:34 ,2013 أيار 03

Absolument....there's just too much at stake for the generators mafia. God help us all!

Missing peace 01:00 ,2013 أيار 03

just listen to aoun now you ll know he said the total opposite when he was in france.... so he and his sheep followers cannot be credible whatever they try to say ! either lying now or for 20 years in france: in both cases they are liars.....

Missing samiam 01:16 ,2013 أيار 03

It is called bait and switch--illegal in most countries, but not this one of them. Since you live in the US, I am assuming you know what that means. More or less, it seems that EDL told them that this is the grade of fuel that is being provided to them, and then unloaded something else on them.

Not a surprise in this country, unfortunately, :)