ميقاتي أمام السفراء: التزام لبنان المحكمة الدولية مقروناً بالحفاظ على سلمه الأهلي

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أكد رئيس الحكومة نجيب ميقاتي التزام لبنان كل القرارات والمعاهدات الدولية بما فيها المحكمة الخاصة بلبنان.

وشرح ميقاتي خلال لقاءاته الدبلوماسية التي بدأها امس مع السفراء العرب ثم مع سفراء المجموعة الآسيوية واوستراليا والسفير الاميركية مورا كونيللي، الموقف من المحكمة الذي ينطلق من التزام لبنان المحكمة مقروناً بالحفاظ على الخصوصية الأمنية للبنان والحفاظ على سلمه الأهلي.

وأوضح ميقاتي، بحسب مصادر ديبلوماسية شاركت في الاجتماعات مع السفراء، أن هذه القاعدة ستبنى عليها الصيغة المتعلقة بالمحكمة في مسودة البيان الوزاري التي تناقشها اللجنة الوزارية في اجتماعها اليوم.

وقال ميقاتي: "قلت مراراً إن لبنان من مؤسسي المنظمة الدولية ويحترم قراراتها لا سيما منها القرار 1701. أما في ما يتعلق بالمحكمة الدولية، فهناك شقان خارجي وداخلي، الشق الخارجي له علاقة بقرار صادر عن الأمم المتحدة، وليس في استطاعة لبنان أن يلغيه بقرار أحادي. أما في الشق الداخلي فأنا على يقين بأن كل القوى والمجموعات السياسية اللبنانية تريد إحقاق الحق والعدالة وتجنيب لبنان أي أخطار أمنية تهدد استقراره".

وجدد ميقاتي مواقف سياسية كان اطلقها في مناسبات عدة، فعرض الظروف التي رافقت تشكيل الحكومة. وقال: "كنت أميناً لقناعاتي عندما حاولت إقناع كل الفرقاء بالمشاركة في الحكومة، إلا أنه عندما ترفض إحدى المجموعات السياسية المشاركة، وفي ضوء الأخطار الاجتماعية والاقتصادية والأمنية القائمة، لا بد لي من التحرك وتقديم تشكيلة حكومية". وشدد على أن لبنان يجب "أن يكون دائماً على أفضل العلاقات مع كل الدول الشقيقة والصديقة، وسأحاول أن اطبق هذا الأمر في خلال تحملي مسؤولياتي".

وحض ميقاتي السفراء العرب المعتمدين لدى لبنان، بمن فيهم السفير السوري علي عبد الكريم علي، على "تشجيع مواطنيهم على المجيء إلى لبنان في فصل الاصطياف"، قائلاً: "لا تقلقوا من المناكفات السياسية فهي باتت جزءاً من تراثنا السياسي، وقلوب اللبنانيين ومنازلهم مفتوحة كالمعتاد".

التعليقات 6
Default-user-icon MUSTAPHA O. GHALAYINI (ضيف) 13:58 ,2011 حزيران 21

crimes cannot be covered by any "civil peace",it's called coartion.

Default-user-icon Beiruti (ضيف) 14:40 ,2011 حزيران 21

This is BS, that the commitment of the Lebanese government to the STL should be "coupled with preservation of Lebanon's security, privacy and civil peace." It is coded language which means the following:
Lebanon's commitment to the STL ends when Hezbollah raises enough hell to make that commitment come to an end, that is, when Hezbollah threatens to breach security and civil peace as it blackmails the government into dropping its commitment to the STL.

Well, let me tell you this. The basis of all civil peace, security and privacy is an unwaivering, unconditional commitment to the judicial process committed to seeking the truth and doing justice where crimes have been committed, regardless of the identity of the party charged. If Lebanon gives in to blackmail perpetrated by those expected to be charged in the STL indictments, then there can be no civil peace, no security and no privacy because one party would have put itself above the law.

Default-user-icon Beiruti (ضيف) 15:56 ,2011 حزيران 21

Mr. mowatan, yes, of course I am not from Lebanon. Everyone who reads my posts knows that. Civil peace, however, is based on the same thing, whether it is in the US, France, Lebanon or Iran. It is based on justice and on wrongdoers being made to account for their wrongdoing in an open, free, fair and independent judicial environment.

The STL, for all of its faults is many times better than a judicial environment that could have been created in Lebanon where politics infuses all state institutions, especially the judicial institutions where party leaders control ministries. The STL is following standard international judicial standards. Now that may seem alien to people in Lebanon because there is no law in Lebanon that cannot be undermined with enough influence or money. But there is integrity in the international institutions, though not perfect, good enough to perform the mission to which it has been assigned.

Missing bigdigg 19:35 ,2011 حزيران 21

With all due respect, civil peace is more important than any man. Also the life of any Lebanese that might get killed in any civil disturbance is equally important to the life of anyone. If you don't believe me, ask their mothers and families.

Default-user-icon Beiruti (ضيف) 19:54 ,2011 حزيران 21

Yes, civil peace is a very important thing, but civil peace based on what? The conflict is clear. Hezbollah has threatened for the past 6 years to disrupt civil peace in order to stop the creation of the STL, and then to stop the government that supported the STL.
Jumblatt abandoned M14 and its insistence on the STL for the sake of securing "civil peace" by joining with Hezbollah.
"Civil peace" born of intimidation by those would would sacrifice it in order to advance their political agenda, is not civil peace. It is the civil peace that Syria had for the past 40 years, which we see now, is superficial only, while below the surface there is no peace and a severe eruption is inevitable.
Real civil peace comes from governments performing their duties, insuring and guaranteeing the rights of all against whomever would deprive even one person of their life, their liberty or their property without cause.
To think otherwise is to bury one's head in the sand and call it peace.

Missing peace 21:11 ,2011 حزيران 21

wait and see mowaten! the hezb YES think it is above the lebanese laws!!!

many facts support this, saying the contrary is pure blindness!
of course the hezb is so afraid of the stl that it will do anythg to prevent their accusations even if it means killng half lebanon!
we are still waitins for their so called evidence which they always fail to show!!! why? because they don t have any! all points to syria and its watchdogs... aoun said it the first! remember? hehehe

all dictatorship don t care about lives of the people so does the hezb.... just watch the killings in syria because the gvt is so afraid to lose all its powers, just like the hezb is afraid to be kicked out of the lebanese political scene....