توزيع حلوى في الضاحية الجنوبية لبيروت احتفالا بـ"سقوط" مدينة القصير
Read this story in Englishنشر رواد مواقع التواصل الإجتماعي صورا للضاحية الجنوبية لبيروت حيث يوزع شبان الحلوى احتفالا بـ"سقوط" مدينة القصير السورية.
وزين شباب المنطقة الطريق بأعلام حزب الله كتب تحتها "القصير سقطت".
ويتبين من الصور توزيع الحلوى على المارة.
كذلك نشر ناشطون على شبكات التواصل الإجتماعي صورة للأمين العام لـ"حزب الله" السيد حسن نصرالله وكتب عليها "القصير ترحب بكم (..) إن السيد إذا وعد نفّذ".
وكان نصرالله قد أعلن منذ أسبوعين المشاركة في القتال ضد المعارضة في القصير قائلا أن خطر التكفيريين كخطر إسرائيل واعدا "بالنصر مجددا كما وعدتكم بالنصر دائما".
وسيطرت قوات النظام السوري وحزب الله اليوم الاربعاء على هذه المدينة الإسراتيجة الاستراتيجية في وسط سوريا بعد اكثر من سنة من الحصار المفروض عليها ومعارك طاحنة منذ اكثر من اسبوعين.
واكد المرصد السوري ان "قوات نظامية ومقاتلين من حزب الله يسيطرون حاليا على مدينة القصير"، مشيرا الى ان اقتحام المدينة تم "بعد غطاء كثيف من القصف على المدينة منذ ليل امس واستمر الى فجر اليوم".
وعرضت قناة "المنار" لقطات مصورة من وسط المدينة، ظهرت فيها دبابات للقوات السورية، اضافة الى ضباط وجنود يجولون في الشوارع التي تعرضت لدمار كبير.
كذلك هنأت طهران، على لسان نائب وزير الخارجية الايراني حسين امير عبد اللهيان "الجيش والشعب السوريين بالانتصار على الارهابيين التكفيريين في مدينة القصير".
they think it is the end?
this is going to be the beginning of a long war and this time round: at home.
those feasting today in dahieh, will be the ones mourning tomorrow.
stupid sheep...... they do not know what they brought on to themselves....
Geha = Geriatric Hallucinations
Has any of your countless end times prophecies been fulfilled?
The answer is: No!
Shiites are only making people hate them more. Imagine the FSA occupying a shiite town in lebanon like this. Shiites will end up losing in the long run.
We will offer sweets all around when Dahyié is turned to rubble with all its renegades and criminals under !
why? Those 'rebels"in Qussayr have NOTHING to do with ISLAM. They are human flesh eating criminals, rapists, and thugs hiding behind Islam. They cry Alahu Akbar before they slit the throats of helpless prisoners. Is this Islam? Is this Sunni Islam, or Shia? NO thank you. I don't eat sweets; however I'll pop open a bottle of champagne. Cheers everyone, and alf mabrouk.
Next stop is Aleppo.
What victory man. Go liberate golan or Jerusalem. That's a disgrace to the militia that once upon a time was a resistance.
OMG it's shocking and disgusting. We'll have to cheer when Israel eventually takes down their ally Nusralla. Because, we M14ers don't have blood on our hands.... Hizballa's natural ally today will betray them tomorrow.
Nobody thought HA will be able to pull this one. It is not their turf. I can see why they are celebrating. Plus offering sweets is less provocative than shooting their guns up in the air.
I'm completely and utterly baffled as to why you think everything has to do with inciting sectarian strife. Enno shou khas ?
I don't see it at all. The Syrian Arab Army is a Sunni majority, I'm given to understand, fighting along the Shia against mercenaries having been funneled dirty oil money. If anything, it's a show of unity ( albeit, in the wrong circumstances, definitely ).
Like OUR glorious Army, people of many different religions and sects, believing in their country, in their flag, in their anthem, are fighting along each other with no differences between them but appearances.
If the salafis are Sunnis then so be it, it wouldn't have been any different if it was Shia or Christian or Druze or Buddhists or Pantheists or whatever. It's their action that is being battled against, not their religion. Ma khas.
In 2006, syrians in qusayr and other border villages welcomed the displaced lebanese from the war with israel and treated them like family. Today they repay them by celebrating their deaths....
the FSA is made of syrians dumbass, but you know thta, you are just spreading lies like the rest of your baathist/hezbollah/iranian goons
900 Salafists were killed in Qusayr, by the army and Hezbollah combined. What are you talking about?