حزب الله: الجيش ضامن للسلم الأهلي والتعرض له يمس أمن الوطن كله

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أعلن حزب الله أن الجيش اللبناني هو المؤسسة الرئيسية "الضامنة للسلم الأهلي في لبنان" مشيرا إلى أن التعرض له على يد جماعة إمام مسجد بلال بن رباح في صيدا الشيخ أحمد الأسير "الموتورة" هومس "بأمن الوطن بكامله".

وقال الحزب في بيان عصر الإثنين أنه "يتعرض الجيش اللبناني وأهلنا في صيدا منذ بعد ظهر أمس وحتى الآن لاعتداءات غادرة أسفرت عن سقوط عشرات الشهداء والجرحى من العسكريين والمدنيين على يد جماعة الأسير الموتورة".

عليه رأى أن "هذه الجريمة النكراء التي أودت بحياة عدد من الضباط والجنود في المؤسسة العسكرية، ومن المدنيين، هي اعتداء على كل اللبنانيين، واستهداف لأمنهم وأرزاقهم وحاضرهم ومستقبلهم، لكونها استهدفت المؤسسة الرئيسية الضامنة للسلم الأهلي في لبنان والحافظة لاستقرارهم والحامية لأبناء الشعب اللبناني بكل مكوناته وفئاته".

وراى الحزب في تكرر التعرض للجيش ومؤسسته "بما هي مؤسسة وطنية كبرى وضمان للبنان، خطورة بالغة تمس هيبة الدولة وأمن الوطن بكامله".

كذلك لفت إلى أهمية اعتبار ما جرى "مناسبة كي يظهر اللبنانيون على اختلاف مواقعهم ومسؤولياتهم وانتماءاتهم التفافهم حول مؤسسة الجيش واحتضانهم لها وتأكيد تضامنهم الكامل معها"، داعيا السلطات المختصة إلى "اتخاذ كل الإجراءات التي تكفل وضع حد نهائي لتكرار هذه الاعتداءات وسوق المجرمين إلى العدالة".

وقتل 16 عسكريا بينهم ضباط وجرح أكثر من سبعين في اعتداء عليهم من قبل جماعة الأسير في عبرا بصيدا فيما تحدثت معلومات غير مؤكدة عن وقوع أكثر من 20 قتيلا من مسلحي إمام مسجد بلال بن رباح.

التعليقات 28
Thumb geha 18:22 ,2013 حزيران 24

hizbushaitan is the reason why Lebanon is destabilized.

Thumb Elemental 18:30 ,2013 حزيران 24

Ok let's see here, having Salafists with weapons? Sure that's wrong. BUT HA with weapons is ok? That doesn't make sense. Second, sure you're praising the Army, but you yourselves push the army away when something happens in YOUR areas. Enough with the double standards and acting like you're saints.

Thumb Elemental 18:32 ,2013 حزيران 24

Maybe they're words would be credible if they allowed the army into their areas, all access. Till then, I'm not buying a single word.

Missing idris_gray 19:26 ,2013 حزيران 24

Lebanon is just a disaster. Sorry to say...

Missing mark 19:52 ,2013 حزيران 24

Disarming HA is the solution for all Lebanon's problem.

Missing antibiotic 20:14 ,2013 حزيران 24

19:06] MP Bahia Hariri to NOW: There are suspicious members inside the Lebanese army

Duhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh its an iranian proxy, a partisan, lebanons finished weather we like it or not, thank you oh HISTORICAL treacherous shia

Thumb Elemental 20:47 ,2013 حزيران 24

I have yet to see the army enter a HA controlled area without "resistance" That's proof they're with the army 100% the day that ever happens.

Thumb benzona 20:57 ,2013 حزيران 24

The summit of hypocrisy has been reached by hezb Ebola today....

You know what pains me most? The poor soldiers being instrumentalized by the generals nominated with Syria's approval.

Examples : general Tannous who later picked Michel Aoun.

The fallen soldiers are Allah yirhamon naïve.... They weren't defending their country.... But the axis of evil agenda.

Thumb _citizen_ 21:00 ,2013 حزيران 24

collateral damage in Qahwaji's bid for the presidency.

Thumb benzona 22:18 ,2013 حزيران 24

Very sad and painful to admit it! ;-/

Missing peace 00:30 ,2013 حزيران 25

LOL if the army decides to take hezbi weapons and integrate them in the amry's arsenal i am not sure hezbis will have the same point of view! that is pure hypocrisy !

Thumb jabal10452 00:42 ,2013 حزيران 25

HA is the absolute master of hypocrisy and deceit. They have effectively taken the country hostage and operate totally outside our institutions while preaching to us the importance of respecting the same institutions that they have hollowed out.

Default-user-icon Ilovelebanon (ضيف) 00:47 ,2013 حزيران 25

Wow, now I see why we will never have peace in Lebanon! These pathetic excuse for human beings, AKA Sunnis, are just so full of anger and hatred. After all, you cannot be human if you can behead another human being and think nothing of it. I have never in my life known anyone who is as evil as sunnis are. Long live Hizbollah and death to Al-Asir and fadel Shaker. The only ones to ever support Lebanon was and will always be Hizbollah!

Missing peace 10:19 ,2013 حزيران 25

"I have never in my life known anyone who is as evil as sunnis are."

= you......

Default-user-icon John (ضيف) 00:53 ,2013 حزيران 25

Hezzbula is the defacto forces inside Libanon,if they told the lebanese forces to jump,they would have say,,,how high!!So why don,t the lebanese force stop the Hezzbula to move as they like into syria?. the guverment are just some without any credibility

Missing helicopter 02:51 ,2013 حزيران 25

Look how they choose to make their supporters look civilized. They choose good looking women or girls that not wearing Hijab (they look nothing like their Almanar reporters or employees. It is called propaganda.

Thumb LebCynic 05:32 ,2013 حزيران 25

You seriously made that comment?? Dude look at the Islamic woman in Tripoli, they look like a 88lt garbage bag getting around!!

Thumb LebCynic 05:30 ,2013 حزيران 25

In the entire of the Hezballah existence since 1982 they have not once had a confrontation with the LAF or any legitimate security institution in Lebanon, so all you hard line extremists demanding that Hezballah lay down their arms simply have your own extremist agenda to arm other extremist goons similar to asir.. Simple facts remain and history speaks for itself… It is the likes of geha that wish to see Lebanon become a strict Islamic hub but the fact is the Lebanese minorities are too proud and freedom loving to give in to these terrorists. As long as we have a brave LAF defending us we will always prevail against this wave of terror.

Thumb general_puppet 06:08 ,2013 حزيران 25

Zadig, that was an excellent comment... there is no denying what you said. Unfortunately building a country means nothing, to Hizballah's cheerleaders.

Default-user-icon sanchez (ضيف) 08:23 ,2013 حزيران 25

HA fighters went to Syria to fight against Assad opponents which provoked this recent violence. In 2006 HA kidnapped 2 Israeli soldiers and unleashed the Israeli attacks. Is there a pattern here ? Of course, but let's hope they can find their way away from this aggression and can transform into a strong political voice that is not only heard through violence. We're grateful for HA for driving out the Israelis from the south but their heroics for Lebanese Sovereignty must not be undermined by acts that bring mass violence to the cities and residence of Lebanon. On a separate but slightly related note. Palestinian Camps where some Syrian refugees are ending up are not much worst than some poor areas of Dahieh and Ouzai. As long as the Lebanese people do not invest in welfare and education for the poor who are living in miserable conditions and have lost hope, there will always be people, religious or not, that will exploit them to hate others and fight for one cause or another.

Default-user-icon sanchez (ضيف) 10:33 ,2013 حزيران 25

Someone once told me something I will never forget. The Christians went to the west and came back as the Crusaders. The Jews came back as Zionists. The Arabs, especially the Lebanese, are all over the world ... what will they come back as ? Have they been defined yet ? When the Arabs from the West come back, no weapons or murderers will stand in their way and the revolution will be peaceful and justified, and it will not involve religion because we are all the same under the eyes of god. You want to meet fire with fire ... but you should meet it with water. Anyway, the future is much more about shifts in the generations thinking that petty tit for tat, you kill me I kill you is so unenlightened.

Default-user-icon sanchez (ضيف) 11:16 ,2013 حزيران 26

The point was that we have no military deterrence against the Israelis and Americans, they can wipe us all out in the blink of an eye and that includes Iran. We must find another way, one that doesn't include an eye for an eye mentality and one that does not involve an arms race where Arabs are buying weapons from Americans or Russians to kill each other. The Japanese lost World War 2, then they went on to beat the Americans at their own game ... Capitalism ! I would prefer to give a young Arab a computer so he can learn to make money and bring himself and his family out of the misery they live in, than a gun which will get him and his whole family killed. Also, don't be so fooled about Shia vs Sunni. There is no such thing, this is a fabrication to distract from the real issue which is, Assad can't keep winning 99% of the vote in a phoney election and keep his entourage nice and rich while the rest of the Syrians live in poverty with no education or social welfare.

Default-user-icon abu bakr (ضيف) 09:26 ,2013 حزيران 25

bandits definitely different from fighter, fighter always know for what they fight..bandit fight along with their master zionis and the gang

Thumb LebDinosaur 09:51 ,2013 حزيران 25

Hezb has no credibility saying this. Let this apply to them first. They are the main reason everything is polarized now in Lebanon.

Default-user-icon dddd (ضيف) 10:06 ,2013 حزيران 25

Thank you Hizbo bas remember u are illegal too!
u are the biggest concern Assir was a joke!

Missing thomas... 10:47 ,2013 حزيران 25

da3ess ya hizb da3ess. too many bugs needs to go.

Default-user-icon Edward (ضيف) 13:13 ,2013 حزيران 25

Maybe they should put their words into action

Thumb sophia_angle 16:05 ,2013 حزيران 25

well if you let me choose btw heart eaters n HA i go for HA...we don't need any zumbies around now do we?