إعتصام في ساحة الشهداء رفضا لقتال حزب الله في سوريا
Read this story in Englishنظم تجمع "لبنانيون مع حرية وكرامة الشعب السوري" إعتصاما في ساحة الشهداء رفضا لقتال "حزب الله" في سوريا وسط إجراءات أمنية مشددة للجيش اللبناني.
وحضر عضو كتلة "المستقبل" النائب خالد زهرمان، عضو الامانة العامة لقوى 14 آذار شارل جبور، الإعلامي صالح المشنوق وحشد من المناصرين الذين رفعوا الأعلام اللبنانية.
ووقف المشاركون دقيقة صمت عن أرواح شهداء سوريا، ثم تحدث جبور فرأى ان "تدخل "حزب الله" في سوريا سوف يؤجج الصراع المذهبي في المنطقة"، داعيا "الجيش الى ضبط الحدود اللبنانية - السورية".
بدوره، رفض المشنوق قتال "حزب الله" الذي "يمثل إيران في سوريا"، مشددا على "أن الثورة السورية ستنتصر"، معتبرا "أن السنة في لبنان هم سنة شعار "لبنان أولا"، وسنة الطروحات التي رفعها السيد علي الأمين والإمام الشيخ محمد مهدي شمي الدين".
في المقابل تحدثت قناة الـ"LBCI" عن اعتصام مفترض كان يمكن أن يقوموا به شباب "داعمين للمقاومة" في وسط بيروت "إلا أن أحدا لم يأت" بحسب القناة.
وسيطرت القوات السورية مدعومة من حزب الله الأربعاء الماضي على مدينة القصير الإستراتيجية قرب الحدود اللبنانية فيما يدخل يوميا عشرات الجرحى من هذه المدينة إلى المستشفيات اللبنانية.

the shia intelligencia is totally against hizbushaitan and they are starting to come out :)

Meanwhile, LBCI television reported that another demonstration supporting Hizbullah's involvement in the Syrian war was supposed to take place in Downtown Beirut as well, but noted that “NO ONE showed up” to the event.
“NO ONE showed up”“NO ONE showed up”“NO ONE showed up”“NO ONE showed up”
Lololololololololol They living on borrowed time!

Because it won't have any effect on anything and politicians that urged the protest today can be seen as fighters of their opinions and as being truly adherent to their cause. You know, politics.

"Palestinian cause" is what it is, not a lebanese cause. as long as hizb keeps meddling in foreign affairs, nasrallah can count on foreign powers meddling in lebanese affairs. lebanon has had enough, near 40 years of turmoil due to the palestinians. the lebanese should try taking care of themselves first before invoolving themselves in other peoples business.

@haile.selassie: so that's it? what happens when Qusayr citizens who slipped to Lebanon landed rockets in Bourj el Brajneh? the media talks about the next gathering of HA in another Syrian city in preparation to another operation...do you really think those people are not going to retaliate in Lebanon as they say.

Because it just happened days ago? Because Hizb Allah is probably still involved and will get involved again? Pretty simple to see why for someone who uses their brain.

The demonstrators numbered in the double digit range?
If there were any Christians in Lebanon, they would belong to Hezbullah, the force of the common people, as determined by number and power. And by success. God is not stupid.

you have a real sex problem... go and check a sex therapist... or prove that you have a smarter language than the sex references you kept posting today!
can you do that? or your lexical field is limited?

“The revolutionaries will emerge victorious from the war.”
If being torn apart in Qusayr after billions of dollars in weapons and funds and tens of thousands of foreign mercenary terrorists is their idea of being "victorious", then I dont know what their idea of defeat is.

Mon ami. The FSA flag is a Syrian historical flag which dates back to the pre-Baathism.

Good for them, they are voicing their views in a civilize way. At least these people can protest and not be massacred by Assad's army and this protest looks too big to be attacked by the brave Hizbullah Thugs in training.

Lol at that photo. The fact that they had to zoom so close in shows there was no real crowd, just a handful.

57 people partcipated, counted on a picture taken by LBC.
Jazeera said tens
Is it worth an article in Naharnet? Hahahaha

really? have you attended a stab yourself shiite ashoura rally? or a christian hang yourself on a cross rally in Philippines?