الجيش: توقيف شخصين في اهدن بحوزتهما أسلحة حربية متنوعة

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تمكن حاجز للجيش اللبناني، من توقيف شخصين في منطقة اهدن، صباح الأحد، وبحوزتهما، أسلحة حربية وأعتدة عسكرية متنوعة.

وأعلن بيان أصدرته قيادة الجيش - مديرية التوجيه، أنه وفي "إطار مهمة الحفاظ على الأمن والاستقرار، أوقف حاجز تابع للجيش اللبناني في منطقة اهدن المدعوين محمد بشير موسى وسعد محمد موسى بينما كانا يستقلان سيارة نوع كيا بيكانتو".

وكان بداخل السيارة عدد من قاذفات الــ"أر بي جي" والأسلحة الحربية الخفيفة والمناظير، بالإضافة إلى كمية من الذخائر الخفيفة وأعتدة عسكرية متنوعة.

وقد سلّم الموقوفان مع المضبوطات إلى المراجع المعنية، كما بوشر التحقيق بإشراف القضاء المختص.

من جانبها أفادت الـ"LBCI: أن الموقوفين هما من عكار وكانا يشتريان الأسلحة من تاجر في بشري سبق أن أوقف مرتين.

التعليقات 13
Default-user-icon zaturn (ضيف) 14:27 ,2013 حزيران 02

Wow look at the size of the trunk on that thing! I shall buy a picanto.

Missing fireextinguisher 16:04 ,2013 حزيران 02

hahahah "Kia Picanto" that's as big as a six wheel truck!

Missing ArabDemocrat.com 16:05 ,2013 حزيران 02

FSA - are you for real. These guys bought these weapons from an area dominated by m8 (perhaps saraya al-muqawama) and they were rightly arrested. The Hizb is involved with thousands fighting in syria and its fighters and weapons pass in full view of the army and no one dares do anything. The arrests proves my point - not yours - that there is no much military help is passing from lebanon to the opposition.

Missing ArabDemocrat.com 16:08 ,2013 حزيران 02

I have a small mistake ... Bsahri is LF stronghold. But the point is that they are arrested. In case of hizb, no one dare touch its thousands of highters and truckloads of weapons.

Missing ArabDemocrat.com 17:31 ,2013 حزيران 02

dami - you are wrong. It is because the Hizb is stronger militarly than the army. The Hizb is putting Lebanon future at risk by engaging in a foreign adventure in support of a criminal regime and under order from Tehran.

Thumb primesuspect 17:29 ,2013 حزيران 02

Army should visit Baalbak and Hermel.... They'd be able to renew their arsenal.

Missing ArabDemocrat.com 17:31 ,2013 حزيران 02

dami - you are wrong. It is because the Hizb is stronger militarly than the army. The Hizb is putting Lebanon future at risk by engaging in a foreign adventure in support of a criminal regime and under order from Tehran.

Missing ArabDemocrat.com 17:33 ,2013 حزيران 02

dami - who is defending themselves? Hizbis from Bekaa, South Lebanon or Dahiye' or the people of Al-qusayr that are hit with tens of thousands of rockets and shells by the "axis of resistance."

Missing peace 17:35 ,2013 حزيران 02

yes i guess the amount of ammunition transported in that car will change the course of the ongoing syrian war... yes very comparable to your hezbi militia in syria!!!!

what stupid excuses M8 try to find to justify their involvement in syria! oh! and were those two lebanese from M14? have you asked them? or just a pure propagandist assumption? LOL!

Thumb primesuspect 19:23 ,2013 حزيران 02

What happened to you hair Saad ? :p

Missing -karim_m2 21:13 ,2013 حزيران 02

God bless the army for protecting Lebanon from the evil schemes of the FSA-Al Qaeda terrorists.

Thumb primesuspect 21:59 ,2013 حزيران 02

Aren't you tired of tossing grenades at innocent civilians? Shame on you!!!!

Default-user-icon Ataf Nafas (ضيف) 12:08 ,2013 حزيران 03

Its those ALAWITT / Nussayriah, who supported the Invasion of the ISLAMIC world coming from EUROPE. They were defeated by KHALIFAH after their defeated supportes run away back to Europe, they were behind the spying of allowing EUROPE Invaders to figure weakneses in the deffended walls / casttles of the seashore of BAr ElSham at that time. They were always againset ISLAM, but Khalifah get rid of them after getting the ISLAM world back to Khilafah.
May ALLAH support the Syrians who r struggelling for there fredom, you people have try to live in Syria or pass by its borders, this regime is recruiting outlow people to distroy peoples behave.
May Allah Support us