الجيش السوري يشيد ساترا ترابيا بأسلاك عند الحدود الشمالية الشرقية مع لبنان
Read this story in Englishأفادت معلومات صحافية أن "الجيش السوري دعا سكان منطقتي العويشات وتل الفرح اللبنانيتين لإخلاء منازلهم خلال خمسة أيام لجعل المنطقة عسكرية ، وعمد إلى رفع سواتر ترابية على حدود منطقتي البقيعة ووادي خالد".
وفي هذا السياق، لفتت مصادر أمنية لبنانية رسمية للـ Mtv الخميس، الى أن "قوات النظام السوري بدأت منذ بداية الأسبوع الحالي برفع سواتر ترابية بارتفاع 5 أمتار حيث تقوم جرافات ضخمة برفع الأتربة اعتبارا من مجرى النهر الكبير الجنوبي على الحدود الشمالية الشرقية مع لبنان وباتجاه وادي خالد".
وأضافت المصادر أنه "القوات قد استحدثت خنادق بعرض 5 أمتار وبعمق متر ونصف المتر بشكل لا يتيح للآليات المدولبة والمجنزرة العبور. كما استحدثت عددا من مراكز المراقبة التي يبعد الواحد عن الآخر منها مسافة 200 متر إضافة إلى شريط شائك على طول الساتر".
وفي السياق نفسه، أفادت قناة الـLBCI أن "الجيش السوري يشيد ساتر ترابي مع اسلاك والغام على الحدود بين بلدتي البقيعة وحنيدر في عكار".
كذلك، أشارت إذاعة صوت لبنان (93.3) الى أن "الجيش السوري دعا سكان منطقتي العويشات وتل الفرح اللبنانيتين لإخلاء منازلهم خلال خمسة أيام لجعل المنطقة عسكرية".
So..Syria wants to kick out Lebanese people from their homes in Lebanon? Or am I mistaken?
Was this an attempt to control the border? I'm confused? Maybe they don't want those salafists returning to Lebanon?
"Voice of Lebanon radio (93.3) also reported that the Syrian army urged the residents of the two Lebanese regions of al-Owaishat and Tal al-Farah to leave their homes within five days over its plans to transform the area into a military zone."
will hezbollah defend them against the syrian army which wants to kick them out of their homes??????????????
tell us M8ers of this site....
yes the aounis are busy posting against geagea and pretended not to see this info... see clearly how much the sovereignty of lebanon means to them when it comes to defending bashar and they back hezbis who defend some lebanese in syria but not the others it seems as if some were more lebanese than the others....
Hezbollah is too busy,and only cares for its own existence and Assad and Iran. Lebanon is where they are now because Lebanon's too weak to kick them out. Don't worry they got new enemies who are'nt scared to drive them out Don't you want Lebanon to be free?
Hezbollah is too busy,and only cares for its own existence and Assad and Iran. Lebanon is where they are now because Lebanon's too weak to kick them out. Don't worry they got new enemies who are' not scared to drive them out Don't you want Lebanon to be free?
Hezbollah is too busy,and only cares for its own existence and Assad and Iran. Lebanon is where they are now because Lebanon's too weak to kick them out. Don't worry they got new enemies who are'nt scared to drive them out Don't you want Lebanon to be free?
but you always jump when there are articles about the FSA without knowing if it is true little hypocrit FPMer.....
The last time I heard of Lebanese villagers being commanded to abandon their villages prior to those villages being razed to the ground, it was Israel doing the commanding and Hizb-Allah fighting them off. So I guess we should sleep easy tonight, because we know the glorious Hizb are going to defend Lebanon from Baschar now, because of course they are the REAL protectors of Lebanon.
What is this?
Syria is invading Lebanon while our "resistance" weapons are carrying their civil war? Security council. Quick.