"المستقبل": لم يعد مسموحا التغاضي عن المظاهر المسلحة خصوصا لحزب الله في صيدا

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أعلنت كتلة المستقبل النيابية انه لم يعد مسموحا التغاضي عن المظاهر المسلحة خصوصا لحزب الله قي مدينة صيدا، مطالبة "باستكمال تطبيق القانون على كل المخالفين وفي كل المناطق مع كل الاطراف".

ودانت الكتلة في بيان صادر عنها بعد اجتماعها الاسبوعي الدوري عصر اليوم الثلاثاء، " اي اعتداء على الجيش لاي سبب كان ومن اي جهة اتت"، مشددة على أن " الجيش درع الوطن وسياجه والاعتداء الذي استهدفه هو عمل اجرامي مرفوض لا يمكن التسليم به".

وإذ توجهت بالتعزية الى الشعب اللبناني واهالي مدينة صيدا وعائلات الشهداء، طالبت الكتلة "بملاحقة ومعاقبة المجرمين، داعية الى " ضرورة المسارعة لتنفيذ خطة امنية شاملة".

وعليه، شددت المستقبل على ضرورة " ازالة المظاهر المسلحة لحزب الله واعوانه تحت اي مبرر كان"، مضيفة: "لم يعد مسموحا التغاضي على المظاهر المسلحة خصوصا من قبل حزب الله واعوانه في صيدا، والمدينة لن تسكت بعد اليوم لاي تعرض لكراماتهم".

وطالبت "باستكمال تطبيق القانون على كل المخالفين وفي كل المناطق"، موضحة أن "على الجيش ان يكزون بمقياس ومعيار واحد في التعاطي مع كل الاطراف، لا ان يكون تطبيق القانون مقتصرا على منطقة دون غيرها".

ولفتت الكتلة الى أن "أسس الاستقرار يقوم على التوازن والعدل".

وأردفت: "جمهور رفيق الحريري كان وما يزال في كل التجارب العصيبة يقف الى جانب الدولة ومؤسساتها والى جانب الجيش ، ومن حق هذا الجمهور ان يطالب الجيش باعتماد المعيار الواحد لا المعايير المزدوجة".

كما سألت الكتلة "من هي العناصر المسلحة التي اطلقت النار على منزل رفيق الحريري في مجدليون؟ ولماذا انتشرت سرايا المقاومة في عبرا واقامت حواجز عسكرية علنية ودققت في الهويات وفتشت سيارات المدنيين. وتابعت: "كيف تواجدت عناصر حزب الله في مار الياس - صيدا".

وأكدت الكتلة أن "مؤسسات المجتمع المدني تنتظر اجوبة واضحة وتنتظر تنفيذ خطة شاملة في المدينة".

وكانت شهدت مدينى صيدا اشتباكات عنيفة بين الجيش ومسلحين من أنصار امام مسجد بلال بن رباح الشيخ أحمد الأسير، قتل خلالها 16 عنصرا من الجيش. وألحقت أضرارا كبيرة بالمدينة التي حوصر الاهالي فيها.

التعليقات 16
Thumb benzona 19:52 ,2013 حزيران 25

The only threat to Hezbollah terrorists in saïda has been dealt with. What next? The time has come for our army to finish what they started UNLESS they are owned by the terrorist militia.


Missing witchhunter 20:22 ,2013 حزيران 25

Where all all the anti assir Dheads now? or are you all only against sunnis or christians with weapons not child slaying shia?

Default-user-icon trueself (ضيف) 20:17 ,2013 حزيران 25

I support the army in quelling the rebelion in Sidon; However, I am against the army fighting side by side with Huzbullah. the army should invariably be neutral and in favor of all the Lebanese. The army should close all the cells of Huzbullah in sidon to prevent strife and dangerous consequences on Lebanon.

Default-user-icon Ferdimond Pishkaltouf (ضيف) 20:18 ,2013 حزيران 25

These punks of al-Mustaqbal al-Ta3ees are receiving one boks after one labta after one kaff 3a ra2beton, and more variations of these is in store for the Sannis. t3isho wa teklo ghayra

Missing formerlebaniz 21:25 ,2013 حزيران 25

I don't know the world you live in but here on Earth in th21st century and in THIS universe, Hizbullah is NOT known to be anything need rational, it is labeled as a Terrorist organization in many countries, involved in several attacks against innocent civilians, AND multiple drug rings in South America and Africa.

Perhaps you should look up the news in this parallel universe and check the reality before you start blabbing on forums.

Thumb fero 21:44 ,2013 حزيران 25

then why dont you show me where they openely attacked an army barracks and killed 20 soldiers ..so why dont you focus your hate on the sectarian idiot called asir who not only tired to turn this into a sunni shia conflict but also openely called for army deffections..show me one day where hizbullah did that

Missing formerlebaniz 22:30 ,2013 حزيران 25

I remember once Nasrallah said in a televised speech (I was there and I saw it my self) The minute the Lebanese people no longer support Hizbullah carrying weapons, our weapons will cease to exist. Hizbullah weapons are not only no longer welcome by majority of the Lebanese, they are destroying the Lebanese society fabric. Keep your weapons destroy whatever left of this country, who knows maybe eventually you'll turn your head right or left and realize the lie you've been living in.

Missing formerlebaniz 22:30 ,2013 حزيران 25


I am glad that the only institute you haven't attacked YET is the Lebanese army. You have killed innocent civilians in Lebanon, Syria, Bulgaria, and several other countries to be indicted to yet. You have killed politicians in Lebanon and harboring their killers.

Regarding FlameThrower, that is absolutely true, but the reason EU is not listing Hizbullah as a terrorist organization is not because they don't think you are a bunch of thugs and terrorists, it's because they value whatever left of stability we have in Lebanon. Regarding the rest of the world? Just give it a year, things will change.

Thumb fero 21:40 ,2013 حزيران 25

it is funny even though hizbullah had nothing to do with this..and this was clearly asirs mess..i dont see how in anyway hizbullah has anything to do with this. nowhere in this article do they condemn asir or his people they are so ridiculous its sad now

Missing zahle_nights 21:43 ,2013 حزيران 25

Very well said formerlebaniz...

Missing zahle_nights 21:47 ,2013 حزيران 25

Asir should be brought to justice and be prosecuted. I want him to receive the death penalty for killing our brave soldiers... We condemn Asir. Let me say it again we condemn Asir. But any group or militia that carries weapons, they are violating the law -- including Hezbollah. So there is no difference between Assir groups and Hezbollah groups.. Why can't you people accept that??

Missing realist 22:34 ,2013 حزيران 25

True.. They assassinate anyone they want "rationally" , including the pm of Lebanon and scores others, invade Beirut and kill over 100 on may 7 " rationally" , tedrabi 3a hal bikini lol

Missing realist 22:37 ,2013 حزيران 25

It is because in the bigger picture Hezbollah serves their agenda , the majority of Arabs are sunis and imperialism always looks for tacit alliances minorities, why else are they not finishing the Syrian problem? Read history.

Thumb benzona 23:02 ,2013 حزيران 25

HA is Assad's ally who himself is Israel's ally. The EU is geographically closer to the ME than the US. If they list them, they'll get more Burgas like attacks. France and other countries are considering listing them nationally as a terrorist organization. Keep in mind that instability in Lebanon with Hezbollah's theats and assassinations keeps Israel more prosperous. They need each other to legitimize their own existence.

Missing formerlebaniz 23:53 ,2013 حزيران 25

It's simple logic, which is again the reason why you can't understand. It seems that logic has long been removed from your brain as a useless portion of it.

EU has not labeled yet Hizbullah as a terrorist group for ONE reason, it is concerned about whatever left of Lebanese stability. Qatar used to be a major alley to Hizbullah and it has labeled them as terrorist including all of the GCC countries. Canada is the LEAST country up US's ass they pride them selves of that fact actually. Regarding the rest of the 3rd world countries? give it a year, Hizbullah has been an internal problem to Lebanon and a thorn to Israel for most of it's past now they have involved directly in the slaughter in Syria this has changed ALL the calculations.

Missing formerlebaniz 23:53 ,2013 حزيران 25

Hizbullah used to be respected in the Arab world now a recent poll showed over 90% of the Arab world sees Hizbullah as a terrorist organization. Give it a year to go through the rest of the world and I assure you, you will be labeled the scum of this universe.