يعالون أمام مدير الـ"سي.آي.إيه": لن نسمح بنقل أسلحة كيميائية إلى حزب الله
Read this story in Englishوصل مدير وكالة الاستخبارات المركزية الاميركية جون برينان مساء الخميس الى اسرائيل في زيارة غير معلنة تتناول خصوصا الازمة في سوريا، وفق ما افاد مصدر رسمي اسرائيلي.
والتقى برينان فور وصوله وزير الدفاع الاسرائيلي موشيه يعالون في تل ابيب بحسب المصدر نفسه.
وشملت المحادثات تبادلا للمعلومات الاستخبارية بشأن الوضع في سوريا. وخلال اللقاء، جدد يعالون التأكيد ان اسرائيل "لن تسمح بنقل اسلحة" من سوريا خصوصا اسلحة كيميائية الى حزب الله الشيعي اللبناني الحليف للنظامين السوري والايراني والذي تعتبره اسرائيل عدوا رئيسيا، بحسب ما افادت القناة العاشرة في التلفزيون الاسرائيلي.
وتأتي زيارة برينان بعد يومين على لقاء بين رئيس الوزراء الاسرائيلي بنيامين نتانياهو والرئيس الروسي فلاديمير بوتين. وحذر بوتين رئيس وزراء اسرائيل من اي خطوة تساهم في مزيد من زعزعة الاستقرار للوضع في سوريا اثر الغارات الجوية التي شنتها اسرائيل على سوريا مطلع الشهر الجاري.
They all share the same bed.... By the end of the day, they justify each other's existence... The only losers are the civilians yet they are partially responsible for electing their leadership.
Liechtenstein is not neighbour with the child bombers israel who have comitted every crime there is to comitt since installing themselves in the middle east with britain's bloody help. Hezballah didn't even exist in 1948 yet that didn't stop your filthy newly founded army from comitting various crimes against lebanon, not to mention Palestine which is a story in itself.
Without hezballah, and i am 100 % against their meddling in syria, you thiefs would have stolen our water and the south a long time ago.
Forget your filthy comments about the Jews, but with what is going on in most of the Arab Middle East Countries at the moment it certainly seems as if a Police Force (at the least) is definitely needed.
philippo, you should perhaps take a look at your beloved israel, haredim jews are right now throwing bottles and stones at your police, when they are not fighting your police, they are busy beating up secular girls who arent dressed properly. As an israel-supporter you simply can not talk about whats wrong in the arab world because your beloved child bombing state of israel has plenty of huge problems, including secterian jew-on jew violence, racism against africans, increased poverty, prostitution, rape you name it.
Netanyaho will warn Putin,in other words Israel will warn Russia, Israel has the most modern air force in the world yet Adon (Mr.) Netanyaho warns Putin not to deliver fighter jets to Syria.
Yaalon also holds the powerful position of chief of domestic animated production for the Disney studios. As such he is responsible for the global crusher hit, Bambi Takes Tokyo, which plunged unexpectedly in Blueray sales last quarter.
I think all syrian weapons are already within the Hiz hand, So stop barging and think about something else, you really think Hizb and the syrian are waiting for the Israeli to come and stop them transferring arms ? and why now ? why not 3 or 4 years ago ? so shut up Yaalon
I think all syrian weapons are already within the Hiz hand, So stop barging and think about something else, you really think Hizb and the syrian are waiting for the Israeli to come and stop them transferring arms ? and why now ? why not 3 or 4 years ago ? so shut up Yaalon