ميقاتي لا يعتبر حزب الله أقوى من الدولة: أولوياته مساندة النظام السوري
Read this story in Englishأعلن رئيس الحكومة تصريف الأعمال نجيب ميقاتي إن الدولة اللبنانية أقوى من كل الأحزاب بمن فيها حزب الله مؤكداً رفضه التدخل في سوريا لصالح أي طرف كان، لما له من آثار سلبية على الوضع الداخلي في لبنان.
وفي تعليقه على تصريحات رئيس كتلة "المستقبل" النائب فؤاد السنيورة، حول كون حزب الله أقوى من الدولة اللبنانية، قال ميقاتي لقناة الـ"CNN" الأميركية في حديث نشر الجمعة "أنا أشغل منصب رئيس الوزراء حالياً، وأراهن على الدولة، وأؤمن أن لا أحد أقوى من الدولة، وأن علينا جميعاً العمل على تقوية الدولة بشكل عام".
وعند سؤاله عن تدخل حزب الله إلى جانب النظام السوري، أجاب ميقاتي: "نحن نطالب بعدم التدخل في سوريا، لأن ذلك له تداعيات سلبية على الداخل اللبناني، وذلك ينطبق على صعيدين، سواء مناصرة النظام السوري، أو مناصرة الثوار".
وأضاف "بالتأكيد حزب الله لديه أولوياته، ومن أولوياته اليوم هو مساندة النظام السوري، وأعتقد أن حزب الله سيكتشف قريباً أن حماية لبنان تأتي في أعلى قائمة الأولويات، وهذا بالضبط ما أطالب به".
وإذ شدد ميقاتي على أن "تدخلنا في سوريا لن يغير شيئاً، بل سينعكس سلبيا علينا فقط" ختم قائلا "أكثر ما يقلقني في الصراع السوري ليس الصراع بحد ذاته، بل باستمرار تدفق اللاجئين، لدينا الآن 550 ألف لاجئ من المسجلين فقط في لبنان، إلى جانب نحو 750 ألف سوري آخرين موجودين داخل البلاد، وهذه الأعداد تفوق قدراتنا، وعليه ندعو المجتمع الدولي والمنظمات الدولية لمساعدة لبنان".
يشار إلى أن الأمين العام للحزب أعلن صراحة مشاركة حزب الله في المعارك السورية. وبعد أن سيطر الحزب مع القوات السورية على مدينة القصير الإستراتيجية قرب الحدود اللبنانية، أكد نصرالله استمرار الحزب "بتحمل مسؤولياته وسنكون حيث يجب أن نكون".
كما يذكر أن الحزب يشارك حاليا في معارك قرب مقام السيدة زينب في دمشق، كذلك يفيد ناشطون سوريون عن معارك في الغوطة الشرقية يشارك الحزب فيها.
Well it's obvious given HA are Iranian in origin. Their recent attack against Lebanese shia at the Iranian embassy, on top of supporting the regime is proof enough. The problem is even other parties here are not with Lebanon, if they just stand for Lebanon alone this would not be an issue.
another stupid analysis ya habile selassie.
Sunnites take orders from saudi who order them to do a strong pro sunnite state which is not perfect, but ok.
Christians are influenced by the west which is great
But HA is EMPLOYED by Iran to enter every regional fight, to follow an agenda which is BAD FOR LEBANON.
But again, you wont understand shades of gray.
Any person that thinks hizbolla is a Lebanese group is seriously deluded, they jeopardise their community by exposing them to terrorism, deportation, hate, and racism. When Lebanon was bombed in 2006 where did most of the Lebanese go? How where they received, what hizballa is doing now is outrageous, knowing the consequences of such actions and not giving a damn about it. their strengh has always been people from the south, genuine lebanese and good people, no should bite the hands it is feeding from, and hizballa has no right to expose this population to constant risks.
Hizballa, fighting a population on its knees with the help of air planes and chemical weapons ... that reminds us of something.
Fighters are only fighting because it is their job to do so, and someone has been paying all the bills for a long time now. Now I'm talking abt hbala because they are the number one visible danger in Lebanon today, the islamists second behind. Lets get ridd of all of them, by being wise, by not falling into sectarian traps, by continuing to respect-employ people from poor parts of Lebanon. Long process but sure process. Power is within the people not the guns. Good bye - and screw all you idiots blindly supporting armed groups - you will loose -- they wont. coming from a muslim that doesn't like any of you idiots.
Ahmed al assir is not doing a state within a state. He is ugly, he is vocal, but the leb army can take him any time if it decides to.
Of course Hariri created assir. What do u expect him to do? his whole country has been humiliated by assad for years. His father was killed by Assad
Fath el islam was beaten by the leb army despite the red line that HA put.
Fath el islam and all other islamists were financed before the strife in syria by assad himself to weaken lebanon. Just like qaeda turned against the US, fath el islam turned against syria.
Our biggest ennemy is assad's regime. All the others we can beat them.
So FT you understood my view on how to get a state of institutions and are apparently against it. (Procedure is get rid of assad, then of islamists, HA is weaker, and we negotiate with it to join the army.)
Do you want a state of institutions? Do you have a better idea on how to build it? without insults or negativity , give me your view on how to build it.
monsieur l'empereur, it is dismal to read your affirmation that fateh el islam was paid by hariri and saudi. This is the typical kind of speculations that the I know it all Lebanese like to come up with while there is no substance at it. Please do remember that Saniora was outright with the fight against the terrorists of fatah el islam and never accepted the red line fixed by hizbullah and relayed by Aoun as to the nahr el bared camp.
funny how FPMers are defending HA while we know it was the very same speech aoun had for years against hezbollah... see the hypocrit people they are? LOL!!!