إسرائيل تقصف أهدافا في سوريا منها "صواريخ إيرانية مرسلة إلى حزب الله"

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قصف الطيران الحربي الاسرائيلي فجر الاحد مواقع داخل الاراضي السورية في هجوم هو الثاني خلال 48 ساعة قالت الدولة العبرية انه لمنع وصول اسلحة الى حزب الله ، بينما حذرت دمشق من ان هذه الاعتداءات تجعل الوضع الاقليمي "اكثر خطورة".

واعلنت دمشق ان اسرائيل قصفت الساعة 01,40 فجر اليوم (22,40 تغ مساء السبت) ثلاثة مواقع عسكرية تابعة للقوات النظامية شمال غرب دمشق، مستخدمة صواريخ من طائرات حربية حلقت فوق "الاراضي المحتلة وجنوب لبنان".

واستهدف القصف مركزا للبحث العلمي في جمرايا سبق ان استهدف في كانون الثاني الماضي، اضافة الى مخزن للاسلحة وفرقة للدفاع الجوي، بحسب ما افاد مصدر دبلوماسي في بيروت وكالة فرانس برس، رافضا كشف اسمه.

كما ابلغ مسؤول اسرائيلي كبير فرانس برس ان الهجوم الجوي "استهدف صواريخ ايرانية مرسلة الى حزب الله".

واضاف انه "في كل مرة تصل معلومات لاسرائيل حول نقل صواريخ او اسلحة من سوريا الى حزب الله، ستهاجم"، وان سلاح الجو الاسرائيلي "في حالة تأهب عالية جدا لم يبلغها منذ سنوات".

واضاف ان "سلاح الجو في حالة تاهب مرتفعة جدا كما هو الحال منذ سنوات من اجل الرد على اي طارئ" في حين تدور رحى حرب اهلية في سوريا المجاورة منذ سنتين.

وفي دمشق افادت وكالة سانا الرسمية عن هجوم اسرائيلي الاحد استهدف مركزا للبحث العلمي في منطقة جمرايا شمال غرب دمشق.

وتحدثت الوكالة عن "اعتداء اسرائيلي بالصواريخ" دون توفير اي حصيلة.

وافاد مصدر دبلوماسي في بيروت فرانس برس الاحد ان الجيش الاسرائيلي استهدف ليل السبت الى الاحد ثلاثة اهداف عسكرية غرب دمشق.

ولم تؤكد السلطات السورية الهجوم الاسرائيلي السابق الجمعة. بينما تحدثت عنها وسائل اعلام اميركية ولبنانية. وقال مصدر دبلوماسي لوكالة فرانس برس ان هذا الهجوم دمر صواريخ ارض-جو سلمتها روسيا في الاونة الاخيرة وكانت مخزنة في مطار دمشق.

ورفض الجيش الاسرائيلي ورئيس الوزراء الاسرائيلي بنيامين نتانياهو تاكيد اي معلومة تخص هجمات اسرائيلية على سوريا.

وصرح النائب في الليكود تساحي هانغبي المقرب من نتانياهو دون تاكيد الغارة ان "ما نريده هو التاكد من ان حزب الله لا يستفيد من الفوضى السورية لتعزيز قدراته".

واعلن ناطق عسكري اسرائيلي الاحد ان بطاريتين مضادتين للصواريخ من طراز "ايرون دوم" (القبة الحديدية) نشرتا في "شمال اسرائيل" وقبل ذلك افادت وسائل اعلام اسرائيلية عن نشر بطاريات لحماية مدينتي صفد وحيفا في الجليل بشمال البلاد.

وفي وقت لاحق من الاحد امر الجيش باغلاق المجال الجوي في شمال اسرائيل حتى التاسع من ايار. والغيت رحلات بين مدينتي حيفا وايلات، بحسب شركة اركيا الاسرائيلية للنقل الجوي.

في الاثناء غادر نتانياهو باتجاه الصين في زيارة رسمية من خمسة ايام وذلك بعد تاخير لبضع ساعات بسبب اجتماع وزاري طارىء حول الوضع في سوريا، بحسب وسائل اعلام اسرائيلية.

التعليقات 30
Thumb LEBhasNOhope 07:36 ,2013 أيار 05

So much for Syria's superior air defense systems. Of course stating the obvious will make me either an Israeli or an Israeli apologist or traitor.

Missing maroun 11:44 ,2013 أيار 05

be true to your conviction who cares what the traitors say.

Thumb dasphinx 12:36 ,2013 أيار 05

What is your nationality FT? I think you are totally confused. Do you feel more Syrian than Lebanese, Shiite than Lebanese, Aouni than Lebanese, or what they call Arab Nationalistic than Lebanese? Why can't you just be Lebanese and be concerned about the future of our country?

Thumb LEBhasNOhope 16:04 ,2013 أيار 05

Independence, Maroun and dasphinx, thank you. I was actually trying to prove a point. If you beat these fools on here to the punch of their same, stale old response to everything, thy wouldn't have anything to say. Well the results speak for themselves. However, I want to thank you for your support. Isn't it wonderful when Lebanese find a commmon goal and stick together?

Thumb dasphinx 01:01 ,2013 أيار 06

Because your logic is based on flawed assumptions. If you were a true Lebanese and care about the interest of Lebanon above all other interests, you would clearly see that the agenda of Hizbollah is to keep the country in status quo. Eventually, they will turn Lebanon (if they can) into a renegade state that is an advanced station for Iran especially following the eminent collapse of Assad. Israel knows this and this is why it is going on the offensive. Saddest part is that in order for Michel Aoun to get his carrot, he sold Lebanon to the devil.

Missing canadianadam 01:02 ,2013 أيار 06

Clearly BS thrower you are paid because 1) you re on here all the time and 2) you repeat the same FPM lines over and over like an autistic version of Aoun.

It only makes sense that Syria and Hezbollah are trying to create distractions by inciting Israel so it can take the attention away from the massacres they re commiting. Your role as an FPM lackey is to spew your garbage agenda at any cost.

Thumb dasphinx 01:03 ,2013 أيار 06

This is a joke, right?

Thumb geha 07:36 ,2013 أيار 05

green lines are there to stay apparently:"Israeli attack aims at loosening the noose around the terrorists in the eastern Ghouta"
no one is allowed to change the status quo.

Missing phillipo 07:55 ,2013 أيار 05

"no one is allowed to change the status quo."
So Hizballah has not changed the status quo in Lebanon ?

Thumb geha 08:43 ,2013 أيار 05

the status quo in Syria, dummy :)

Default-user-icon Nonsensical (ضيف) 07:57 ,2013 أيار 05

And it was reported yesterday by Yahoo news that Syrian air defense systems were upgraded within the past few years, thus making it immpossible to have a Libya like no fly zone....LOL

Default-user-icon Deathtoshia (ضيف) 08:37 ,2013 أيار 05

inshallah!!!! War between Hezbollah and Israel !!!!!! So that both Safavid Shia and Yahud will die!!!!!
And the Sunna will be free!!!!!!!!!! Inshallah!!!! The free army will kill all Shia Rafidah and their Yahud broders!!!!!!! ALLAHU AKBAR!!!!!!!!

Thumb shab 10:46 ,2013 أيار 05

Great news. If flyting low over Lebanon mens bombs fall in Syria, then please fly low more often

Missing phalangistes 11:36 ,2013 أيار 05

I like those kind of morning news!!!

Thumb dasphinx 12:32 ,2013 أيار 05

Why wasn't the "Ayoub Plane" sent to intercept the Israeli planes? Syrian defenses can shoot a Turkish jet miles away, but would not dare to shoot an Israeli plane. Moumana3a? Yeah right. What a joke.

Missing samiam 13:04 ,2013 أيار 05

as long as HA's weapon supply is being affected in a positive way (like getting destroyed), I am all for it.

Thumb jabal10452 13:24 ,2013 أيار 05

Nasrallah's headaches are multiplying. So weak is the Syrian government that Israel is targeting Hezbollah's supplies in Syrian territory totally unchallenged.
What I'm I gonna do now, o ayatollah, what I'm I gonna do?

Missing canadianadam 01:08 ,2013 أيار 06

Hahhahhahahahhahah. I literally laughe out loud strider. That was great. Thanks bro.

Default-user-icon The Truth (ضيف) 15:19 ,2013 أيار 05

where is the jet that Al Manar said Syria shot down? Apparently it disappeared into thin air!

Thumb benzona 15:20 ,2013 أيار 05

Allahû akkbar, allahû akkbar. (:

Nice اخبار

Moins d'armes dans la région ne peut être que bénéfique pour TOUS.

Default-user-icon lol (ضيف) 15:28 ,2013 أيار 05

The simple concept of weakness always has its great outcomes. You divide the country put sides against each other, then step in. I am just wondering who is the "Lawrence of Arabia " this time?

Default-user-icon Fadl (ضيف) 15:37 ,2013 أيار 05

CHOU HaSOUNA ? Condoleneces for ur dead missiles t3ich ou tekol ghayra ,so when is ur next appearance ? Cant wait to hear u bark again

Thumb scorpyonn 22:45 ,2013 أيار 05

Let us hope that Tehran is next.

Thumb scorpyonn 22:51 ,2013 أيار 05

You fool! Your resistance is serving another master, not Lebanon!

Default-user-icon Samer (ضيف) 23:24 ,2013 أيار 05

You know it might be a real good new..maybe Iran decided to fight its war by proxy on the Syrian territories instead of Lebanon for change? Please Hassin nasr el mot3at keep sending all your thugs to syria to fulfill their "jihadi duties"..please israel keep the air raids..in the meanwhile lets us in Lebanon sit down and watch for a change.

Thumb benzona 23:25 ,2013 أيار 05

What Israel and Syria do to each other is none of our business. Just stay away from Lebanon and don't make us choose sides, we won't pick between Satan or Azrael.

Thumb cityboy 23:54 ,2013 أيار 05

phoenix, I very much sympathize with your concern of the innocents. I pray that no harm is brought on to all the bystanders of any conflict. This goes for all sides. The problem is that the Arabs really havent had much choice, war has been brought upon them from israeli-west axis. There is a plot to erradicate the arab culture and society. Look at the exodus of Iraqis after the american invasion. Look at Libya, almost half the population has left the country, and now you have syria, how many syrians have been displaced. This is what the west wants, its one of their goals and by encouraging people to leave lebanon you are only assisting the wests desires. This is why they want to destroy Hezbollah, Hezbollah stands in the way of their plans to deprive Arabs of any dignity. War is not pretty but its time that the war is brought on to Israel and get rid of this cancer implanted on the middle east. Its time to show the west that the Arabs are not going anywhere.

Missing canadianadam 01:11 ,2013 أيار 06

I want you to run for politics Lebanonfirst. I res

Missing canadianadam 01:12 ,2013 أيار 06

I respect your stance alot my friend.

Thumb dasphinx 02:19 ,2013 أيار 06

God bless and protect us Lebanese in general and southerners in particular from Khamenei and his soldier Hassan Nasrallah. They keep bragging about a few missiles that killed more Arabs than it did Jews in Haifa forgetting that Israel can wipe the South and all of Lebanon for that matter off the map. If Soldier Nasrallah is reading this, I would just tell him to stop taking this country as a hostage to his fanatic extremism. To him, the war between the Fake Christ who will rise from Damascus and the Mehdi al Mountazar who will rise from Iraq has already started. How about us who don't believe in this mythical war?