قتلى وجرحى بصفوف "السوري الحر" و"حزب الله" باشتباكات ليلية

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وقع اشتباك ليل السبت الاحد بين مجموعة من حزب الله قدمت من منطقة بعلبك واخرى من الجيش السوري الحر في منطقة سورية حدودية محاذية لمنطقة بعلبك، بحسب ما افاد مصدر امني لبنان وكالة فرانس برس.

وقال المصدر ان "عنصرا من حزب الله قتل، وكذلك عدد من المسلحين من الجانب السوري لم يعرف عددهم".

واكد المرصد السوري لحقوق الانسان حصول اشتباكات في هذه المنطقة المحاذية لريف الزبداني ويبرود في ريف دمشق من الجهة السورية وجرود بعلبك اللبنانية، والمتداخلة في بعض اجزائها بين البلدين. وتمتد الحدود اللبنانية مع سوريا في الشمال والشرق على كيلومترات طويلة غير مرسمة او محددة بشكل واضح في نقاط عديدة.

ووفق المعلومات الصحافية، الاحد، فإن اشتباكات ليل السبت الاحد بين عناصر من حزب الله وآخرين من "الجيش السوري الحر"، في جرود بعلبك، أدت الى سقوط قتلى وجرحى من الجانبين.

وسبق الاشتباك الليلي سقوط صواريخ عدة انطلقت من هذه المنطقة الحدودية، بحسب المصدر الامني، على بلدات في قضاء بعلبك الذي يملك فيه حزب الله نفوذا واسعا.

وهي المرة الاولى التي تطاول فيها الصواريخ منطقة بعلبك. وكان الجيش الحر استهدف خلال الاسابيع الماضية بلدات في منطقة الهرمل القريبة من بعلبك ردا على تدخل حزب الله العسكري الى جانب قوات النظام في منطقة القصير في محافظة حمص.

وسقط صباح الاحد صاروخ جديد مصدره الاراضي السورية على جرود الهرمل من دون ان يوقع اصابات.

وكشف حزب الله اخيرا عن مشاركته في معارك القصير، مؤكدا ان دمشق هي "سند حزب الله" وانه لن يسمح بسقوطها.

ويثير هذا الموضوع توترا كبيرا في لبنان حيث ينقسم البلد بين مؤيدين للنظام ومعظمهم من انصار الحزب وبين متحمسين للمعارضة السورية.

التعليقات 30
Missing maroun 13:56 ,2013 حزيران 02

you are one idiot ..there is no difference between the Hizb and al-nusra ..they are both terrorists.you are the only one defending a terrorist group.

Missing mfawaz 15:47 ,2013 حزيران 02

LOL...you wish our glorious resistance is the same as nursa...they would never destroy churchs, kill people 4 their religion. the takfiri of nursa are exactly what you m14 ers need...by the way...at least 15 rebels were killed trying to launch rockets on hermel...my condolances to 14.

Missing ArabDemocrat.com 15:57 ,2013 حزيران 02

Mfawaz - I do not see m14 defending al-nusra. Where do you come up with this crap or is the hizb case so weak that you only have lies.

Missing peace 17:24 ,2013 حزيران 02

" have you seen non shiaa being persecuted and slaughtered?"

what another IDIOTIC comment from our entertainer here... let me ask you the same idiot question: have you been in sunni areas and seen people persecuted or slaughtered? LOL i bet you ve never been in akkar where christians live with sunnis for centuries...

so keep you alnusra M14 BS to wipe your a... with it. on the contrary your hezbis openly help bashar's army which raped and blew mosques for your knowledge... and even smashed dead bodies under the caterpillars of their tanks... i bet you d say his army are poor victims and avoid any slaughter or massacres? LOL... facts speak against ALL your BS... so keep coming making yourself a fool you are the clown of this site!

Missing syria4life 14:03 ,2013 حزيران 02

Is america and israel terrorists maroun?

Missing maroun 14:28 ,2013 حزيران 02

Syria is the biggest exporter of terrorism in the world.as for your Question ..they are not .can you tell me the last time they blew up an explosive laden car that killed innocent civilians..i don't think so.

Missing rodzill 15:52 ,2013 حزيران 02

Escuse maroon, he isn't that smart to answer such a question. For him terrorist means muslim, not even muslim, terrorist means shiite!
They havent blown up a car?? Hahaha
Look at Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan! Every country they interveen in, they take the ressources and leave them to rot!
But they only killed thousands, u know, as long as they havent killed 3 in a car blast, oufff, saves them from being terrorist. On the plus side, they are christians & jews, so they cant be terrorist, they are after all, the chosen ones!
Maroun, i hope your children one day will be more open minded that you and all of ur sect defending the rich and spitting on the poor.

Missing peace 17:27 ,2013 حزيران 02

yes FT... syria has trained harbored many terrorist groups which were sent to lebanon to kill lebanese...american even used the torture knowledge of your dear baath regime to interrogate suspects of alqaeda...

my source? the speeches of your dear leader aoun...

Missing peace 20:43 ,2013 حزيران 02

" lebanon is also training terrorists in north lebanon and in palestinian camps."

i guess you are talking about the extremist sunnis trained by hezbi in the bekaa and the palestinian training camps also under the control of hezbis... so yes you are right...

but funny how you always avoid acknowledging what aoun used to say... i understand it is quite a sensitive matter of embarassement for brainless people like FPMers.....

Missing maroun 04:54 ,2013 حزيران 03

rodzill..i didn't say only muslims are terrorists ...i have no ill feelings toward shia or sunni i just said Syria ,the regime that is is the biggest sponsor of terrorism in the world ..if you can not understand that then you must be stupid.

Thumb Senescence 15:16 ,2013 حزيران 02

They're also transporting Sarin gas in Turkey, the rebels (Al-Nusra fraction): http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=95d_1369914320

Obviously, as there's little hope they can win this otherwise.

Missing ArabDemocrat.com 15:59 ,2013 حزيران 02

Do you believe such crap?

Thumb Senescence 16:12 ,2013 حزيران 02


Carla del Ponte(UN panel investigating in Syria member) said a while back that testimony gathered from UN affiliates & preliminary investigation point Sarin usage to rebels. This notion was rejected, partly because everyone wanted blame of any chemical attacks to fall on the Syrian government, and partly because rebels using Sarin gas would be terrible for the rebellion's image. More evidence has been collected since then, and it appears that some postmortem examinations show that the cause of death was the result of 'chemical attacks', without directly specifying which side used what chemical.

While I was skeptical about the usage of Sarin and its perpetrators, I am less skeptical now. Perhaps the Syrian government has used Sarin, but it's undeniable rebels have done so seeing as how they've been caught red-handed with 2Kg of the pertinent chemical.

Default-user-icon Truth (ضيف) 15:18 ,2013 حزيران 02

Another bites the dust,
just another one,
another one bites the dust....

Missing mohammad_ca 15:41 ,2013 حزيران 02

where is that BS from?

Missing greatpierro 16:41 ,2013 حزيران 02

FT, why do you want to enforce that Mustqbal and al Nusra are allies. Please gives us one evidence that Mustqbal and al Nusra are allies.

Missing greatpierro 16:44 ,2013 حزيران 02

Your post below on Shia dominated area where christian and shia live in harmony. Well it is just the same in Sunni dominated area. Yet habibi, we all know how Shia have taken and built on Christian land be it in the south suburb or in the jbeil area.

Thumb lebanon_first 17:15 ,2013 حزيران 02

Why use jbeil as an example. What about chiyahh?

Thumb lebanon_first 17:22 ,2013 حزيران 02

Rodzill this is the stupidest comment. HA working for us!!!!
1-HA is sending invitation tickets for nosra to come practice their hobby in Lebanon. {Bomb things and kill people)
2-HA is the second source of terrorism in Lebanon. The first one being faith el Islam et al.
3- I don't fucking care to be sold to the US as long as we have stability and economic growth for our people. You can shove ur Iranian pride where the sun doesn't shine.

Missing rodzill 21:01 ,2013 حزيران 02

You're an idiot then.
WE do care about not being sold outs to the US. What a shame to admit such things openly. Where's your pride? Tfeh 3aleykon. TFEH. you disgust me. a shame to lebanon, a shame to mankind

Missing rodzill 21:02 ,2013 حزيران 02

Change it to ISRAEL_FIRST, you've made it clear enough that lebanon is on the bottom of your list.

Thumb primesuspect 17:25 ,2013 حزيران 02

There are nonlebanese fighters in Syria, only Lebanese terrorists.

Missing rodzill 21:03 ,2013 حزيران 02

7AKA primesuspect! 7akaaaa.

Missing peace 17:29 ,2013 حزيران 02

how does it feel to be allied with parties that also voted for extension? LOL only geagea tricked FPM? LOL!!!!!

Missing peace 20:48 ,2013 حزيران 02

" so by supporting the side who last month, blew up a mosque with sunni moderates, you are being on the side of justice?"

LOL as you are on the side of "justice" by supporting assad and we all know the massacres he did so far in syria in lebanon! great sense of justice you have indeed little FPMer...

Missing peace 20:50 ,2013 حزيران 02

he commented all the other posts but when it comes to facts he can in no way deny by twisting reality... he avoids commenting. true sign of coward FPMers hiding between the legs of hezbis like insignificant little 3aw 3aw they are....

Missing rodzill 20:59 ,2013 حزيران 02

So you prefer to suck up to the americans and eat well, live in wealth, than protecting your honour and religion and fight to live?
There's no common sense in what you say, you just proved to us that your a sell out, just like your leaders, they prefer the easy way out, take the money, kill your brothers, as long as the 100$ bills are available.
We are sorry we're not like you guys. We can't accept that immigrants from Europe came to Palestine in the early 90s, claimed its their land and slaughtered millions. We can't accept that. How about Sadam (May God NOT rest his soul), they killed him but in the same time, killed 40times more iraqis than him. We can't accept that.
We don't have the same goals in life.

Missing peace 21:03 ,2013 حزيران 02

"We can't accept that immigrants from Europe came to Palestine in the early 90s, claimed its their land and slaughtered millions. We can't accept that"

LOL so go and live in palestine and fight there! and palestinians have elected hamas to take care of them so why do you want to interfere? oh! good for the hezbi marketing business!!!

oh! and life is nice to enjoy so have fun! you seem so frustrated....

Missing samiam 21:21 ,2013 حزيران 02

talk about paranoid and a perfect sheep,

anyhow, since you are so gung ho about Hizb Iran, why is it that they fly their flag over the Lebanese one? If they are so patriotic as you claim, the only flag they should be flying is the Lebanese one. Also, if they are so 'patriotic', why don't they follow the rules and laws of this country?

And hizb iran has been involved in bombings, assassination attempts, and you remember a little think in May 2008--stop kidding yourself on who they really are.

Missing peace 21:47 ,2013 حزيران 02

find a better excuse to defend you flipflopper aoun... coz this one? hahahaha! so weak as you mind indeed...

again facts speak against your stupidity....