حزب الله رد على فسترفيلله: إتهاماتك كاذبة وتهدف لاسترضاء السيد الأميركي
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أعلن حزب الله رفضه للاتهامات الألمانية بقتل مدنيين في القصير، وذلك عقب سيطرته مع القوات السورية على هذه المدينة الإستراتيجية قرب الحدود الألمانية.
ووصف "حزب الله" في بيان السبت "الاتهامات المزعومة لوزير الخارجية الالمانية غيدو فسترفيلي بقيام مقاتلي حزب الله بقتل مدنيين في مدينة القصير"، بأنها "اتهامات باطلة وكاذبة وليس لها أي أساس من الصحة".
وكان قد اعتبر فسترفيللي في حديث لصحيفة "عكاظ" السعودية نشر صباح السبت ان "مشاركة مقاتلي "حزب الله" في معارك القصير تطور خطير" منددا "بما تعرض له مواطنو المدينة من قتل من قبل مقاتلي "حزب الله".
أضاف الحزب في بيانه "لطالما كان العرف المعتمد أن مواقف الدول وسياساتها لا تبنى على معطيات خاطئة ومضللة أو ترتجل دون التأكد من صحتها، لكن يبدو أن اتهامات وزير الخارجية الألمانية قد جاءت في إطار جوقة التحريض ضد حزب الله انتظاما في مشروع الحرب الكونية على سوريا واسترضاء للسيد الأميركي".
كما أكد الحزب التزامه "أرفع المعايير الأخلاقية والانسانية في التعامل خلال الحرب مع العسكريين الذين يقاتلونه فكيف بالمدنيين، وهو ما تشهد عليه مؤسسات انسانية دولية تعرف بشكل قطعي سياسات حزب الله في هذا المجال".

“Hizbullah adopts the highest moral and humanitarian standards in dealing with civilians and military personal, which every international humanitarian institution agrees on,” the statement added.
And as proof refer to the very humanitarian manner in which they treated the opposition Shiites especially Hashem Salman whom Hizballah shot to death in front of the Iranian embassy for no reason other than his peaceful opposition to their policies.
Need any one more proof about Hizballah's civility and adherence to the highest level of humanitarian standards?

As if there is no youtube videos across the
he world showing to all skeptical what hizbushaitan is really doing.
they are baby killers.

The german FM could care less about the syrian people. All those bastards care about is their interests however the arrogance of hezballah is beyond disgusting. There are actual hezballah loyalists who believe that hezballah could fight the entire world armies and still come out a winner, this is of course a product of hezballah brainwashing. And it effects harmony between lebanese in an extremly negative way. The fact that 1 million lebanese citizens think they can step on everyones head but chose not to do it for now because they are so nice and doing us a favour on the condition that we "behave" is causing hate, anger and danger. And i blame hezballah as well as amal for this arrogance that they have installed in the heads of their followers. Many used to think that hezballah was the civilized version of amal but in the past years and with their interference in syria, those same people now view hezballah and amal as the same savages and thugs with little diffirence between them.

more zionist conspiracies
ever hear of the boy who cried wolf.....

“void, false and baseless.”... deny, deny, deny, what ells is new. Hizbullah adopted the high moral and humanitarian standards from their Axis partners the Assad's.

Germany is a reminder of how hard it is to get racism out of your system once you put it in there by democratic action. It's a blood disease of the law. And how does Germany explain its support for Israel? "Historical obligation". Not "obligation to justice", see? "Historical obligation" could mean anything, but in practice it means corruption--the Lebanese way, you might say. I suppose Hezbullah doesn't take over in Lebanon because it doesn't want to nursemaid so many feeble people: the entire political establishment.

With all due respect @the_roar, you give Hizballah too much unwarranted credit. No one can disagree with your claim that they are disciplined but that they are defending Lebanon? That is way off the mark and absolutely not true unless one believes in the same Lebanon that they believe in Which is making Lebanon a mirror image of ولاية الفقيه and ruling it. What they are doing is Iran's bidding and self preservation pure and simple. Lately i hear all my FPM friends complaining about HA's adventurism as well as the puppet minister Mansour's refusal to execute our presidents directives. Behold the true face of HA insulance coupled with arrogance on a scale never before experienced in Lebanon.

so, you are congratulating mercenaries who are more powerful than the central government. why don't you look through your history books and find out how nations have succeeded without having their forces being the most powerful in the country?