نتانياهو: اسرائيل "تعمل" لمنع حزب الله من الحصول على اسلحة سورية

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اكد رئيس الوزراء الاسرائيلي بنيامين نتانياهو الاحد ان اسرائيل "تعمل" لمنع الاسلحة السورية من الوصول الى حزب الله وستواصل فعل ذلك.

وتأتي تصريحات نتانياهو بعد اسبوعين من شن اسرائيل غارتين جويتين قرب دمشق بهدف منع نقل اسلحة الى حزب الله كما اكد مصدر اسرائيلي كبير.

وقال نتانياهو ان الشرق الاوسط يمر مع النزاع السوري باكثر الفترات حساسية منذ عقود مؤكدا " نتابع عن كثب التطورات والتغيرات التي تحدث هناك ونستعد لاي سيناريو محتمل".

واضاف "تعمل الحكومة الإسرائيلية بطريقة مسؤولة وحازمة وعقلانية لضمان المصلحة العليا لدولة اسرائيل وهي امن مواطنيها وفقا للسياسة التي حددناها وهي منع تسريب أسلحة متطورة الى حزب الله والمنظمات الإرهابية بقدر الامكان".

وقال رئيس الوزراء الاسرائيلي "سنعمل على ضمان المصالح الامنية لمواطني اسرائيل في المستقبل".

واكدت الدولة العبرية مرارا انها لن تسمح بنقل اسلحة من سوريا الى حزب الله.

وفي 30 من كانون الثاني الماضي، قال مسؤولون سوريون ان غارة استهدفت مركزا عسكريا قرب دمشق بينما اكد مسؤولون امنيون في المنطقة ان اسرائيل تقف وراء الغارة.

التعليقات 11
Missing love4lebanon 12:54 ,2013 أيار 19

Shut up Jew .

Thumb primesuspect 00:10 ,2013 أيار 20

Love4lebanon doesn't know that Jesus is king of the Jews.

Default-user-icon JEw HAter (ضيف) 13:11 ,2013 أيار 19

Yeah Jew...shut up because you are of insignificance. You are scared by the fierce Lebanese soldiers by your cowboy adventures on the ground and sea in Lebanon in the summer of 2006. You are of insignificance...do you hear us you "Christ Killing" Kyke! You are non-believer and a cancer on the earth.

Default-user-icon Chris (ضيف) 13:13 ,2013 أيار 19

As Henry Ford once said, "I despise the Jews for not accepting Christ as the Saviour & Messiah". Christ Jesus fulfilled the scriptures as it was written in the Old Testament, yet these Jews didn't believe and had him crucified fulfilling further the word of God regarding Christ's coming.

Default-user-icon Frank (ضيف) 13:16 ,2013 أيار 19

The Jews were put placed in Occupied Palestine by the British, French, American Allied forces so the Muslims do not control the Holy Land. Basically, the Jews are in control due to the losses ascertained by the Crusades. Losses were due to devil infiltrating the ranks and hence the final plan of the devil creating a division within the Roman church (East - Orthodox & West - Catholics, then Protestant, then Methodist, then what ever denomination you like...)

Thumb Chupachups 13:51 ,2013 أيار 19

bibi bought a 137 000 dollar bed for him and his wife for a 5 hr flight. Kbirrrrrrr ya bibi kbiiirrrrrrr

Missing phillipo 19:21 ,2013 أيار 19

Je didn't buy it. It was ONLY placed on the plane.

Thumb primesuspect 19:52 ,2013 أيار 19

Philip, you can't defend such an titled when Israelis retirements are being slashed like what happens in Greece, Spain or Portugal.

Thumb Chupachups 13:51 ,2013 أيار 19

bibi bought a 137 000 dollar bed for him and his wife for a 5 hr flight. Kbirrrrrrr ya bibi kbiiirrrrrrr

Thumb Chupachups 13:52 ,2013 أيار 19

of course with tax payer money, so not only in lebanon they are crooks. :)

Default-user-icon Elvivando Zogardaj (ضيف) 18:35 ,2013 أيار 19

When the Israeli Hitlers spend most of their time barking and tefshikhayting, you know they are out of any good options, and this is always a great thing unless you are a March 14er or a Lebanon Firster Some Twenty-Two Damn Years Late and Still. What's the best solution, you ask? How about these Hitlers going back to their countries of origin, Poland, Germany, Denmark, France, Belarus, Russia... where, let's face it, they are despised. But then they are despised everywhere, even in Palestine. Here's a thought: how about going to Saudi Arabia and Qatar? Huh?