تقارير: 14 آذار سترفع مذكرة لسليمان وبان رفضاً لانخراط حزب الله بسوريا
Read this story in Englishتعمل قوى 14 آذار على تحضير مذكرة لتقديمها الى رئيس الجمهورية ميشال سليمان والى الامين العام للامم المتحدة بان كي مون تتناول مسألة تدخل "حزب الله" في القتال في سوريا، وفق ما كشفت معلومات صحافية.
وأفادت صحيفة "النهار"، السبت، أن المذكرة ستناقش ويتم الموافقة عليها في اجتماع قيادي لقوى 14 آذار، يترقّب أن يعقد الأسبوع المقبل، على أن يتناول أيضاً انعكايات هذا التدخل على لبنان وعلى كافة المستويات.
وأوضحت أن المذكرة ستتوجه الى المجتمعَين العربي والدولي بتأكيد "موقف الغالبية من اللبنانيين الداعي الى مسح العار الذي لحق بلبنان من خلال تورط "حزب الله" في سوريا ومن خلال وزير الخارجية (بحكومة تصريف الاعمال عدنان منصور) الذي لا يمثل لبنان ولا خارجيته في مواقفه المتواطئة مع هذا الحزب".
يُشار الى أن مقاتلي حزب الله يشاركون في المعارك الى جانب القوات النظامية السورية، خصوصا في مدينة القصير التي أُعلن عن سقوطها بيد النظام السوري، الاربعاء وبعد أشهر من القتال.
ويُذكر ان منصور، قال أمام مجلس الجامعة العربية في دورته غير العادية، الأربعاء أن "حزب الله"، ومن خلال قتاله في القصير السورية قام بـ"عمل وقائي وإستباقي لحماية اهلهم واقربائهم وابنائهم من اللبنانيين في مواجهة المجموعات المسلحة التي ارادت ان تجعل منهم فريسة للخطف والإبتزاز والقتل".
a good move from m14 to try to save face for Lebanon.
however this will not matter.
because iran and hizbushaitan have created an impossible situation: they reactivated the sunni/shia hatred.
sunnis are now expected to radicalize across the world and this will cost all of us a lot.
leaders of the sunni world are now forced to follow their people against shia across the world.
iran has opened a Pandora box that will be the cause for the worst 50 years to come unless there is some action from the western world against them soon.
well I am used to blind attacks :)
saying things the way they are inflames m8 who are mainly sheep followers of the turbaned man in iran.
what puzzles me are those fpm guys! do they not see where iran is leading the whole region?
"majority of the Lebanese disapprove Hizbullah's involvement in the war in Syria"
The memo noted that "Majority" refers to the proportional representation system used in Lebanon where each three Shias are counted as one voter. The most recent election, where March 14 received 45% of the vote but 55% of the seats in Parliament was temporized as "anomalous": "we let them have some extra seats and this is how they repay us," said Mr. Hariri's press secretary, Maj. Ralph al Thani.
To all you M14 , as a Lebanese myself it is a shame to see my fellow compatriots shaming a majority of your fellow brothers' trying to contain Savages & Terrorists from spreading throughout our country , region and ultimately the world . There is nothing to say about your position except that you are now ( world opinion ) you are the financiers of Savage Animals that are demented on eating Human Organs & siding with a fanatical cult , including the KSA , GCC states that have been pulling your strings to put such a statement as well as your so called religious leaders' . Hope you all benefit only one thing , that is joining you Idol UBL in deep sea forever !! Most of the Western society know what your ambitions are ! You Wahibist M14 are going back 1600 years , but the only difference is that you are using oil money to buy demented people for your cause instead of a Sword !! May Allah have mercy on your souls because we won't !!!!
your comment just confirms what I said :)
you repeat slogans of iran and hizbushaitan blindly without an unce of thinking of what situation has been created by this shia involvement in the Syrian war.
do you realize what it means to have all sunnis in the world mobilized through sectarian beliefs against shias?
think about it and do advise the result if you can please.
people: stop being sheep and realize where your leaders are taking all of us.....
iran and hizbushaitan terrorist attacks in Lebanon and across the world are well documented :)
your comment shows clearly who is fanatical ..... with all that entails...
this comment of yours asking for cleansing !....... is a clear message to all as to what to expect from your extremist iran.....
you reinforce the reasons for sunnis to hate shia....
good job.
@ Geha you are as stupid as they are you idiot , I said " may Allah & The Prophet Cleanse you all by the Sword " there was no mention by any human being to do what Allah or his Prophet would do as punishment for your " Sins" , it is up to our great creator not us you subhuman !!!!
A document, from the Lebanese people, should address the Arab countries and the international community, saying “the majority of Lebanese call for swiping the shame that Lebanon has been tainted with over ALL our politicians involvement in Syria.”
So the March 14 nobodies, aka jama3et al MOU2ASSASAT, whose achievements peaked at scratching their hinies, ya friggin 3ayn, have made themselves the MOU2ASSASAT, ya friggin 3ayn, and so these nobodies confidently speak for the MAJORITY of Lebanese, ya friggin 3ayn. These nobodies, led by the runaway cheikh, could barely amass a few thousand MAJORITIES, ya friggin 3ayn, during their last few rallies to the point where they were running out of space and so they chose to congregate on a separate planet called The Bielos Majoris, ya friggin 3ayn. But then the March 14 MOU2ASSASAT directly address the ARAB WORLD, ya friggin 3ayn. Wow. The ARAB WORLD must really be impressed! Have a safe trip back to reality aboard the spaceship Akbar Tojlita XIV.
To hell with m14 and their fanatical supporters. Surely there is a USA zoinist agenda that can keep them busy to avoid wasted headlines and people wasting their time reading about them.
Every single one of these M14 politician around this table have been specifically tapped from their behind by a Saudi or a GCC king, prince, or emir . Keep bending over you idiots , they've already tapped your wives , but beware about your daughters' & Sons ..
If you M14's can sell your souls your wives your children to these people from KSA & GCC then US TRUE LEBANESE ( the Majority) are not surprised that you all & your supporters would & probably have sold your homeland , Lak Tfeh Tfeh Alaykoum ..
Oh, and these March 14 chronic traitors and collaborators with every enemy of Lebanon, most recently the Syrian occupation into whose arms they trampolined while scheming against ebn baladon, undoubtedly have... well... umm... duh... no shame?, don't they?
unfortunately you are totally correct.
in my today's comment I simply outlined the actual outcome of the involvement of hizbushaitan is Syria, and that opened the usual box of insult from new people (?) :)
however, asking the army to shoot first and ask questions later, I would highly be inclined t approve it, but there is a problem with the current command of the army which was seen just the last few weeks:
- they give free passage to hizbushaitan all over, while they arrest others.
and my friend that is even handed and as it happened in the previous civil war, when the army was acting with a bias towards Christians, now it is seen acting with bias towards shia, the end result will be the same as previously: the army will be divided. and that we do not want.
I don't know about the name calling, and swords and families....as you say, but I agree, it is a bad for all Lebanese if M14 is to support these Al Nusra, Salafi... both in Lebanon and Syria. At the same time it is bad for Lebanon for Hizbullah to continue to operate as a state within a state, above the law, and go fight in Syria. This is completely wrong as well.
And Hezbollah claims they are not sectarian?!
and those who claim that bahreinis can revolt but not syrians also are in no position to criticize.....
west and zion is watching and celebrating, it is a tactic used to eliminate more an more of the enemy so the arabs can always beg the west for more help and keep them in a poor state while the west and zion get richer. wake up arab and learn to not fall into this trap any longer.