برلين تدعو الى ادراج الجناح المسلح في حزب الله على لائحة "الارهاب"
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افاد مصدر دبلوماسي الماني الاربعاء ان وزير الخارجية الالماني غيدو فيسترفيلي يؤيد ادراج الجناح المسلح لحزب الله على لائحة الاتحاد الاوروبي "للمنظمات الارهابية".
وصرح المصدر لوكالة "فرانس برس" الأربعاء "على ضوء المحادثات مع شركائه في اعقاب هجوم بورغاس (بلغاريا، 6 قتلى من بينهم 5 اسرائيليين)، يريد وزير الخارجية غيدو فيسترفيلي ادراج الذراع العسكري على الاقل لحزب الله على لائحة الاتحاد الاوروبي للمنظمات الارهابية".
وقدمت بريطانيا طلبا لادراج الجناح المسلح في حزب الله على هذه اللائحة وستبدأ مناقشة المسالة في "مطلع حزيران" على ما اسر دبلوماسيون رفضوا الكشف عن اسمائهم لفرانس برس.
ويتطلب ادراج حزب الله على لائحة المنظمات الارهابية اجماع الدول الـ27 الاعضاء في الاتحاد الاوروبي. وتطالب الولايات المتحدة واسرائيل الاوروبيين منذ فترة طويلة بتنفيذ هذا الاجراء.
حتى الان ابدى عدد من دول الاتحاد ومن بينهم فرنسا ترددا في ذلك بحجة ان هذا القرار قد ينسف استقرار لبنان حيث يلعب حزب الله دورا سياسيا اساسيا وخشية حصول عمليات انتقامية ضد قوة الامم المتحدة في جنوب لبنان التي تشمل قوات فرنسية يبلغ عديدها 900 رجل هي من اكبر الالوية في القوة.
حاليا وضعت دولتان فحسب من اعضاء الاتحاد الاوروبي هما هولندا وبريطانيا حزب الله على لائحتهما الوطنية "للمنظمات الارهابية". وحظرت السلطات الهولندية جميع مكونات الحزب فيما اقتصر الحظر البريطاني على شقه العسكري.
واعلنت السلطات البلغارية في 5 شباط انها تملك دليلا على تورط حزب الله في الهجوم في مطار بورغاس. وفي 28 اذار ادانت محكمة قبرصية لبنانيا عضوا في الحزب بالسجن اربع سنوات لمشاركته في اعداد هجمات ضد مصالح اسرائيلية على الجزيرة.

Dont just talk, go ahead and put them on the list. You should have done it a long time ago.

And we can thank the shites for that. Polls show that 95 % of shites in lebanon are with bashar el assad and of course with hezballah. So when someone says, dont blame all shites, i tell them fine, i wont, i will only blame 9,5 out of every 10.

Hello everyone. A few points must be made. First, I am neither pro-March 8 or pro-March 14. All a bunch of clowns. Second, what does the word terrorist mean? Does it even have a definition? When the Kataeb party massacred 1700 Palestinians in Sabra and Shatila, the Americans and Israelis, of course, never once mentioned the word terrorist or terrorism. A famous quote says that one mans freedom fighter is another mans terrorist. It seems anything anti-west is terrorist nowadays. However, having said all this, it does not mean that I believe Hizbullah should not be terror listed. It is not my decision, and my opinion hardly matters. Thank you. Peace Lebanon.

Unfortunately, Hizbullah is no longer a resistance movement, but a mafia/militia entity (not gonna use the word terrorist). They have gone from defending our country to bringing it down. Hopefully the Europeans will show a better understanding of our region than the idiot Americans and make a wise decision on the matter. Allah ysa3ed el sha3ab el libneniyyeh w allah ysa3ed el shar2 el awsat.

the issue here is not the word "terrorism" because its used in different inepretations according to different agendas.Lebanon needs a full civilian law to establish its state otherwise,what there is now has never been one.and unless everybody I mean everybody stops blaming this or that and following this and that,there is never ever going to be any state.

Hizbullah must not be treated as a terrorist group. On the other hand, they must give up their weapons and be treated as a normal Political Party as all others. Hence, the Lebanese army must cater our frontiers and security issues, while the Lebanese Government must take full responsability of foreign affairs, etc...Anything else is a hell waste of time, money, health and IQ!!!

Hizbullah must not be treated as a terrorist group. On the other hand, they must give up their weapons and be treated as a normal Political Party as all others. Hence, the Lebanese army must cater our frontiers and security issues, while the Lebanese Government must take full responsability of foreign affairs, etc...Anything else is a hell waste of time, money, health and IQ!!!

Now that the last bastion to have shielded Hizbullah from being called a terrorist organization by fellow Europeans has given in, we can expect the very dire consequence, namely the complete halt to tourism! If nothing before that hurt, this one surely will! Ouch.

-Hezbollah kidnapped and tortured to death U.S. Army colonel William R. Higgins and the CIA Station Chief in Beirut, William Buckley, and kidnapped around 30 other Westerners between 1982 and 1992.
-Hezbollah was responsible for the suicide truck bombings of the U.S. Embassy and U.S. Marine barracks in Beirut in October 1983, in which 241 American servicemen were killed. (220 Marines, 18 Navy personnel and 3 Army soldiers) and the U.S. Embassy annex in Beirut in September 1984.
-Hezbollah, hijackined in 1985 TWA Flight 847 during which a U.S. Navy diver was murdered.
-In 1992 and 1994, Hezbollah is claimed to have carried out theIsraeli Embassy Bombing and the AMIA bombing in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

-Eight days after the AMIA Bombing the Israeli Embassy in London was car bombed by two Palestinians linked to Hezbollah.
-On June 16, 2004, two Palestinian girls aged 14 and 15 were arrested by the IDF for plotting a suicide bombing. According to IDF statement, the two minors were guided by Hezbollah.
-In February 2005, the Palestinian Authority accused Hezbollah of attempting to derail the truce signed with Israel. Palestinian officials and former militants described how Hezbollah promised an increase in funding for any cell able to carry out a terrorist attack
-July 2007, a Hezbollah commander had been caught in Iraq and had admitted to training and directing anti-American Iraqi militias in coordination with Iran’s hard-line Revolutionary Guard.

-April 2010, Egypt sentences 26 for plotting Hezbollah terrorist campaign.
-In January 2012, one Hezbollah suspect was arrested and another managed to avoid capture, in Thailand's capital city, Bangkok, where security services believe they were working in a cell planning to attack areas commonly frequented by Israeli tourists.
-On February 5 2013, approximately seven months after the terrorist attack in Burgas, Bulgaria issued a report of the results of its investigation of the event. According to the Bulgarian authorities, the investigation clearly indicated that Hezbollah's so-called military wing was involved in planning and carrying out the attack.

"In December 2011, the US authorities released an indictment filed against Lebanese drug lord Ayman Juma, which exposed Hezbollah's involvement with the Los Zetas drug cartel. According to the US Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA), Los Zetas is the most technologically advanced and most dangerous cartel operating in Mexico.
Juma was indicted in absentia for smuggling 85 tons of cocaine into the US and for laundering $850 million for Los Zetas. He was also accused of serving as a go-between for the Mexican crime syndicate and the Shiite terror group. "