بري: ثالوث"الشعب والجيش والمقاومة" الذهبي من مسلّمات البيان الوزاري
Read this story in Englishرأى رئيس مجلس النواب نبيه بري أن معادلة "الشعب والجيش والمقاومة" في البيان الوزاري الجديد ثالوث ذهبي يحصن لبنان.
وقال في حديث لصحيفتي "النهار" و"السفير": "هذا الثالوث من المسلّمات في البيان الوزاري المنتظر وهو ثالوث ذهبي يحصن لبنان والمعادلة باقية باقية باقية اذا لم نجد افضل منها وعلى الأرجح ليس هناك أفضل منها".
وإذ دعا بري للاسراع في انجاز البيان الوزاري في موعد أقصاه نهاية الشهر الجاري بغية تعويض التأخير الذي حصل في تشكيل الحكومة"، اعتبر أن "أمام حكومة الرئيس ميقاتي أكثر من فرصة لتحقيق انجازات في مختلف القطاعات".
وحيّا الجيش على الدور الذي اضطلع به "لاطفاء شرارة الفتنة في طرابلس"، ملاحظاً أن "من حسنات هذه الحكومة انه جرت معالجة الأزمة في طرابلس بهذه السرعة وتصوروا لو لم تكن هناك حكومة لكانت الاشتباكات متواصلة حتى اليوم".
وشدد على أن "هذه الحكومة لن تمارس أسلوب التشفي والكيدية مع افرقاء 14 آذار في الوزارات والمؤسسات بل هي لكل لبنان ولن تميز بين مواطن وآخر".
ولفت بري الى ان القانون يجب ان يكون المعيار الوحيد في تعامل الحكومة مع كل الاطراف وكل الملفات، داعياً الى فتح كل ملفات الفساد من دون استثناء، مبديا الاستعداد لفتح دفاتر مجلس الجنوب، وإذا وجدوا شيئا مخالفا للقانون، فلتأخذ العدالة مجراها.
That golden triangle is no good. Resistance is a Hezb agenda. Drop it.
How about the economy?
Exactly.'Resistance' does not benefit Lebanon, in fact it costs the nation blood and wealth. why not try "people,army,real reform"
Seems that Arabia777 doesn't live in this world or is in a cave! that's only through RESISTANCE that Lebanon and above it ARABS have won dignity and Hizbollah was the first to win over Israel and get lands back!
Otherwise what had been the result of the policies of the oppressing Arab regimes that have "negotiated" with them???
The resistance bloc has won the majority, how do you expect not to follow its agenda?! is it democracy????
As mowaten said the resistance's weapons are here to stay until our ultimate goal of the Islamic Republic of Lebanon is achieved by force if need be. Those who have a problem with this can go back to Europe, to Saudi or to hell.
Mehdi and Mowaten, try absorbing Lebanon or dominating it by force, maybe we will make you remember the Lebanese Front how we resisted against your palestinian PLO friends, and the syrian army, i mean, you must be capable at least to resist for more than a year against Israel to be able to say you can dominate Lebanon. but come on, your master Ratsrallah, was feeing the heat like a big fat pork when he said he didnt plan it this way and didnt know this would happen. Even your ally Berri was happy that Hezbollah was getting knocked down and as a mediator was taking his time for negociations , he was reallly enjoying this moment, he doesnt forget that the chiite leadership was taken from him... Hezb always serving Israeli zionist interests, i hope you will salute moshe , sharon, ehud, that are having actually dinner with Ratsrallah, telling him that more '' spies '' will be found, but not to worry because he knew that already , right ? since the have cofounded Hezbollah together.
@Naima: The resistance won a majority by intimidation and the way of the gun, that is not democracy. People switched sides from teh former majority to the current one for obvious reasons.
There can be no real democracy when one political party has a military force and uses it against the people when they don't like the policies of the government.
This guy is not only a loud mouth but also is the mouthpiece of the internationally acknowledged terror group called Hizbollah... He and just like the senile ex-army idiot are told and paid to shoot their traps off in support of the Syrian tyrant and his lackeys... Some day we may get the chance to free Lebanon from the chains of slavery and terror we live under... Many of us do not waste our time making statements on dismal terror supported web sites, yet those hizbollah cockroaches have to spew their venom here... I am sure Al Manar and such pathetic media outfits would welcome us with open arms... yeah right! So you cockrpoaches, go find some rusty phone poles in your filthy zip codes, climb them, sit on them and rotate... Your end and that of your sponsors in Syria is not coming soon enough... Hehehehehe...
Berri will soon fallow the Syrian regime to oblivion. Hizballa might take a little longer but sooner or later they will fizzle away...oh let's not forget the little general with them.
"Resistance"??? Does he mean militias & thugs & illegal weaponery & illegal smuggling & kidnappings & murders & son on... And abov"e all, does he mean colonization of our homeland by Turban-Assads Gang?
truth is as clear as the sun.
the mafia/militia/ resistance, is here to stay as long as the dictatorship of damascus is staying.
again and again from bahrein to beirut the farsi fingers will be cut,even if the west has to make peace with taliban,the mediterranean will never be in the hands of the mollah,IS IT DIFFICULT TO UNDERSTAND?
resistance? what resistance? ah yes, resistance to protect their drug deals, terror and corruption!
resistance involve a whole nation not just people from a unique sect and is closed to everyone else!!!
if they were truly resistants they wouldn t have pushed out the communists and all the others who are not chia just to sit their power over the south and become a state in the state which never complies to the laws...
i.e. do you find it normal to ban alcohol in their territories??? as if it was not under the lebanese law which allows alcohol to be sold everywhere?
do you find it normal that they beat agents from the EDL who come to collect money??
do you find it normal that they STEAL lands to build tunnels for whatever they do there???
just a bunch of bearded outlaws who think the wild wild west still exists!!!
resistance my a.....
The resistance has done it's job and helped in kicking out Israel, and for which we are all thankful. However, since their leaders receive their paychecks from abroad, they have been instructed to carry out the policies of said countries which totally contradict what we stand for as Lebanese. All their sacrifices have gone to waste and due to their narrow minded leaders, they have managed to turn all Lebanese from allies to enemies. We don't know a good thing when it hits us in the head. Short sighted narrow minded greedy uncivilized immoral leaders is what we have...
It's golden because it's been quite profitable to him. He amassed millions thanks to the triangle.
Funny that Berri would use the analogy of the "iron triangle" to describe the current status of the Lebanese government. In history, the iron triangle was "rum, sugar cane and slaves". It was the basis for the slave trade in America which economically trapped Africans into being sold into bondage.
How appropriate and ironic that the new order in Lebanon should be described in terms related to slavery.
At least the Africans resisted. These clowns embraced it.