باسيل: التهاء حزب الله عن الهم الداخلي جعله يقع في خيارات خاطئة

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أعلن وزير الطاقة بحكومة تصريف الاعمال جبران باسيل، أن الخلاف بين تكتل "التغيير والاصلاح" و"حزب الله" في ما خص التمديد لمجلس النواب "ليس سراً"، معتبراً أن "التهاءه عن الهمّ الداخلي جعله يقع في خيارات داخلية خاطئة".

وفي حديث الى صحيفة "السفير"، الخميس، قال باسيل أن "خيار التمديد خاطئ بحق حزب الله والبلد"، وأوضح أن التكتل تداول مع حلفائه في مسألة إجراء الانتخابات، "وكل واحد منا أخذ خياره عن وعي ومسؤولية. لكن نحن لم نستطع أن نقنعهم بعدم التمديد، ولا هم تمكنوا من أن "يمشّونا" بالتمديد".

واعتبر أنه "ليس بالإمكان القبول بحَرَمين: الأول، هو التمديد، والثاني إجراء الانتخابات على أساس الستين"، الا أنه أضاف أن التكتل قَبِل اجراء الانتخابات وفق الستين تجنباً للتمديد أو الفراغ.

من هنا أكد باسيل على أن "الضغط السياسي الذي مورس على المجلس الدستوري كان للوصول الى مسار سياسي محدّد هو تمديد، فحكومة انتخابات، فانتخابات على أساس الستين. وهذا مرفوض من قبلنا".

يُذكر ان المجلس الدستوري فشل في عقد جلستين الثلاثاء والاربعاء، لفقدانه النصاب بغياب 3 من أعضائه الـ10 وهم الشيعيين الاثنين والدرزي، حيث كان من المقرر أن يصدر قراراً في الطعنين بالتمديد المقدمين من رئيس الجمهورية ميشال سليمان ومن "تكتل التغيير والاصلاح".

وتقدم سليمان في الاول من حزيران بطعن بقانون التمديد الذي أقره مجلس النواب الجمعة أمام المجلس الدستوري، طالبا من المجلس العمل بـ"تجرد" نحو دعوة البرلمان لتقصير مهلة التمديد وإقرار قانون انتخاب. كذلك، تقدم تكتل "التغيير والإصلاح"، في الثالث من حزيران، بطعن بالتمديد أمام المجلس الدستوري، مردفاً أنه " قدمنا الطعن على خلفية دستورية لا سياسية".

وكان مجلس النواب أقر التمديد لنفسه 17 شهرا تنتهي في 20 تشرين الثاني 2014، في جلسة حضرها 97 نائبا، صوتوا جميعهم للتمديد، وقاطعها نواب "التيار الوطني الحر"، بعد أن فشلت جميع الأطراف السياسية بالوصول إلى قانون انتخاب في أربع سنوات منصرمة.

الى ذلك، تطرق باسيل في حديثه الى العلاقة مع رئيس مجلس النواب نبيه بري، لفت باسيل الى أن الطرفين يتفقان على العناوين العريضة للامور الا ان هناك اختلاف في التفاصيل.

وأردف "اذا الرئيس بري يقول ان الانتخابات على أساس الستين نتيجتها مثل التمديد. فلتحصل الانتخابات، ونكون بذلك قد تجنّبنا الوقوع في خطيئة دستورية كبرى".

وأعلن قبول التكتل بإجراء انتخابات مبكرة بعد 17 شهرا على أساس قانون جديد، و"نكون من خلال ذلك قد أعطينا حق الكلام والرأي للناخبين أصحاب الوكالة الأساسية وليس للموكّلين".

التعليقات 25
Thumb justice 08:27 ,2013 حزيران 13

Shouldn't you also be addressing HA regional distractions...LOL.

Thumb _citizen_ 08:59 ,2013 حزيران 13

you forgot the "Free" and "Patriotic" part of the movement...:))))

Missing ghzayel 19:50 ,2013 حزيران 13

poor bassil he seems like he is flying over the coucou's nest alone, he is going to be seriously reprimanded by his senile mentor general by hezballa and by their iranian benefactors.

Missing commando 08:35 ,2013 حزيران 13

Mr Bassil where have you been .

Missing samiam 08:45 ,2013 حزيران 13

fpm sure picked some great allies....

Missing -karim_m3 10:08 ,2013 حزيران 13

Maybe they should've picked the heart-eating February 14 Saudi-Wahabi coalition and their FSA-Al Qaeda and Nusra Front terrorist brethren, that burn down churches and kidnap Christian bishops? Maybe that would've been a better fit?

Thumb thepatriot 12:40 ,2013 حزيران 13

karim... cut the BS please... nobody here wants Nusra or Quaeda. They have nothing to do with m14, or with free spirits. We just want democracy. If the people of Syria choose the muslim brothers or the fundamentalists...it will be a tragic choice, but at least it would be their choice. The erra of the tyrants is finished. Democracy (the lesser bad of all the systems) will prevail...but it will take time... a lot of time...

Thumb benzona 16:58 ,2013 حزيران 13

On reconnaît un certain vécu lorsque tu t'exprimes phénix. On sent l'expérience des atrocités vécus durant la guerre du liban. Cest bien de partager comme tu le fais.

Missing samiam 17:51 ,2013 حزيران 13

or pick racist hypocritical bigots like yourself...

syria and iran aren't saints but you fail to see that, or the future of lebanon if it allies itself with these countries.

Missing -karim_m3 08:52 ,2013 حزيران 13

I wonder if the LF and Kataeb Saudi-Al Qaeda employees would DARE mention that their FM masters took wrong decisions?

Thought so.

Missing -karim_m3 12:21 ,2013 حزيران 13

LOL Phoenix, you do make it difficult to criticize Geagea sometimes. He's a lunatic, but you tend to speak wise words and come off as level-headed.

I would like to see the criminal Baath regime replaced, but not with bin Laden's heart-eating little brothers. I hope that sounds a little more fair to you.

Missing samiam 17:52 ,2013 حزيران 13

so has hizb iran EVER criticized iran or syria?

Default-user-icon Tonus (ضيف) 11:35 ,2013 حزيران 13

First time the little kid saying something which make sense, I agree its wrong decision coz if the American and Israel wanted sunni chi3i war then Mr Hassan Nasrala is helping them to do their will when he speaks and encourage his people to fight self defense.

Default-user-icon MUSTAPHA O. GHALAYINI (ضيف) 12:14 ,2013 حزيران 13

the same "local distractions", the same "weakness", are letting u speak, inshallah kheir..ask assiri, ur coming master,ur barbecue is the same from farsi to wahhaby..from clean money to oily cash.

Missing peace 12:43 ,2013 حزيران 13

hezbis are taking lebanon to war and bassil is only preoccupied by his elections.. shouldn't he be criticizing hezbis "distractions" too? LOL too coward to do that....

Thumb bronco 13:59 ,2013 حزيران 13

in real democracy it works to loose one day but win another but when situation is so fragile and leaders of the country on both sides have sold the nation for a dime than you need to step away from coin tossing and evaluate, even if you know that you have a 50/50 chance, otherwise you'll loose it all. and unfortunately it seems that our beloved Lebanon is heading in to the abyss big time, and all for the wrong doing of politicians that we put there in the first place. come on guys it is about time we wake up and reclaim back what is dearly and rightfully ours before it's too late and get rid of that desease that's eating us away day by day.

Thumb Dr.I.Mughniyeh_theheadless 14:25 ,2013 حزيران 13

Yeah Mr 35% commission, Hezbollah are such silly babies so easily distracted by trivial things. In fact the last time they brought Nasrallah to Khamenei, Ali distracted Hassin by jiggling a bunch of his patented Keys to Paradise™ just inches out the lad's reach. The big retarded baby's been distracted trying to grab them ever since while giggling uncontrollably.

Missing peace 16:55 ,2013 حزيران 13

comment what he says instead of showing us your cult of his personality!

Missing peace 19:15 ,2013 حزيران 13

just reread your post... why don t you comment bassil lack of critics over hezbis "distractions"? you are praising the man but not a word on what he says... typical of sheep followers, no matter what the chief says he is the best anyway! LOL only zero neurone people do that..

and don't worry for my IQ, you d better enhance yours....

Missing peace 17:17 ,2013 حزيران 13

seems wolf that you want everyone to believe that only geagea did atrocities during the civil war... so convenient to make forget the massacres and atrocities by the others which i guess isn't good for your point...
at least geagea did 11 years of jail what about all the others???
funny how those opposed to geagea always criticize his past but not what he says presently!
and if geagea belongs to jail then why isn't there a single opposed party asking for it???

so stick to his political positions,criticize his policy because he has the right to voice them and you have to make do with it!

Default-user-icon Shalako (ضيف) 18:16 ,2013 حزيران 13

@wolf, all that you claim Geagea did is baseless unless you can provide a proof,, my opinion on the matter is that the syrian regime collaborating with jamil al sayyed that done it all but again that is my opinion which i can't provide a proof just a gut feeling ( and i do trust my feeling). but the point is it could be that Geagea served term in prison for nothing while all warlords from all sides are criminals in their own ways and still active and getting richer by the minute, these guys are insulting our intelligence and we must put a stop to that.

Thumb bronco 18:26 ,2013 حزيران 13

@wolf, all that you claim Geagea did is baseless unless you can provide a proof,, my opinion on the matter is that the syrian regime collaborating with jamil al sayyed that done it all but again that is my opinion which i can't provide a proof just a gut feeling ( and i do trust my feeling). but the point is it could be that Geagea served term in prison for nothing while all warlords from all sides are criminals in their own ways and still active and getting richer by the minute, these guys are insulting our intelligence and we must put a stop to that.

Thumb bronco 19:16 ,2013 حزيران 13

i totally agree,,, but it seems to me reading all posts, that the nation is 2 sects which are mostly sleeping and in denial,, only up to the moment when someone in a post mentions Geagea than half of that nation suddenly wakes up ready to criticise,, than the minute someone( you guessed it) mentions Aoun, the other half wakes up with their insults,,, and it is a never ending vicious circle,,, so pathetic man

Thumb Bandoul 18:56 ,2013 حزيران 13

the1, this is what get when you humor lunatics who's only agenda is to silence the other and if that fails, eliminate him completely by oppressing him at gunpoint. I hope you soon realize that while you are trying to debate with reason and respect the other is only interested in not hearing you at all.

Thumb Bandoul 21:47 ,2013 حزيران 13

the1, lah naza3ta ya zalameh, I was with you right up to "single malt" yukie duckie...even the best I tried tastes like speerto. Fi atayab min el Dewar's special reserve 15yr??? Hmmm silseh, smooth, my mouth is watering, I am still at work....darn it.

I love to grill with my friends and my humidor is still brimming with my favorite Cuban contraband LOL!

Yalla cheers (water glass now, Dewar's later :)