تقارير: إطلالة إعلامية لنصرالله الجمعة بمناسبة "يوم الجريح"
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أفادت معلومات صحافية عن "إطلالة قريبة للأمين العام لـ"حزب الله" السيد حسن نصرالله يتناول فيها التطورات السياسية والأمنية".
وفي هذا السياق، رجحت معلومات لصحيفة "النهار"، الأحد، ان "تكون لنصرالله اطلالة اعلامية في الرابع عشر من الجاري لمناسبة "يوم الجريح" يتحدث فيها عن التطورات الاخيرة بعد معركة القصير والتطورات الداخلية السياسية والامنية".
يذكر أن الامين العام لحزب الله السيد حسن نصر الله كان قد اعلن في خطاب ألقاه في عيد "المقاومة والتحرير"، أن سوريا سند المقاومة وظهرها، وأن القاومة لن تسمح بأن يكسر ظهر المقاومة.
وقال نصر الله أنه إذا سقطت سوريا بيد أميركا والتكفيريين، ستدخل اسرائيل الى لبنان وستحاصر المقاومة.
وأكد ان معاركه الى جانب النظام في القصير هو من أجل حماية المدنيين، وصون المقامات الدينية في ضواحي دمشق، متوعدا حينها بالنصر في القصير.
يشار الى أن 11 صاروخا كان قد سقط على اطراف مدينة بعلبك مصدرها الجانب السوري، أسفر عن إصابة مواطن بجروح وحصول أضرار مادية بالممتلكات، وذلك بعد ساعات من تمكن القوات النظامية السورية مدعومة بمقاتلين من حزب الله من السيطرة على مدينة القصير في محافظة حمص القريبة من الحدود مع لبنان.
والسيطرة على القصير جاء بعد استعادة قوات النظام لبلدة البويضة الشرقية، (شمال القصير) وهي آخر معاقل المقاتلين المعارضين.

New orders from the Ayatollah have been received and will be telecast by Nasrallah from the safety of his underworld bunker. Let me guess... Devine Victory blah blah blah... Glorious Axis of Resistance blah, blah, blah.... Takfiri/Zionist/US plot blah, blah, blah.
Go back to Qom, make your wars and your speeches from there.

Another arrogant speach by the arrogant shia death cult leader. Nasrallah wants to turn everyone shia. Qusayr is now a shiite city ya nasr el shaytan? Lek tfeh 3alayk we 3ala 7ezbak we shi3tak. At least the wahhabies are honest about their goals, these shia satans hide them under taqiya as if facts lie. The fact that you send a shia militia to occupy a non-shia town exposes you no matter what garbage you spit out.

Another arrogant speach by the arrogant shia death cult leader. Nasrallah wants to turn everyone shia. Qusayr is now a shiite city ya nasr el shaytan? Lek tfeh 3alayk we 3ala 7ezbak we shi3tak. At least the wahhabies are honest about their goals, these shia satans hide them under taqiya as if facts lie. The fact that you send a shia militia to occupy a non-shia town exposes you no matter what garbage you spit out.

So is HN going to declare "mission accomplished" and bring his men home, possibly keeping them on the Syrian side of the border in some kind of a buffer zone, or is he going to announce the deepening of his involvement in the Syrian swamp? I still think that plan B for the "Axis of Resistance" is the creation of an Alawite entity along the Lebanese border and on west-northwest along the coast. The rest of the country formally known as Syria would be ruled by a Sunni majority.

Well it reflects where I see Hezbollah heading. If it happens to agree with the M14 view, all the better. Please note that I don't consider myself M14. You've seen me criticizing M14 on several occasions. I agree with many of the things that M14 stand for, I agree with some of the things the FPM stands for, and I agree with nothing HN and his mercenaries stand for, as long as they operate outside of the framework of the state.

The world needs to kill this terrorist in order to make everyone's life safer.

What is he going to talk about? His astounding defeat in Syria or the 107,412 Hizbullah fighters, as of the last count by NostraHarrier and NostraGabbyMarch14, who have been killed in and around al-Qusayr in three short weeks? I cannot wait to watch him weep, sob, cry and bang his head against the podium as he has been doing lately. That wasn't him? Oh, that was Fouad l'Israelien Saniora? Whatever.

another propagandist speech to come to make his sheep wet in their pants....

Keanu Reeves as born in Beirut. it doesn't make him lebanese... not the 500.000 pals

Stop lying on the poor shia citizens who do not have food on the table to eat and use their children for Iran's propaganda, then reimburse them from Iran 20 thousand US dollars. Nothing replaces the martyrs you idiot.

this is the little hitler.
the big hitler is the Iranian giving the orders.

guess what hassan, your hizb iran does not have veterans since they are mercenaries, ie being paid to fight by someone else. so making up names for holidays may raise the spirits of your followers, but leave others thinking that you are becoming more desperate.

A flag with a gun. A symbol of death. Lover of death? Is this what the Shiites want? Does anyone really want this? Leave Iran in Iran.
We do not worship death. We want to live. We want to kiss our chilredn and give them milk to drink and books to read, not cry.
He is a pest and the Mullahs feed him cheese. He is a Harami and we all know what that means.