عون يدعو لتوزيع "حمل" النازحين والجرحى: سيترتب عن تعطيل "الدستوري" نتائج لا نعرف ما هي
Read this story in English
طالب رئيس تكتل "التغيير والإصلاح" النائب ميشال عون بتوزيع "حمل" النازحين والجرحى الآتين من سوريا إلى لبنان على الدول القريبة و"المسلحة" للمعارضة السورية، مشيرا من جهة أخرى إلى "نتائج لا نعرف ما هي" ستترتب عن تعطيل المجلس الدستوري الذي يدرس الطعن المقدم بالتمديد لمجلس النواب.
وقال عون بعد اجتماع التكتل عصر الثلاثاء من الرابية "يتكلمون عن مخيمات للنازحين السوريين إلى لبنان (..) ونقول لهم الحمدالله أنكم استفقتوا إذ بدأ آخر محرر في تلفزيون يوجه لنا اتهامات بالعنصرية عندما تكلمنا عن الأمر".
وبعد معارك القصير التي حسمتها القوات السورية وحزب الله الأربعاء الفائت دخل عدد من المصابين المعارضين إلى لبنان عبر الصليب الأحمر اللبناني والدولي.
إلا ان وزير الصحة في حكومة تصريف الأعمال علي حسن خليل أعلن الإثنين أن أعداد المصابين مرشح للإرتفاع محذرا من أنها "تتجاوز طاقة لبنان بأجهزته كافة على حمل أعبائها" داعيا إلى تحمل المسؤولية من قبل الدول الأخرى.
عليه سأل عون في تصريحه الثلاثاء "بناء لأي اتفاقية أتوا الجرحى وإلى أين سيعودون بعد أن تتحسن صحتهم؟ هل سيكملون بطولاتهم على أرضنا؟".
وتابه "نسأل الوزارات بأي موجب قانوني استقبلوهم وهل من اتفاق مع الصليب الأحمر حول ردهم؟ لماذا لا يأخذونهم إلى بلادهم بعد الكلام عن خسارة المؤسسات الصحية؟ لماذا لا يتم توزيع العمل على أصحاب العلاقة؟ وعلى البلدان التي سلحتهم؟".
أما عن النازحين الذين تخطى عددهم المليون منذ بدء الأزمة السورية عام 2011 قال عون "قسم كبير من سوريا عاد تحت سيطرة الدولة ولا شيء يمنع من إقامة مخيمات مثلا في القصير لأهل القصير ومن هناك يساعدون في إعادة بناء بيوتهم ويشرفون على توزيع المساعدات".
وخلص إلى القوب في هذا الشأن "هناك أمر مهم إذا هو توزيع الحمل على مجموعة دول خاصة وأنهم إذا عادوا إلى سوريا هم سكانهم ويفترض أنهم غير نازحين إليها".
وعن قضية المجلس الدستوري شرح أنه "كان من المفروض أن تنعقد الجلسة العمومية وانتقلت إلى جلسة سياسية".
يذكر ان جلسة المجلس الدستوري لم تنعقد الثلاثاء بسبب غياب ثلاثة من أعضائها مع العلم أن قناة الـ"OTV" ذكرت أن "الأعضاء الذين تغيبوا عن الجلسة هم الشيعيين والدرزي".
بناء على ذلك أردف رئيس التيار "الوطني الحر" قائلا "نحن طعننا بالتمديد وننتظر النتيجة ونتأمل أن يحصل الإجتماع لأن تعطيل المجلس الدستوري بالغياب نعتبره أمرا خطيرا جدا وهذه آخر مؤسسة لم يصل لها التعطيل ونتمنى من الأطراف المعنية أخذا الأمر بالإعتبار وستترتب نتائج لا نعرف ما هي".
وردا على سؤال أجاب "لن نعطي نوايا ونحن أمام واقع معين يقول أن القضية قضية ميثاق ومن عطل المجلس الدستوري يعرف أنه عطله ونحن لا نعطي رأينا قبل الإستفسار ومن المبكر إعطاء النوايا" مشيرا إلى أن "القوى السياسية التي عطلت المجلس الدستوري معروفة".
أما حول الحكومة وتعثر الرئيس المكلف تشكيلها تمام سلام أجاب عون "أنا لا أتابع عملية تشكيل الحكومة وأتابع مثل الجميع ولا أحد يسألني شيئا".
وسئل عون عن النتائج الإقتصادية المترتبة عم مشاركة حزب الله في القتال في سوريا فأشار إلى أنه "دائما ما تعترض الهيئات الإقتصادية بطريقة غير تقنية كالإعتراض على السياحة عند المواقف من الدول العربية وهذا يدل على قصر نظر".
وفسر رئيس أكبر كتلة برلمانية مسيحية موقفه قائلا "نحن نقول أن الشاطئ الأوروبي كله مفلس وجنوبنا هناك إسرائيل وحدودنا مقفلة شرقا ودول بالحديد والنار في حوض المتوسط ومن يتكلم عن النمو بسبب مشاركة حزب الله في سوريا أي نظرته قصيرة" إلى الأمور.
17:13 ,2013 حزيران 11
عون: القوى السياسية التي عطلت المجلس الدستوري معروفة
17:13 ,2013 حزيران 11
عون: ليست القصير من أقفلت حدودنا وهذا الأمر تسييس وليس اقتصاد
17:12 ,2013 حزيران 11
عون: دائما ما تعترض الهيئات الإقتصادية بطريقة غير تقنية كالإعتراض على السياحة عند المواقف من الدول العربية وهذا يدل على قصر نظر ونحن نقول أن الشاطئ الأوروبي كله مفلس وجنوبنا هناك إسرائيل وحدودنا مقفلة شرقا ودول بالحديد والنار في حوض المتوسط ومن يتكلم عن النمو بسبب مشاركة حزب الله في سوريا أي نظرته قصيرة إلى الأمور
17:11 ,2013 حزيران 11
عون: أنا لا أتابع عملية تشكيل الحكومة وأتابع مثل الجميع ولا أحد يسألني شيئا
17:11 ,2013 حزيران 11
عون: خفض مدة التمديد إلى 6 أشهر هو شائعة ولا أعلق على القرار قبل أن يصدر ولكن أقول أنه من واجب المجلس الدستوري قبول الطعن أو عدم قبوله وليس من صلاحياته أن يقول 6 أشهر أو لا فالمبدأ هو التمديد وليس المدة
17:09 ,2013 حزيران 11
عون: لن نعطي نوايا ونحن أمام واقع معين يقول أن القضية قضية ميثاق ومن عطل المجلس الدستوري يعرف أنه عطله ونحن لا نعطي رأينا قبل الإستفسار ومن المبكر إعطاء النوايا
17:08 ,2013 حزيران 11
عون: نحن طعننا بالتمديد وننتظر النتيجة ونتأمل أن يحصل الإجتماع لأن تعطيل المجلس الدستوري بالغياب نعتبره أمرا خطيرا جدا وهذه آخر مؤسسة لم يصل لها التعطيل ونتمنى من الأطراف المعنية أخذا الأمر بالإعتبار وستترتب نتائج لا نعرف ما هي
17:07 ,2013 حزيران 11
عون عن قضية المجلس الدستوري: كان من المفروض أن تنعقد الجلسة العمومية وانتقلت إلى جلسة سياسية
17:07 ,2013 حزيران 11
عون: هناك أمر مهم إذا هو توزيع الحمل على مجموعة دول خاصة وأنهم إذا عادوا إلى سوريا هم سكانهم ويفترض أنهم غير نازحين إليها
17:06 ,2013 حزيران 11
عون عن النازحين: قسم كبير من سوريا عاد تحت سيطرة الدولة ولا شيء يمنع من إقامة مخيمات مثلا في القصير لأهل القصير ومن هناك يساعدون في إعادة بناء بيوتهم ويشرفون على توزيع المساعدات
17:05 ,2013 حزيران 11
عون: بناء لأي اتفاقية أتوا الجرحى وإلى أين سيعودون بعد أن تتحسن صحتهم؟ هل سيكملون بطولاتهم على أرضنا؟ نسأل الوزارات بأي موجب قانوني استقبلوهم وهل من اتفاق مع الصليب الأحمر حول ردهم؟ لماذا لا يأخذونهم إلى بلادهم بعد الكلام عن خسارة المؤسسات الصحية؟ لماذا لا يتم توزيع العمل على أصحاب العلاقة؟ وعلى البلدان التي سلحتهم؟
17:04 ,2013 حزيران 11
عون: يتكلمون عن مخيمات للنازحين السوريين إلى لبنان وسمعت تصاريح من سفيرة الإتحاد الأوروبي أنه ليس من المعقول أن يتحمل لبنان هذا العبء ونسمع وزير الشؤون الإجتماعية ونقول لهم الحمدالله أنكم استفقتوا إذ بدأ آخر محرر في تلفزيون يوجه لنا اتهامات بالعنصرية
17:02 ,2013 حزيران 11
عون: الأرض يجب أن تعود إلى أصحابها إذا لم يتنفذ العقد ونتأمل أن يسمعوا لأن الأمور ستصل إلى دعاوى في مجلس الشورى ومشاكل وليس لدينا قوى أمن تنتبه لقضايا عادية
17:01 ,2013 حزيران 11
رئيس تكتل "التغيير والإصلاح" النائب ميشال عون بعد اجتماع التكتل من الرابية: هناك مخالفات ترتكبها الدولة بحق بلدة بكاسين حيث منحت البلدة في عام 1979 أرضا للدولة كي تبني دارا للمعلمين على اللغات الأجنبية وبدأ الإعمار وتوقف بسبب الأحداث والبلدية طلبت استرجاع الأرض كون المشروع لم ينفذ فتفاجأت بوضع اليد عليها من مجلس الإنماء والإعمار الذي يريد أن يبني عليها سجنا

This photo is proof that there are also Persian Dogs and not just Persian Cats.

"aoun: it was not the issue of qusayr that closed our border and this is politicization, not economy."
yo general you completely lost it man, you demented senile human being. did not someone tell you that no one from the gulf countries is coming this summer???
did not someone tell you most lebanese in the gulf area and all over the world are feeling the heat and being targeted because of your political views and your ally's rampage in syria.
did not you hear the representatives of most economical and commercial sectors in the country sounding the alarm and warning from a total economic collapse if you and your allies do not put an end to your crazy and suicidal ventures in syria?????
to be honest with you i dont blame you as much as i blame your geagea hateful idiots who are blindly following you over the edge of this economic cliff you and your allies created.

May I also add that even the industrial sector is hit hard. No foreign country dares to place an order to our industries anymore by fear of escalation, and uncapacity to supply...

"aoun: it was not the issue of qusayr that closed our border and this is politicization, not economy."
yo general you completely lost it man, you demented senile human being. did not someone tell you that no one from the gulf countries is coming this summer???
did not someone tell you most lebanese in the gulf area and all over the world are feeling the heat and being targeted because of your political views and your ally's rampage in syria.
did not you hear the representatives of most economical and commercial sectors in the country sounding the alarm and warning from a total economic collapse if you and your allies do not put an end to your crazy and suicidal ventures in syria?????
to be honest with you i dont blame you as much as i blame your geagea hateful idiots who are blindly following you over the edge of this economic cliff you and your allies created.

More vids for us today? You know.... The disturbing kind that tell us that our very next door neighbours in Lebanon mutilate and rape..... And show mercy by executing Syrians in their own country.

this guy is totally demented!
he is seriously asking about the wounded??????

Lebanon is not a dump?
then what is hizbushaitan and iran doing here?
m8 guys seem to lack the minimum human decency, and want to deny access to hospitals to wounded people!

Then tell me why Hezbollah is threatening us Lebanese citizens in mixed neighbourhoods when we place a Lebanese Flag on our balcony ?
They associate the Lebanese flag with March 14, pressure us into removing it, intimidate us in the streets ...
Lebanese Honik chaghlé ... they are the scum of Iran and have no ambition for a Lebanese state !

spoken like the real thug you are :)
scratch the surface and the thug appears?

mpwaten re read what yous wrote....
anyway it seems hizbushaitan are going to be expelled from all over the world?
now Germany has decided to make their lifes very hard....
do you seriously not see where hizbushaitan is leading you guys? or are you too blind? or dumb?....

Maybe you missed the YouTube video yesterday that showed the hex is and Syrian army mutilating corpses
Second, since qusayr is back under regime control, why don't try set up the camps?
Maybe he should ask his bosses insted of shouting like he does
And third of course, no mention of the blatant murder of a protestor in Beirut?

MOWATEN & FLAMETHROWER : I do not need to lie but if it makes you sleep better at night believing that Hassan Nassrallah is Santa Clause and that Lebanon is on the top of his agenda, believe what you want.
You two are complete idiots anyway and there is nothing to be proven to you. The people concerned know this to be true and this is all the counts. I do not care what you "believe" and have no reason to make up such a story. There is no need to make up stories to prove that Hezbollah doesn't have an ounce of lebanese patriotism ...
Hassan himself admits that he follows wilayat el shitan so why do you even bother arguing ?

I think this is the one
It is quite graphic from the start so better not to have sensitive people around (if you have kids or something)

Reply to my comments instead of saying they are lame ... prove them wrong. Can you ? Debate instead of insulting ...
And I'm posting these comments for free ... I would even pay to post these comments. No need for Shekels or Iranian Rials ... those are only good for funding Hezbollah. I only take Lebanese Lira which is not in your dictionnary it seems !

But the question that really matters most to me that none of the m8 supporters have answered or even mentioned yet is the killing of a protestor. I ask again: what do you think about that? To you mowten and ft

Shway shway shabeb
Ft first dont get self righteous on me when everytime you feel like it you bring up the heart eater crap and when basically all your comments are merely redirecting blame and bringing up unrelated incidents to the article as your excuse. I dont think in the last few weeeks i have read a comment from you that wasnt: yes but m14 wahhabi salafi terrorists did this or that
Mowaten i was hoping you would say that. There is no way to ascertain it was HA but when you see the other side doing similar stuff you are 100% sure of the authenticity of whatever news or video is in question
But maybe it is the syrian army? Isnt that possible? And if it is would you make that generalization that all the syrian army acts alike?
You guys should be more mature in your arguments.

Ha and the syrian army are in no way angels and it is more than likely these things do occur within their ranks. I think the lebanese in general know what the syrian army is capable of and there is no use denying it. you should ask why aoun was so afraid to come back from exile if syria is such and democratic state that would have guaranteed him a fair trial and humane treatment

Ft really im reading your comments again
All youre saying is the us and qaeda did it so you dont get to say its bad when we do it
Its bad when both do it habibe
Your problem is that you listen to your clown and for you its your with us or against us. You dont seem to have enough capacity to understand that there is ha, there is qaeda, and yes, believe it or not, some are against BOTH!! Yes i swear!
Its pathetic that you can only think in black or white

lololololol......damn motormouth, if there is anything you know...its to rack them DOWN votes! What pathetic moron!

MOOwate...hamza was martyred in an ASSad police station by ASSad thugs who burned cigarettes on his body...I hope it will be your son one day...then you can blame it on the supposed mercenaries ma hek?

"We ask the ministries: under which legal obligation you have received them"
ask bassil he is part of the government! LOL

thx for your precision... but do not try to look smart it is bad for your neurone...
so you are just saying that the ministries do not work together and the cabinet does not tell the ministers what the other ministries are doing? no communication between them... that FPM is not allied with those in the gvt? LOL!!!!!!!!!!
i have never seen a politician leader criticizing the gvt he is part of!
no wonder M8 gvt is a total failure...

i reassure you that i am not as dumb as you are, your post shows how dumb you are in understanding what i say...
FPM is part of the gvt and aoun is criticizing the gvt he is part of thus he criticizes the failure of the gvt he is part of! comprendo now? or need translation in persian?

"(btw, it's called farsi, nice try though)"
you see you d better stop trying to look smart i am telling you... just go and check in a dictionary you ll see persian too... better learn your english... they teach bad english in iran it seems...
nice try though to try and look smarter....but as usual FAILED....

usually little Ft when a politician is part of a gvt he does not criticize it but rather defend its position so as to not appear as a fool contradicting himself... if he disagrees with the gvt he is part of he does not play the hypocrit as your orangina but rather has the COURAGE to resign to be in accordance with his speech!!!!!.. that is what men do not sissies like your FPM party...
by criticizing the gvt he is part of means he is criticizing his failure and proving how HYPOCRIT he is... but of course you are to brainwash to understand it... go and play with the boys of your age instead of ridiculizing yourself each day here....

"Thank God You Woken Up" ???
When will you wake up ya Aoun ? Still defending Hezbollah Death Squads in Syria ? They are responsible for a good chunk of those syrian refugees !

You don't defend your position by accusing others of doing the same. M14 doesn't need to fight in Syria ... the Syrian people are doing the fighting themselves and do not need help.
99% of refugees are victims of Assad and Hezbollah ... stop hallucinating you idiot and defend the undefendable !

Just to be clear ft,
You are saying the Syrian war was caused Intentionally by m14?

Just asking.
And since the syrian war wasnt caused by m8 or 14, they did not cause the refugees. The war did. The failure of the government to address it and monitor it however is what got us here; because of course we and syria dont need borders like everyone else. Khwejeit ne7na
Who was the government from the start of the crisis?
Who failed?

no need for your EMPTY talks little FT... go and see the figures of the lebanese economy and see how since M8 is in power they have failed... all your posts on saying that M8 succeeded are just contradicted by FACTS...
end of discussion you are a loser and proving it day by day by trying to justify your failures which soon are going to blow up in your petty face!

Abel mafot nam ta ollak ya Mon jeneral bi ennak maglob 3ala amrak men za3imak nesralla Walla serna no3tof 3layek halad fi daget weslet lahal mostawa haydoli jar7a ya ashrafanas ma3tobin msha2din 3ayeb Walla 3ayeb mafi 3edkon ensaniyi aw dogot siyasiyi sho ya jeneral fi2 fi2 alla bihasbak biniheye w3a 3ala halak ya ensan walaw w2it makhar ahsan men ennak ma to3a

Abel mafot nam ta ollak ya Mon jeneral bi ennak maglob 3ala amrak men za3imak nesralla Walla serna no3tof 3layek halad fi daget weslet lahal mostawa haydoli jar7a ya ashrafanas ma3tobin msha2din 3ayeb Walla 3ayeb mafi 3edkon ensaniyi aw dogot siyasiyi sho ya jeneral fi2 fi2 alla bihasbak biniheye w3a 3ala halak ya ensan walaw w2it makhar ahsan men ennak ma to3a

Under Which Treaty ?
Under which Treaty is Hezbollah fighting in Syria ? Did you ask them ?
Hezbollah is responsible for many of the injured and so are you by supporting them.

Losses incured by health institutions ?
Go check with Nabih Berry about the scams at the social security ... this is the origin of the problem !
Stop looking for false excuses

Crippling the Constitutional Council ?
You have crippled Parliament for 18 months ... shut up and don't complain !

Or else we will face unknown repercussions ???
Of course, this is not a "threat" ... Aounies will say this is a figure of "speech".
Anyway, Aoun delivers the threat and Hezbollah executes ...
Who will they kill tomorrow ?

Yes, we see Aounies everyday committing roberies and murders ... my god, reading you everyday, I discover that there are even lower levels of stupidity than I thought ... Please keep on amazing me !
It's not hate that I spread ... It's the lies and manipulation of Aoun that I attack !

MP Michel Aoun: Crippling the Constitutional Council through the absence (of some of its members) is a very dangerous step..
But the council's two Shiite members in addition to the Druze judge did not attend Tuesday's meeting to prevent the required 8-member quorum.

3afwan tesbah 3ala ayer 3afwan khayer ya neker lkhayer yali sara2to men lwatan ya mowaten lgayer sara2tel khayer weshabet 3ala fransa ya bala damir ya hakir berja3 bzakrak bi enno joraha yali be3et damira la hasona bi kamshe$$$$$$$tesba7o awedem ya 3awniyin lamma btensha2o 3anno la halmo3ak

Jeneraaaaaaaaaaaaaaal jeneraaaaaaaaaaaaal jeneraaaaaaaaaaaaal kkkkkkkkkkkkk

Aoun: The political forces that crippled the Constitutional Council are well-known..
need I repeat myself..
But the council's two Shiite members in addition to the Druze judge did not attend Tuesday's meeting to prevent the required 8-member quorum.

According to which treaty the wounded have arrived in Lebanon and where will they go to after their health improves? Will they continue their heroism on our territory? We ask the ministries: under which legal obligation you have received them and is there an agreement with the Red Cross about their repatriation?” Aoun wondered
“Why don't they send them to their countries given the remarks about the losses incurred by the health institutions? Why don't we share the burden with the countries that armed them?” Aoun asked.

I find the two statements from Aoun incredible. He should ask, "Under what treaty or what law did his ally, Hezbollah, enter Syria and cause the death and injuries to Syrian citizens who are now being treated in Lebanese Hospitals?" Hezbollah, the lawless actor has this guy asking about the law when it comes to dealing with the consequences of Hezbollah's lawless activity?
And Aoun, Aoun the man who sought refuge in France to escape the same ruthless regime in Damascus has the nerve to say, "send them back" to Syria when they get better!!?? Why did the French not send you back to Lebanon when Syria occupied it? Why did you not come back to Lebanon before the Syrian Occupation Army left, ya hamarrrrrr?? They go back to certain death and execution as you would have, and you ask this stupid question?? Aib!

His photo always carries the look that he is about to vomit. Of course what comes out of his mouth is always worse.

iran and hezbis are left out because FPM have double standards...

GCC can show some mercy and throw in a few hundred mil to treat their wounded... that probably wasn't in the contract though. Only martyrdom was covered, by higher powers.

not a word on what happened outside the iranian embassy, either. anyone else surprised?

"The Economic Committees always voice objections in a non-technical manner ... and those lamenting growth over Hizbullah's involvement in Syria are short sighted."
sure! who wants to invest in a country under the blackmail of hezbollah? who wants to invest in a state where the gvt has shown its incompetency? look at the figures, the GDP has fallen since M8 is governing, no contro l on prices, thefts burglaries on the rise.... and so on...

A word to all of you throwing personal insults: Whichever side you are on, if you think only you are right and "the other side" are wrong, you are a moron.
In politics, Lebanese or otherwise, there is no "right" side, they are all bast@rds.

"order will be reestablished, and decorum preserved"... Amen to that!

in a way you are right, but all Lebanese including politicians (who have been protected by immunity) have to realize there is a consequence for their actions. If someone says something stupid, they should be called out on it. If they something selfish, she should be called out on it. If they says something that causes someone to lose a job, they should be able to get sued by the individual to get back what they lost--and no fleeing the country either.
Bottom line, the politicians in the country do whatever they want because there is no fear of consequence (aside from the M8 sponsored assassinations)--as much as the politicians have stolen, lied, and cheated in this country, I would have expected at least a few in jail.

We should send the clown to fight in Syria with his masters the hizbes, he can teach them how to flee super fast when the tough gets going....

These wounded Animals/Canibals once they have been treated & are fit to be released, their Prescribed Medication ? 1) KA47 to used 4 times a day ,2) an RPG to be used 3 times a day, 3) a Hand Grenade to be used when needed ...thanks for the donations KSA / GCC , real humanitarian Aid . Sons of a Witches.

Oh I forgot their daily intake of food , Human heart blended with raw Human Liver for Iron , that will help them recover quickly ! Lak tfeh to the Free Savage Animals ( FSA / Al nusra ) .

God bless General Aoun for his staunch patriotism, defense of Lebanon's democracy, and opposition to February 14-sponsored Wahabism.

@ flamethtower
hey rudy, go see the video where US army soldiers pee on prisoners w bass habal, you're dragging this site further down than it actually is, with your retarded moralism.
if you are so bothered by this site so why are you always here commenting and wasting your precious time?

I feel the same way about you FT... this is why I beg you...please stay :)

The general is speaking sense. But some people hate him so much that they wont listen to his words. 1- he wants democracy 2- he wants to protect lebanon 3- he didnt sent his people to fight in qusair and is against hezbollah's involvment.
So why all these attacks?

So Russia, Iran and Hizzbullah should also carry the burden of that cost, they are more involved in that conflict than anyone else and more responsible for injuries, death, destruction and displacement of Syrian citizens. Why not speak the truth and have them shoulder some of the blame.

Once the fighter of Syrian troops in Lebanon has become their puppet. what kind of integrity is this. this is proof that he doesn't have any values except his selfishness, what a trator

le petit général, why do you not ask your friends in the Iranian militia to help with the cost? After all Hizbullah has taken a lead-roll in wounding, killing, destroying their homes and making the Syrians refugees.

i am glad GMA is here so you 'clever' Einsteinzz can have sm interesting subjects to discuss on...by the way i am really entertained

God bless Hizbullah and Sayyed Nasrallah , all of he cowards that are commenting online expressing their anger , u are just useless cowards ....u lost , will lose and stay losing just keep barking like homeless dogs , u will never win anything because u are not smart enough to do so ,neither u nor ur dirty leaders .. U plus ur leaders can change nothing keep crying ...... Good bless Sayed Hassan Nasralla and General aoun and Sleiman Bek Frangieh