سليمان: إذا تكررت الاعتداءات السورية على لبنان سأرسل مذكرة جديدة

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أكد رئيس الجمهورية ميشال سليمان في إطار إرسال المذكرات الى الأمم المتحدة وجامعة الدول العربية أن "البادىء أظلم"، مردفاً أنه "اذا تكررت الامور سيوجه مذكرة جديدة الى الأم المتحدة وجامعة الدول العربية".

وأشار زوار سليمان في حديث لصحيفة "السفير" الى أن "سليمان أكد أن" البادئ اظلم" والبادئ هم السوريون، والمراسلات التي بعثوا بها الى الامم المتحدة في مضمونها اقوى بكثير من المراسلة التي ارسلتها، كما انني استخدمت ذات العبارة التي استخدمت في الرسائل السورية "ارجو ابلاغ نسخة من هذه الرسالة الى رئيس مجلس الامن واصدارها كوثيقة رسمية من وثائق مجلس الامن"، مردفاً "وضعت ذات العبارة حتى لا يقال اننا ننطلق من نوايا غير سليمة، واكدت على استقرار سوريا كما هم اكدوا على استقرار لبنان".

أضاف "ونحن اكتفينا بارسال الرسالة الى الامين العام للامم المتحدة، بينما هم ارسلوا رسائلهم الى الامين العام ورئيس مجلس الامن، كما اننا اشرنا الى خروقات طرفي الصراع في سوريا".

وأضاف سليمان أمام زواره "ان الواجب يفرض على رئيس الجمهورية السهر على حماية لبنان من كل الاخطار،لذلك كان لا بد من من توجيه هذه الرسالة، ولم اطلب اتخاذ اجراءات، واذا تكررت الامور سأوجه رسالة جديدة"، موضحاً أن "توجيه الرسالة الى الامانة العامة لجامعة الدول العربية، فلأنها اعترفت بالائتلاف السوري المعارض وبالتالي صار بإمكاني ان اشتكي لديها على المعارضة".

يذكر أن سليمان سلّم الخميس سفير جامعة الدول العربية في لبنان عبد الرحمن الصلح مذكرة خطية موجهة الى الامين العام للجامعة العربية نبيل العربي "يحيطه علما بالخروق السورية التي يطالب لبنان بعدم تكرارها" بحسب الوكالة "ألوطنية للإعلام".

وكان سليمان سلم الممثل الشخصي للأمين العام للأمم المتحدة في لبنان ديريك بلامبلي، مذكرة بالخروق والاعتداءات ضد الاراضي اللبنانية من الاطراف المتصارعة في سوريا كافة، لرفعها الى الامين العام للأمم المتحدة بان كي مون لتوزيعها بوصفها وثيقة رسمية من وثائق مجلس الامن".

وكانت قصفت طائرة حربية سورية بلدة عرسال صباح الأربعاء ما اضطر الجيش اللبناني إلى إصدار بيان هدد فيه للمرة الأولى بـ"الرد الفوري" على مصادر النيران، في حين ردت دمشق مؤكدة "احترام سيادة لبنان".

يشار الى أن سوريا كانت قد تقدمت مسبقاً بشكوى ضد لبنان الى الأمم المتحدة.

التعليقات 19
Missing helicopter 09:28 ,2013 حزيران 21

Another March 8 figure, Baath Party MP Assem Qanso accused Suleiman of “high treason.”.......... I do not know whether to laugh or to cry, or to curse or to just pray.
Considering the source of the accusation of treason, the President is now proven beyond any doubt that he is Patriotic Lebanese.

Missing trigger 09:41 ,2013 حزيران 21

since when is kanso qualified to talk about the treachery of others,him being the master of it.
khalli yrouh yhott el laffe aala rasso w yer3a me3zeh!!!!

Missing ArabDemocrat.com 18:05 ,2013 حزيران 22

MP Assem Qanso is not a Baathist. He is an assadist. The real Baath party who remained loyal to the legal national leadership of the party headed by Michel Aflaq was hunted down by Syrian and Iranian intelligence service and destroyed. Its leader in Lebanon, n Sunni MP from Tripoli, Abdel Majid al-Rafei, told reporters that "the presence of Syrian troops on Lebanese territory is a contravention of the Arab league charter" and that "since 1976, the Syrian regime has not only interfered [in Lebanon], but also massacred and destroyed cities." Within 24 hours, Syrian forces had arrested around 200 of his followers in and around Tripoli. [Lebanon Central News Agency, 9 October 1989]

Thumb geha 09:53 ,2013 حزيران 21

hizbushaitan launched a campaign against the president for being .... Lebanese.
you see, hizbushaitan is Iranian/Syrian by nature, so how does the president dare to defend Lebanon?
these are thugs and they need to be stopped in their foolishness.

Thumb lebanon_first 16:33 ,2013 حزيران 21

well said chopper.

Thumb habib 09:42 ,2013 حزيران 21

Alla ye7mik weyawik betmanna men fakhamtak dirbelak 3ala 7alak lianno yali bidir belo 3alwatan fikhawef 3ala 7ayeto wanna bektere7 ested3a2 le7tiyat 3algedme lianno lwatan bi 7ajeton walmowatnin bi7aji la lamen wal aman alla wel3adra ye7mok wa ye7mo lwatan

Thumb geha 10:14 ,2013 حزيران 21

you are the gutless coward and attacking the president of Lebanon for being Lebanese by someone like you, an Iranian thug, is not acceptable.
go back to iran you filthy traitor.

Missing --karim_m1 10:17 ,2013 حزيران 21

Geha, an Al Qaeda sympathizing Saudi thug like you has no moral right to lecture others on their Lebanese-ness. Go back to Saudi Arabia where your ancestors came from.

Thumb geha 10:36 ,2013 حزيران 21

Full of BS
you pertinently know I hate al Qaeda, which shows how empty your comment is :)

Thumb geha 10:47 ,2013 حزيران 21


Missing --karim_m1 12:57 ,2013 حزيران 21

If you support FSA-Al Qaeda, that makes you, um, an Al Qaeda sympathizer. Is that difficult to understand?

Default-user-icon Binary Logic (ضيف) 20:56 ,2013 حزيران 21

Karim, it's amazing how stupid you Aouni, Hezbollah supporters can be. Your brains are Binary meaning you can only understand 2 alternatives.

If you're anti-Aoun or anti-Nassrallah or anti-Iran, that doesn't make you Pro-Geagea, Pro Hariri or Pro Saudi / US.

Being anti Hezbollah means you strongly believe that there is no way in hell a Lebanese state can co-exist with an armed, terrorist organisation. It means that you are a true Lebanese patriot. If the US and Saudi share the same beliefs, then good for them and better for us.

Hezbollah has never done anything in the interest of this country and I challenge you to prove otherwise.

Missing Liberation 10:38 ,2013 حزيران 21

Karim: your IGNORANCE is beyond repair! Our President and the people like him are a horn in your paw and those like you. We'll make your path a living hell if we have to. Our ancestors always were a wall separating you from our beloved country and so shall we be with God and his Holy Grace on our side! I always try to be polite but in this case I ask for all to forgive me. Karim you are the filth of this country. You are a spec of dust in the trash pile that people like you created!

Missing Liberation 10:41 ,2013 حزيران 21

You and those like you are pathetic. You're no more Lebanese than your handlers in the Iranian dictatorship. Go and climb back into the disgusting hole that you came out of, you worthless piece of satanic trash!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Missing allouchi 15:09 ,2013 حزيران 21

Mr. President Michel Suleiman is the symbol for all of Lebanon...Political disagreements are understandable but we should all unite around our president in time of crisis...

Missing idris_gray 15:25 ,2013 حزيران 21

Wow, I really feel bad for lebanon. Which kind of country accuses its own president of being traitor for defending his country against a foreigner?

Missing me____ 17:48 ,2013 حزيران 21

Division will lead nowhere. We should stop these byzantine discussions about origins and conspiracies... our leaders are all air-headed losers except one guy: our president.

There was a very inspiring interview on MTV with Ghassan Salame - every lebanese should watch it . If only our politicians can think straight like this guy!


Missing peace 02:10 ,2013 حزيران 22

result: a missile on baabda to warn the president of being careful.... thx hezbis !

Missing ArabDemocrat.com 19:27 ,2013 حزيران 22

Josh - This is not Syria. Our presidents do not win all the time and with 99% of the vote. They are only allowed one term (except when your criminal regime forced to extend to Lahoud. We are allowed to disagree with the president and say if we think he is not doing a good job.