سليمان يؤكد أنه لم يغدر بالمقاومة وسيحميها من نفسها: كيف ينفرد حزب الله بالتصرف في سوريا ويترك الجيش والشعب؟

Read this story in English W460

أعرب رئيس الجمهورية ميشال سليمان عن تساؤله بأن " للمقاومة عيد وطني وهي موجودة في البيان الوزاري تحت عبارة "الجيش والشعب والمقاومة"، فكيف ينفرد الحزب بالتصرف في سوريا ويترك الجيش والشعب؟" مردفاً أنه "لم يغدر بالمقاومة ويريد حمايتها من نفسها".

وأشار سليمان في حديث لصحيفة "السفير" نشر الخميس، الى ان "علاقته مع سوريا هي أفضل من علاقة بعض حلفائها بها، ولكن مَن الذي بادر الى الشكوى للامم المتحدة ورئيس مجلس الامن نحن أم الجانب السوري، في الوقت الذي كنا نصرّ على معالجة الامور ثنائياً"؟

وشدّد على انه "ضد انخراط "حزب الله" في الصراع السوري، لان هذا التدخل يؤدي الى توترات في لبنان"، مردفاً أن" حزب الله مقاومة وهذه المقاومة لها عيد وطني وهي موجودة في البيان الوزاري تحت عبارة "الجيش والشعب والمقاومة"، فكيف ينفرد الحزب بالتصرف ويترك الجيش والشعب؟"

وأضاف سليمان أنه "اذا شاركوا في معركة حلب وسقط المزيد من القتلى في صفوف الحزب، فهذا سيعيد توتير الأجواء ويجب أن تتوقف الأمور عند القصير والعودة الى لبنان"، مردفاً "لقد نبّهتهم بكل محبة وأريحية حول هذا الأمر ولم أغدر بهم او اغافلهم، ومنذ البداية قلت لهم انني لست قابلاً بهذا التصرف ولا أقبل بالذهاب الى الجولان، لان في ذلك كشفاً لكم وللبنان امام العدو الاسرائيلي".

ولفت في السياق عينه الى أنني " قلت أحمي المقاومة برموش عيوني، ولكن اريد حمايتها ايضاً من نفسها، وعندما أجد تصرفات "حزب الله" خطأ أصارحهم ولا أثني عليهم"، موضحاً انه "عندما تحدث معي الرئيس الأميركي باراك اوباما مؤخراً وأبدى قلقه من تدخل حزب الله في سوريا قلت له فوراً، نحن كذلك قلقون من تدخل كل الأفرقاء اللبنانيين في سوريا ونحن أجمعنا على اعلان بعبدا لمنع التدخل، ولكن للأسف مختلف الاطراف لم تلتزم به".

وتساءل سليمان "هل اللبنانيون موافقون على فتح معركة في الجولان؟ وهل ابناء اللبنانيين موافقون ان يستشهد المواطن في سوريا؟"، مردفاً "نعم هم يوافقون ان يستشهد العسكري والمقاوم على ارض وطنه، لكنهم لا يوافقون ان يسقط لا في الحرب الاهلية الداخلية ولا في سوريا ولا في الجولان. هكذا نبني الوطن ونحفظه، وليس بإرادات مختلفة ومتناقضة. علينا عدم فتح الباب لاي طائفة من طوائف لبنان، وبذريعة حماية نفسها من خطر ما تتعرض له، ان تلجأ الى الدولة التي ترعاها او الى عرّابها لكي يدافع عنها. هذا امر لا يجوز وغير مقبول ولا يبني وطنا".

وأعلن "حزب الله" عن مشاركته في القتال الى جانب النظام السوري، الأمر الذي قد يؤدي الى زعزعة علاقة لبنان بالدول المناهضة للنظام السوري. ويشير المرصد السوري لحقوق الانسان الى دور مرتقب لـ"حزب الله" في حمص وحلب، بعد سيطرته وجيش النظام على مدينة القصير.

وفي السياق نفسه، أعلن سليمان أن " الخروقات الجوية الاسرائيلية والطيران الدائري وإلقاء القنابل المضيئة فوق مناطق الجنوب الأربعاء، لا تخرج عن النمط الاسرائيلي المتبع بتكرار اعتداءاته ضد لبنان واستمرار خرق القرارات الدولية ولا سيما منها القرار 1701، مستغلّة بصورة خاصة الاوضاع القائمة، الامر الذي يحتم على المجتمع الدولي ومجلس الامن العمل على ردعها عن الاعتداءات على الدول المحيطة وسيادتها".

وسلم سليمان الثلاثاء، الى الأمم المتحدة، عبر منسّقها الخاص في لبنان ديريك بلامبلي، مذكّرة حول الخروق السوريّة الأخيرة، وذلك بعد امتناع منصور عن تقديمها.

وفي هذا السياق، كشفت صحيفة "الجمهورية"، أنّ "سليمان تخطّى في خطوته هذه التحذيرات التي وجّهت إليه من مغبّة اتخاذها، في اعتبار انه أقسم اليمين الدستورية ولا يستطيع بالتالي أن ينكث بالقسم، علماً أنّ هذه الخطوة هي الثانية في تاريخ العلاقات اللبنانية ـ السوريّة، بعد تقديم الرئيس أمين الجميّل شكوى ضدّ سوريا عام 1987 لدى عودتها الى بيروت الغربيّة من دون قرار حكومي".

التعليقات 34
Missing lebanese_uae 08:55 ,2013 حزيران 20

Well Said Mr. President
HA doesn't deserve such presiden.

Missing nike 09:01 ,2013 حزيران 20

In a minute, a shai bomb will be under his car

Missing lebanese_uae 09:19 ,2013 حزيران 20

b3id el shar 3annou... 7ajeh tfawil 3azzalameh !!!

Missing mohammad_ca 13:31 ,2013 حزيران 20

FT the shia have no bombs? hizbocrap claim to be heavily armed.

Missing beirutbastard00 15:51 ,2013 حزيران 20

Ugh I hate these sectarian bombs!!... Always dragging the rest of the munitions into conflict...

Thumb Elemental 10:46 ,2013 حزيران 20

Mr. President, you can't tell a foreign militia what to do. If they were truly Lebanese? They would have listened to you instead of the Ayatollah.

Missing peace 11:21 ,2013 حزيران 20

good position Mr president, but will hezbis listen to you? you are not their president! they do not obey nor respect lebanese laws and institutions....

Missing trueleb 11:25 ,2013 حزيران 20

Good bless you Mr president .

Thumb phoenician 12:48 ,2013 حزيران 20

How could a president of a republic states that he wants to " preserve tbe resistance" of an iranian traitor and treasoner militia is beyond me.
Partition please.

Missing mohammad_ca 13:33 ,2013 حزيران 20

scored another victory for "Lebanon"? bek shi inta? First they said they wanted to defend the shia, then they said they did it for the resistance, and now they're saying they're doing it to fight Israel?

Missing helicopter 17:45 ,2013 حزيران 20

I believe him partially. He is for the resistance that liberated the land from Israel (yes he would like to preserve that one). But as far as the resistance that is crippling the State, overshadowing the President and the Government, discarding any and all Laws, then NO I am sure he does not care to preserve this resistance.

Missing Cyanide 18:39 ,2013 حزيران 20

scored a victory?? what victory ?? kill people and destroy their houses??? invaded another country and fought against the will of people?? Your general once said "iza aradta an todafi3 3an al dictatoriya bil usulya f2anta moghafal w sathej". he's doing it him self. time for you to get out of your box mate.

Missing Cyanide 18:40 ,2013 حزيران 20

yislamli l honey ana

Default-user-icon dddd (ضيف) 13:02 ,2013 حزيران 20

No Mr. President Hizbo didnt make a mistake.... hizbo is the biggest mistake in the lebanese history its a cancer killing our country, now lets hope the 'chimio' works ... or else bye bye Lebanon.

Default-user-icon No Mas (ضيف) 14:50 ,2013 حزيران 20


Default-user-icon Nada Mas (ضيف) 14:59 ,2013 حزيران 20

I like the cancer analogy for Hizbiran. A cancer usually starts locally and slowly spreads until it totally consumes its host's vital organs. In this case, the cancer is unfortunately morphing into a communicable disease as it has spread into Syria. Looks like Iran is well underway to achieve part of its grand plan to spread its empire to the Mediterranean. How could anyone even pretend to be Lebanese while supporting Hizbiran?

Missing nadamas 15:27 ,2013 حزيران 20

I like the cancer analogy on Hizbiran. A cancer starts locally and slowly spreads to totally consumer and, ultimately, destroy its host - all the while pretending to be a natural part of the human body... what more fitting analogy. Unfortunately, this cancer is starting to act more like a communicable disease as it has spread to another body - sorry to say that happens to be Syria. Looks like Iran's plans to spread its influence (for lack of better words) to the Mediterranean are becoming closer to becoming reality.

How can anyone consider themselves Lebanese while supporting an openly foreign cancer?

Missing nadamas 15:29 ,2013 حزيران 20

Sadly, it is looking more and more like Israel is the only 'chemotherapy' that can get rid of this cancer.... feel free to take the chemo analogy and run with it.

Missing beirutbastard00 17:03 ,2013 حزيران 20

Oh what a headache they've become...

Missing beirutbastard00 16:15 ,2013 حزيران 20

Lebanon only exists as a country in the United Nations. Here we know that we're only a grouping of different ppl, who are highly suspicious of each other.

I wouldn't say partition is the answer, but I guess some kind of federal system would be the best choice. Look at how small the UAE is, they've managed to successfully have independent city states. I know we are not a tribal ppl, but we are a sectarian one.

This is the truth. During the 2006 war, ppl in batroon, for example, were not effected in any way. There was a mini war in saida a couple days ago, in Beirut I didn't bat an eyelash. We are already a separate people, lets just make it official in politics, and make a treaty between each other.

Missing beirutbastard00 16:47 ,2013 حزيران 20

But that's my point... HA built the south. Meaning the Shia built their area. Just like the Christians built theirs, and the Druze built theirs, n so on. Every area in Lebanon has been built by its own people, that's y the Christian areas always look so much better, their people take care of their areas. There's no such thing as a whole country. A WAR can happen in one area, and the next area is not effected, or even gives a shit what's happening there.

Lets be separate city states. I'm durzi, and ill vote to stick with Christians. A unified mount Lebanon sounds good. It would be a beautiful and prosperous tourist destination. The rest can have their wars.

Missing beirutbastard00 17:14 ,2013 حزيران 20

And a unified Lebanon has my vote too. All of our votes. All Lebanese want that, Sunni Shia Christian etc... But our only hope, the way I see it, is a UAE style federal system. Compare Dubai to Jabal Ali. They look nothing alike, their people want different things for their areas. And that's fine! That's how we already are, but in politics we ignore that fact. I just think things would run much smoother.

Missing youssefhaddad 16:15 ,2013 حزيران 20

For a president who came as a compromise he just sided with Lebanon's interests instead of staying in the middle.
Now, his life is in danger and he should stick to the presidential residence because these people will not stop till they bring him down.

Missing beirutbastard00 16:30 ,2013 حزيران 20

How can he arrest u? U don't live here.

You seem like a very bright guy, why do u chose to be a mouthpiece for one side?

If u follow lebanese politics long enough, u will notice that every side right now, was once on the opposite side, before switching to their current side. Politics here is not seen as a duty of conscience, but a game of current events.

U see, if you chose to only side with one group, u will be forced to contradict ur self. Take the president for example... Both m8 and m14 have stood 100% with him, and 100% against him, and back to 100% with him, etc... And the followers of these parties go back an forth praising and cursing the man.

Thumb primesuspect 16:30 ,2013 حزيران 20

Señor el presidente, there's no such thing as resistance. The only thing they're resisting is arrest!

Thumb primesuspect 21:34 ,2013 حزيران 20

Thanks guys. It's good to have some humor on naharnet.... It's a change from the death threats we get on a daily basis (wolf, josh, ft, mowaty, etc...)

Thumb zahle1 16:47 ,2013 حزيران 20

I commend the president for taking this stance. It took courage. However, he is also against other sects and militias from participating in the war. There are many Sunni fighters there. Let's also not forget there are many Sunni from all over the world fighting there that are extremists, and would come for us next. I think the Lebanese will be better off being honest for once and staying neutral. Neutral from not just a Lebanese army/government perspective but all sects/parties...

Missing beirutbastard00 16:54 ,2013 حزيران 20

Akh the beards!... It's like a uniform, only the worse it looks, the higher the rank :/

Missing beirutbastard00 17:02 ,2013 حزيران 20

Khalas man it's all out in the open now. Hizballah is an Iranian militia. Not a lebanese militia that takes Iranian orders, but an Iranian militia. Like nasrallah said, he's only a soldier in their army.

But this group happens to be the strongest force, in both arms and politics, in Lebanon. What the president and Salam are trying to do now amounts to a coup... Against the political part anyway. The weapons will never be taken by force, or political maneuver.

Thumb ado.australia 17:20 ,2013 حزيران 20

Full power? That is the extent of the president's power, Making speeches... thanks to the Tiaf accord.

Missing helicopter 17:36 ,2013 حزيران 20

Agre with you on that he is just and fair. I also add he is patriotic Lebanese (as opposed to patriotic KSA or patriotic Iranian).
As such his enemies are now on both extremes of the spectrum, this includes takfiris and HA.

Missing helicopter 17:38 ,2013 حزيران 20

Thumbs up from me

Missing helicopter 17:38 ,2013 حزيران 20

wolf, thumbs up from me

Missing Cyanide 18:34 ,2013 حزيران 20

wle mrit.. and you call your self Lebanese. you are the liar and the ignorant bsein hiding behind a name.. the government controlled by m8 didn't allow the army to protect the borders. nes mitlak wasalo l balad lahon