مظلوم: لا لقاء قريباً للاقطاب الموارنة بسبب ارتفاع منسوب التوتر
Read this story in Englishاكد النائب العام البطريركي العام المطران سمير مظلوم ان لا لقاء قريباً للاقطاب الموارنة، مشيراً الى ان السبب يعود الى ارتفاع منسوب التوتر بين الافرقاء.
وفي حديث الى صحيفة "الجمهورية"، اوضح مظلوم انه وفي حال انخفاض منسوب التوتر وتوفر الاجواء الملائمة فستتم الدعوة لهكذا لقاء، الا انه قال ان "هؤلاء الأقطاب لا يستجيبون دعواتنا حالياً".
وكشف ان بكركي اتصلت "بمعراب والرابية وبقيّة الموارنة من دون استثناء لحضّهم على التواصل"، مشدداً على ان "الأولوية الآن هي لوقف الحملات الإعلامية التي تدمّر المجتمع المسيحي، والابتعاد عن نبش القبور، وبثّ روح الكراهية".
وكان البطريرك الماروني الكاردينال مار بشاره بطرس الراعي قد وجه، الجمعة، نداء الى المسؤولين السياسيين في لبنان من كولومبيا داعياً اياهم إلى ضرورة التوافق على قانون انتخاب، ووقف كل حملات التخوين بين الأفرقاء المسيحيين.
ولم يتوصل الافرقاء السياسيين الى توافق على قانون انتخابي، تجري على اساسه الانتخابات في 16 حزيران المقبل، وعلى الرغم من اقرار اللجان النيابية المشتركة المشروع الاورثوذكسي، الذي جوبه برفض من "المستقبل" و"الاشتراكي" و"المسيحيون المستقلون"، أُعلِن الثلاثاء، عن اتفاق القوات والمستقبل والاشتراكي على مشروع قانون مختلط لاقى موافقة المستقلون.
الا ان "الكتائب" رفض هذا المشروع، متمسكاً مع قوى 8 آذار بالاورثوذكسي. ومن الجدير بالذكر ان عدم التوافق هذا قد يؤدي الى ارجاء الانتخابات النيابية او العودة الى قانون الـ60 الذي ترفضه غالبية الكتل النيابية.
وأدى تبني حزب "القوات اللبنانية" للمشروع المختلط إلى حملة إعلامية عليه وصفها رئيس الحزب سمير جعجع بأنها "حرب إلغاء يقودها النظام السوري وحزب الله بواجهة" رئيس التكتل "ألتغيير والإصلاح" النائب ميشال عون.
وقال، وزير (التيار الوطني الحر) الطاقة والمياه في حكومة تصريف الأعمال جبران باسيل أن تبني القانون المختلط من قبل افرقاء 14 آذار (دون الكتائب) هو "وصمة عار" مشيرا إلى أن هذه الخطوة أسقطت اتفاق الطائف والنظام المنبثق عنه.
"Mazloum said that the proposal endorsed by the LF, Mustaqbal, and National Struggle Front grants Christians no more than 50 MPs. He criticized the LF for failing to consult it and other Christian parties over its decision."
There's no doubt now that Bkirki is strongly opposed to the February 14 Saudi-Wahabi coalition and the LF puppets. Saying an electoral law grants Christians no more than 50 MPs is pretty much dropping a hammer on Saudi Arabian terrorism.
The February 14 Saudi-Wahabi Christian imposters are in deep trouble in the upcoming election. They no longer have a pro-Arabist/Wahabist Batrak to hide behind (actually the complete opposite), the elections will be closely monitored for illegal funding (Saudi-Wahabi terrorist petrodollars), and you have gems like "Fal ya7kom al ikhwan" while Christian bishops are being kidnapped. Even the Phalangists are starting to wake up and realize that they've sold the Christians to the Saudis for far too long. It's about time.
if u have any suggestions as to which faces you would like to see on my avatar, request it. And i will put it.
this comment of yours is for the least not fair:
- please advise which Christian leader you would propose instead of the existing ones?
- We Christians do not accept to be led by just one leader blindly, unlike sunnis and shia. this is against our nature as we like to think for ourselves.
- kindly advise your preference between a leader that wants the state to prevail, and a leader that is allied to an Iranian entity that works daily on dismantling the state?
there are so many things going on under the hood, and being superficial as you have been in your comment is misleading.
believe me when I say that there are such bad plans being prepared for us that what you saw these days is just smoke.
please do bear in mind that I do not route for Geagea, but I do consider him more representative of what we as Christians need currently to exist in this country.
Sorry I don't agree Geha. Geagea is only partnered up with Hariri because he's getting bankrolled. He's not doing it for leb. I think what needs to happen in Lebanon is an all out, winner take all war. Christians/Israelis/Europeans/US vs Saudi/Iran/Syria. Hmmm, I wonder who would win?!?!?! Loser leaves or at least becomes the peasant. Winner rules. Maybe by the graces of God and the prophet Mohammad pbuh just like the battle of Badr the super power will be defeated by having rocks thrown and fighter jets. Lol. Lol lol
I can't believe how stupid these two men are. They didn't learn from their mistakes of the civil war when they fought against each other instead coming together as one. Had they done that, the Christians would be the single power house in Lebanon today instead of the hizballah. The dream of Lebanon died when Sheikh Bachir Gemayel died. All these other so called leader of all the political parties in Lebanon are just plain out thieves. The Christians need to come together instead of staying divided. We need another Bachir but sad enough, the world will never see another like him.
they should make a law dissolving ALL the parties that took part in the civil war and forbid ALL the leaders that were actively part of the war too!!
lebanon is still living in the past and the civil war is still going on in the heads of those incompetent fools called lebanese politicians...