مستقلو 14 آذار سيترشحون وفق الـ60 اذا لم يتم التوافق على قانون انتخابي
Read this story in Englishاعرب النواب المسيحيون المستقلون في قوى 14 آذار عم قلقهم من منحى اجتماعات لجنة التواصل، معتبرين انها تبشر بالوقوع في "الحلقة المفرغة لعدم التوافق"، معلنين في الوقت عينه انه في حال عدم التوافق سيترشحون وفق القانون الساري المفعول.
واثر اجتماع في منزل النائب بطرس حرب، ظهر السبت، رحّب المجتمعون "بالجهود الجارية لتسهيل إنعقاد مجلس النواب لإقرار قانون جديد للإنتخابات النيابية"، محذرين في الوقت عينه من الاتجاه نحو "الحلقة المفرغة لعدم التوافق على مشروع قانون الانتخابات".
واعلنوا رفضهم ربط دعوة المجلس النيابي لعقد جلسة لإقرار قانون إنتخابات جديد بإجماع أعضاء لجنة التواصل النيابية على صيغة القانون الجديد، مطالبين "بوجوب دعوة الهيئة العامة لمجلس النواب وفقا للأصول في أسرع وقت، وقبل نفاذ مهل الترشيح تفاديا لتكريس قانون الستين".
كما اوضحوا ان ربط الامرين يتعارض "مع المبادئ التي يقوم عليها نظامنا السياسي، الذي يعتمد نظام التصويت وتغليب رأي الأكثرية على رأي الأقلية".
واعلنوا انه في حال لم يطرأ أي تطور إيجابي على صعيد إقرار قانون جديد للإنتخابات، "سيعمدون إلى التقدم بترشيحاتهم ضمن المهل المتبقية وذلك تفاديا للأمر الواقع التي قد تنتج عن إحجامهم عن الترشح (وفق الـ60)".
وقرر المجتمعون متابعة الجهود من أجل إقرار قانون انتخابي جديد "يحقق صحة التمثيل الشعبي، ولا سيما المسيحي منه، ويحافظ في الوقت عينه على ميثاق الحياة المشتركة للبنانيين".
وحذروا من "المخاطر المصيرية التي ستترتب على تحقيق الفراغ الدستوري في البلاد والتي تعرض لبنان الوطن والدولة للصراعات والتفتت والزوال".
يُذكر ان رئيس مجلس النواب نبيه بري، اعاد تفعيل عمل لجنة التواصل النيابية برئاسته، في محاولة للتوصل الى توافق على قانون انتخابي.
وعلى الرغم من اقرار اللجان النيابية المشتركة المشروع الاورثوذكسي (حيث كل طائفة تنتخب ممثليها)، الذي جوبه برفض من "المستقبل" و"الاشتراكي" و"المسيحيون المستقلون"، أُعلِن الثلاثاء، عن اتفاق القوات والمستقبل والاشتراكي على مشروع قانون مختلط لاقى موافقة المستقلون.
الا ان "الكتائب" رفض هذا المشروع، متمسكاً مع قوى 8 آذار بالاورثوذكسي. ومن الجدير بالذكر ان عدم التوافق هذا قد يؤدي الى ارجاء الانتخابات النيابية او العودة الى قانون الـ60 الذي ترفضه غالبية الكتل النيابية.
I didn't know the independent March 14 nobodies are also Le Michels, a label Dr. Antoine Arreet 7akeh Zahra described in his most recent press conference! I thought Le Michels were exclusively the following: Cardinal Le Michel al-Rahi, President Le Michel Gemayel, General Le Michel Aoun and Le Michel Beik Franjiyeh. It's good to know that Dr. Antoine Tonton is another version of the real Dr. Arreet 7akeh and his remaining followers, Drs. Arteena Jadbeh.
lebanese should NOT vote to show those inefficient childish incompetent politicians that the nation is fed up with their comedy! but of course there will be still sheep to follow their leaders and once again getting fooled by them....
"you cashed your saudi checks early"
typical comment of a loser who spits his hatred based on his FPM brainless assumptions and criticize the others of doing the same LOL!!!!!
give us evidence of your BS then you d be credible... seems you are a desperate loser...
the roar: sorry to interrupt your nice conversation with splash but one thing bothers me with you FPMers...
how come aoun and his follwers labeled HA as terrosists for years and all of a sudden the year after he arrived in lebanon you say HA are true patriots? they did not change in a year s time!
seems you all suffer from alzheimer....
so you see why FPM cannot be credible?
you are talking about the year 2000 ok, the majority of lebanese were with them, i was among the first ones to go to khiam in 2000!
but i am talking about aoun in 2003 (this is only one example) who still said they were terrorists... and after until 2005 when he returned to lebanon...
so your arguments do not answer my question: why just before he returned to lebanon HA were a terrorist militia to be disarmed (aoun asked for it!!!!) and all of a sudden he allied with them and considers them as patriots! they did not change....lol!!!!
the roar you can like and worship whoever you want! it is democracy.... but i will always disagree with you on this :)
well if M8 lose the elections which is certain , they will never abide by the results and will once again block the elected gvt...
the same old christian victimization that s been going on since the independence... nothing new under the sun ....
"You are cowards who attack your own people."
talking about HA troops who promised NEVER to use their weapons against lebanese? and then came may.... LOL....
euhh the roar: aoun even if 80 years old is still the leader of the FPM no?
so if you wish that people not talk about him then he should retire and leave his place to another leader who will also be attacked if he carries the same stupid ideas as aoun...it is politics no?
the roar: personally i think that if hezbis are to survive politically in lebanon they have to show restraint: it has nothing to do with patriotism... HA thrives because he plays on that "image" but undercover he pulls all the strings and is the source of the lebanese division.... if the lebanese state was strong he could not be so powerful that is why he and his allies are weakening the state and its institutions so HA can play his role as the military wing of iran in lebanon...
he is in no way a patriot as he defends only his power nothing more nothing less... what is the political platform of hezbollah apart from their fake "resistance"? nothing..... they never come up with an economical plan for lebanon nor anything for the welfare of the people...
only their "resistance" is their only motto... no political proposals whatsoever... how is that for "patriotism"? lol
that is because aounis try to lecture others and depict aoun as the savior of lebanon...and second, when this man was in france he had honorable ideas but as soon as he came to lebanon he forgot them all and allied with his enemy on which he s been spitting on for years.... he has been doing nothing but to block the governements... if he respects the outcome of the election why didn t he wait for the 1st post syrian gvt to come to the end of its tenure to change it? instead he blocked the parliament, made a sit in, backed the resignation of ministers....
instead of allying with M14 and the antisyrians (of which he was part when in france!!!) he deliberately allied with his enemies (oh! yes you ll say he avoided a civil war!lol).
he tried to sell the image of hezbollah abroad (which he failed finding only closed doors in the USA and europe when they were wide opened to him before!!)
he has allied with the regime that installed corruption and chaos in lebanon which he fiercly attacked before!
see why this man deserves only sarcasms and despise?
freespirit : does this mean you are ready to go at war again? i guess the civil war did not teach you anything! there were no winners only losers in that civil war... the biggest loser being LEBANON!
if so, then you are no better than hezbis!