جعجع: الحكومة هي حكومة عزل لبنان عن محيطة العربي والمجتمع الدولي
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رأى رئيس الهيئة التنفيذية في "القوات اللبنانية" سمير جعجع أنه يصح تسمية الحكومة الجديدة بـ"حكومة عزل لبنان عن محيطه العربي وعن المجتمع الدولي".
وقال أمام وفد "قواتي" من منطقة الجديدة -البوشرية - السد انه "حين كانت تتشكل الحكومات في لبنان، كانت تصدر فورا بيانات التأييد، والمباركة، والإرتياح، والرغبة بالمساعدة من قبل المجتمعين العربي والدولي، باستثناء هذه المرة حيث قوبل تشكيل الحكومة الجديدة، على الرغم من انقضاء خمسة أشهر على عملية التأليف، بصمت عربي كامل، مع بعض التشكيك باستثناء سوريا وايران اللتين خرجتا الرابحتين الأكبر من هذه التشكيلة، اضافة الى تشكيك غربي كامل مع بعض التحذيرات والتنبيهات الشديدة اللهجة".
وقال جعجع "اذا كان مجرد اعلان الحكومة قد قوبل على هذا النحو، فهذا يعطي فكرة واضحة عن طبيعة هذه الحكومة وأقله عن النظرة اليها عربيا ودوليا"، سائلا "الى أين هذه الحكومة؟ وما الذي تستطيع انجازه طالما أنكرها منذ لحظة ولادتها أكثر من نصف الشعب اللبناني وأقله تحفظ عليها وأبدى عدم الرغبة بالتعاون معها أكثرية الدول العربية والدولية؟".
This guy has built everything on lies...
- false doctor
- false leader
- false defender of the Christians
- jailed for wrong reasons based on false accusations
- false hero
- but a true war criminal
NB : Psycho Aoun isn't better
We do not forgive
We do not forget
We are legion
Time for a complete replacement of all politicians and their next of kin.
IF your username is ANONYMOUS...SO you are a COWARD,like YOUR MASTERS,and your comment is full only of HATERY...i'm sure you are either a hizbollah follower,or better A AOUNIST COWARD...SHAME ON YOU to always falsify the TRUTH by your BRAINWASHED HATERY,or at the best your IGNORANCE OF HISTORY...withdraw the LB from your username,you,the SYRIAN/IRANIAN SHEEP.
Sick of Maronite's representing Lebanon all they are, is dirt bags, how about an Orthodox President least were loyal to our men not to Israel , Be careful of Maronite's there 2 faced like the Druz
Maronite's are 2 faced like the Druz, you want a Christian sect to trust, Pick an Orthodox Leader , Least we defend our country to sell it out
Look at orthodox and steve arguing about maronites, as they have forgot many orthodox joined the Lebanese forces of cheikh Bachir Gemayel to resist against syrians and palestinans so that they can live because they are a minority among minorities. we took weapons from Israel when no one wanted to give us any, as a strategic alliance to confront the occupiers of our land, then when he became president in 82, rejected a peace treaty with israel unless all sects are ok with it, and it is a fact that led to his assassination because Israel felt betrayed and alreeady Syria didnt like him so as palestinians. After that maronites have screwed up i agree, but remember you orthodox to who you owe beeing christians right now, its a shame because most of you fought beside us, only cowards like Orthodox and Steve dont agree, they are probably from armenian descent , cowards that have hidden during the civil war when christians like them were fighting for the same religion and principles.
False doctor wasting his time saving your freedom ..
False leader wasting his time with such Hypocrites .
False defender of the Christians who are dhimmis
But a true war HERO ...
last time I checked Jorge Habbash was orthodox , Loved the PLO, and the SSNP, thank God the Orthodox from SSNP blew up Bachir Gemeyal wohooooooooooooooooooooooo teach you maronites a lesson
THIS IS A TALE OF ONE ANNOUNCED DEAD, What everybody knows it perfectly but in his inside, reject the simple idea of being wrong and prefer living of ilusions, so let time to pass to see who was right and not, now all what is told, it is too early, people love to learn the lesson having strong samples tasted in own skin,
@ Orthodox ,
You should cure yourself from that Maronite complexe you carry inside you .
Put one thing straight in your little ARAB head once and for all ; Maronites in Lebanon are first class citizens , and you ORTHO are second or third class .. !! that depends on your behaviour .
If you want to feel superior , go and do it in KSA where you belong , you are originally Saudis from Al-Hijaz ..Do moulouk al Heera and al Ghassassina ring a bell to you ??
Stop insulting the ones that welcomed you , fed you gave you homes etc etc etc , just like the Palestinians and OTHERS that rae your brothers from KSA , they will recognise themselves .
le phenicien, you are living in a dream world. Maronites are arab yemenites from yemen mixed with syriacs from SYRIA. You came to lebanon and were fed and clothed by the druze and orthodox and repayed us by murdering us ever since the the day you came to lebanon, not to forget what you did during the civil war slaughtering orthodox bcuz we refused to join your heretic militias of rape and slaughtering, You pretend to be the defenders of christians when in reality your not even christian and have always harmed the interests of christiians. And yes for a short while you were first class citizens during modern time when you had strong satanic militias that used terrorism to get that first class ticket, but that was only for a short while, and certainly not anymore when hezballah is the strongest military party. Your president doesnt even have any power lol, but by all means, keep living in ur dream world, i dont mind, the more stupid you are, the better for us real lebanese.
Michel Is Correct, we always support Peace and Justice of all Arabs
A majority of these comments are very spiteful. I wonder how many of you actually want peace? Stereotyping each other and all the sects of lebanon that make it so special. Right now you look just as bad as the politicians, if not worse with the words you have all used. Your faith tells you to be tolerant, yet you spread hatred.
None of us can judge these war criminals or heroes as they are seen in many's eyes, we were not in the position they were in and we all know the Lebanese blood will defend their faith and family till the end of time.
Im pretty scared of the new government, but lets see what they can do.. they will be given the chance to prove themselves and you will see out of the rest of the politicians who really loves Lebanon as they will salute to success even if it was not at their hands.
God Bless.
To orthodox and michel M, as Phenicien said, and i for once agree on a topic with him, cure your complex of Maronites, many of you fought with us against dirty syrians and palestinians occcupiers, but of course, some of you , like yourselves, and your families, traitors, cowards and of course not to forget, insects, that were probably hiding somewhere in an other country or obeying to the occupiers out of fear, people like you cannot judge the Lebanese resistance, it has kept our head high, or else you would have been a bedouin scum right now, and probably your religion changed to Sunni.
- Orthodox, it is a pity that although i respect your sect, and have said more than good words about it, like that most of them were on our side, you lash out that it was good for SSNP that they blew Bachir..., let me tell you one thing, bachir gemayel died with 30000 $ in his account, which he earned as a lawyer, although he had about 30000 men, a very strong militia, he never took any money.
he is the cleanest man that has ever walked Lebanon, maybe you were to blind or afraid to see it, since use of weapons scare you, and as Phenicien said, although i wouldnt have wanted to lower myself to your level, orthodox are not in a good place to argue about anything because they have no power at all and are outnumbered by Maronites , my grand mother is orthodox and i will not insult your sect because i dont feel it is it that must be insulted, but rather Michel M and Orthodox, Maronites are the christian majority, live with it, and i am sure if one day Hezbollah uses force, im surely going to see you running for your lives or bringing Nasrallah his daily meal because you are cowards and traitors to Lebanon, your religious allies, and your origins.
I am Orthodox and fought with the Kataeb like all othodox from Ashrafiyeh we were present on all fronts.These guys pretending that they are orthodox are phony or palasto refugees,like G.Habash who was a communist so no religion.Antoun Saade was a traitor executed by lebanese legal authorities after a fair trial.Their fictitious country never existed and never will, and the spider on their flag is ugly. Gebran Tueni was orthodox,so was the commander in chief of the kataeb militia william Haoui and so many, as well as lots of martyrs.Spare us with the bs,we all are christians.
No Mansour ,some orthodox like some maronites are members of SSNP or Baas, that`s all.Orthodox youth fought with the LF like Syriacs did specially defending Beirut,and many gave up their lives.Habib Chartouni Cheikh Bashir assasin was maronite. We fought as lebanese first christians second.Ashrafyeh the heart of the LF is orthodox.Dont let iranian hezb,or homeless palasto refugees distort reality and truth. LF for ever!
Hey le Phenicien, voila vos alliés du PSNSS , BRAVO au Géneral Alcazar qui fut le premier a quitter,vous avez les alliés que vous méritez.
Here's what I have been observing for last 5 years:
M14 talking the talk
M8 walking the walk
I totally agree withJEAN ANID...i'm orthodoxe ...while we all know that the foundators of the PPS...SBP...are orthodoxe..and most of the lebanese orthodox are PPS...but not all of them...CHARLES MALEK was orthodoxe...ELIE SALEM was orthodoxe...GEBRAN TUENI was orthodoxe...GEORGES HAWI was orthodoxe etc...etc......SO...all the orthodox commenting here ARE WRONG...it is not a question of maronite,orthodox,sunni,chiite or druze...it is the question of LEBANON SOVEREIGNTY...AND HISTORY WILL TELL THAT if there weren't KATAEB AND LF (after),LEBANON will be by now a PALESTINIAN COUNTRY controlled by THE SYRIAN AND THE IRANIANS nowadays...not only ISRAEL IS OUR ENEMY...how can someone consider any FOREIGNER AS A FRIEND when he occupies his SOVEREIGN TERRITORY FOR DECADES?...SHAME on everyone WHO DOESN'T APPLAUD TO ALL LEBANESE MARTYRS...especially the LF. ONES who gave their LIVES FOR OUR BELOVED LEBANON...and because of THEM even the HIZBOLLAH CAN BREATH nowadays...thank youv very much.
Yes I agree with you when you talk about the LF and Kataeb that saved Lebanon from the Palestinians and the Syrians " that time " ..!! Bashir''s time followed by GMA's time with the Syrian army of the fanatic Sunni Wahhaby abdel halim Khaddam !!!
The LF's today and Kataeb are no longer what they use to be Paulette .. They are today totally under a Sunni Wahhaby influence , they cannot even have their own electoral lists to elect their own MP's , they have to be elected on Al-Mustakbal's lists and follow their chef de file Saad Hariri ... for many unkown reasons (...)
While in front , you have the FPM that has his electoral lists all over Lebanon , electing his MP's directly and proudly , like Sheihk Bashir , and his father Sheikh Pierre or Camille Chamoun , would have done , and did themselves ....
This is the real difference today between the LF's and kataeb today , and what they use to be ..
you are totally wrong LE PHOENICIEN...michel aoun is in anything the follower of BACHIR GEMAYEL...the people who knows BACHIR GEMAYEL like i do...and who almost woul die with HIM like me...knows very well that michel aoun is nothing but a lier,a syrian agent, who'se mission is to always destroy the LF...because they are exactly the bastion of lebanese sovereignty in LEBANON...since before 1975,till now...do you think B.G. would have run leaving the BRAVE LEBANESE ARMY FIGHTERS die like birds by the hands of the criminal syrian army in souk el gharb on the famous...unglorious...13 of october...my dear phoenicien...BACHIR GEMAYEL...FOUGHT...BY HIMSELF...IN FRONT OF THE LFERS,IN 1978,FOR 100 FULL DAYS IN THE FORTERESS OF ACHRAFIEH,AND KICKED THEM OUT OF IT...just believe that michel aoun is nothing but a traitor...otherwise he would never came out alive from BAABDA,while the syrian armyhad a regional,international,and "ISRAELIAN" cover at that time...READ HISTORY JUST FOR FIND TRUTH...
Phenicien you are mixing up here, Aoun inherited Emile Lahoud legacy being a slave to Syria and Hezbollah. Only difference I see is that Aoun will never be president...
Le Phenicien this aounist rhetoric is ridiculous,that all sunnis are wahabis.Compare Future TV and manar speakerines code dress. Not all shias are Hezbo and so on. During the war Cheikh Bashir and President C.Chamoun were with the people and men and never fled. Aoun promised but was the 1st to flee,in military code it is not honourable,we know what follow.Aoun lies are ridiculous as the Syrians needed the LF fire power to oust Aoun. iT WAS ARRANGED, what happened in 2005 confirms that aoun from day one was a phony,and played his part.