جعجع: تصريح عون عن قيادة الجيش "ميليشياوي" وتطاوله في هذا الظرف شبيه باعتداءات الأسير
Read this story in Englishرأى رئيس حزب "القوات اللبنانية" أن حديث رئيس التيار "الوطني الحر" النائب ميشال عون عن قيادة الجيش "ميليشياوي" مشبها إياه بـ"اعتداءات" إمام مسجد بلال بن رباح الشيخ أحمد الأسير على الجيش، وسائلا عون ما إذا كان سيسحب غطاءه عن "الظاهرة الميليشياوية الأم" أي حزب الله.
وسأل جعجع في بيان وزعه مكتبه الإعلامي عصر الأربعاء "هل يريد إعادة استحضار تجربة الرئيس الدمية في ظل الإحتلال السوري؟ هل يريد رئيساً يعتقل شبابه وشبابنا، ويقوم بـ 7 آب، ويزّج بالمناضلين في السجون؟".
عليه شدد جعجع على أن المراد "رئيسٌ يكيل بمكيالٍ واحد لا مكيالان، ويسهر على صون الدستور وحماية السيادة اللبنانية من الإنتهاكات السورية والإسرائيلية على حدٍّ سواء، على غرار ما يقوم به الرئيس ميشال سليمان منذ تبوءه سدّة الرئاسة".
وإذ شجب محاولة عون "اختصار الأزمة التي تعصف بلبنان منذ سنوات بشخص وزير الداخلية" استغرب "تجاهل سبب الداء المتمثّل بسلاح حزب الله، وسيطرة هذا السلاح على الحياة السياسية، وإنتاجه طبقةً سياسية مرتهنةً له بالكامل".
وكان قد قال عون الثلاثاء ردا على سؤال على من أوصل الاسير إلى هنا "لو كنت قاضيا للتحقيق لكنت استدعيت وزير الداخلية وسألته من هو أكبر من الوطن؟".
أضاف جعجع "إذا كان ثمّة من يتوجّب على القضاء المختص استدعاؤه فعلاً، فهو التكتّل الأكبر في هذه الحكومة، الذي كان منشغلاً بالسمسرات والصفقات والتحريض والمساومات وتغطية السلاح غير الشرعي والدفاع عن تورّطه في سوريا، فيما ظاهرة الأسير وسواها تنمو دون حسيبٍ او رقيب".
كما سأل "هل يحذو العماد عون حذو قيادات الطائفة السنّية وكل الزعماء الوطنيين الآخرين، الذين رفعوا الغطاء عن سلاح الأسير ومنعوا الفتنة؟ ام انه سيُمعن في تغطية اسلحةٍ شبيهة، تقتل هاشم السلمان تارةً وتُروّع السكان الآمنين في الفنار والجديدة والدكوانة تارةً اُخرى، وتدّك بيروت والجبل كما حصل في 7 أيار تارةً ثالثة".
كذلك أكّد "أن جريمة التعدي على ضباط وعناصر الجيش اللبناني التي ارتكبها انصار الشيخ الأسير تستوجب إنزال أقصى العقوبات، وهذا ما باشرت به الاجهزة العسكرة والقضائية المختصة".
وتابع "أما حديث العماد عون عن قيادة الجيش، فأقل ما يُقال فيه إنه تصريح ميليشياوي يحاول تقزيم تضحيات الجيش الأخيرة وزجّه في مهاترات سياسية، واستغلال دماء العسكريين لتحصيل نقاطٍ انتخابية تجارية ضيقة".
وكان قد صرح عون أن "تضحية الجيش لا "تقرش" (ليس ثمنها) بتمديد خاصة أننا ضد التمديد بالمطلق ولا نريد أن نلعب بقانون الجيش ونزعزع التراتبية فيه وهذا أمر ثانوي يفتح جدلا".
وأشار جعجع الى "أن التطاول على قائد وقيادة الجيش اللبناني في هذا الظرف الذي يُحتّم علينا جميعاً دعم المؤسسة العسكرية من أجل تمكينها من ترجمة الزخم السياسي والشعبي على أرض الواقع اللبناني، لا يمكن تفريقه عن اغتيال النقيب سامر حنا، ولا عن اعتداءات أنصار الأسير بالأمس القريب".
وإذ اعتبر "أن نظرة العماد عون الى آلية التعيينات في قيادة الجيش وسواها من الادرات الرسمية، تنمّ عن عقلية شعبوية تجارية استئثارية، بعيدة كل البُعد عن الآليات الدستورية المُتّبعة عادة" سأل "هل يسعى العماد عون، وقوى 8 آذار معه، لنقل عدوى الفراغ الى قيادة الجيش بعدما تم تعطيل دور مؤسسات دستورية وامنية قبلها؟".
وختم جعجع بالقول :لقد انتهت ظاهرة الأسير بالأمس، وسقط للجيش اللبناني شهداء أعزاء، أما اليوم فالمطلوب هو الانتهاء من الظاهرة الأسيرية الأم التي لا تقف عند حدود عبرا، وشقق عبرا فحسب، وإنما تمتد عبر سلاحها وشبكة اتصالاتها واجهزتها وصواريخها من الناقورة حتى عكار، ومن أعالي صنين وصولاً حتى القصير وحمص والداخل لسوري" سائلا "فهل يسحب العماد عون غطاءه عن الظاهرة الميليشياوية الأم؟".
well said.
all that aoun wants is to place his second son in law at the head of the army :) and for that, once more he is using the sectarian card: Christians should appoint him!
what a sick man this aoun. so transparent and senile.
I suggest you to note the following:
تقرير للواشنطن بوسط: روسيا سحب كل عناصرها ومعداتها من ميناء طرطوس بما فيه العاملين في الصيانة
this means a major hit on the Syrian regime is in preparation.
on another note, and that is for the skeptic ft, I suggest you read this report:
this gives you an idea how much all data is transparent to security agencies including telecom data.
which means that denying access to telecom data to our security agencies was and remains for the sole purpose of covering up on hizbushaitan activities internally.
aoun is the biggest traitor to Lebanon for covering up for the filthy Iranian militia.
Everywhere in the democratic countries (Europe and US) or non-democratic countries, when the security agencies ask for the telecom data, they receive it, because security and safety are above all -- Except of course in Lebanon... Who are they fooling... We all know it is to cover Hizbullah's crimes in Lebanon.. Let them have their laughs now. Soon Bashar will be gone (there is no way around it) and Hizbullah will come to a rude awakening and only then criminals will be brought to justice...
Zahle nights... Where in the world do democratic country's security agencies recieve telecom data just by asking? Who are you fooling? The "patriot act" in the USA that was introduced after 9/11, that is being used to bypass the constitutional protections of citizens is currently being challegened regarding survailence of non american citizens! No one is debating that US citizens or European citizens Telecom data or other communications can be recorded or viewed without judicial warrants!
So check your ignorant comments! The basic right of all democratic, non dictatorial citizens is freedom of expression and privacy! So stop your rubbish comments please!
6 minutes ago OTV: A phone call between Asir and a Turkish mediator was intercepted, in which the cleric asked to leave Sidon and head north, but not to Tripoli.
7 minutes ago OTV: A Sidon figure was communicating with Asir until the last hours of the battles in Sidon. He is still being tracked and he did not go to Syria or Tripoli.
.... Now, idiots will somehow find justifications for this, I am sure!
hahaha.... Thanks @Liberty for posting this..... just goes to show you how idiots like this half-tongued Aouni manipulate the truth.... Now, how come they intercepted and monitored Assir's phone calls (Which I think is right) but they will not hand over telecom date or monitor phone calls of suspects in the assassination attempts????
ado.australia the only ignorant is you... After 9/11, in the US, so much telecom data is being analysed by the homeland security agencies. Some advocate rights don't like this, but it is happening. So keep your ignorance to yourself. I don't need you to lecture me on this. You are nothing by protecotr of serial murderers.. Hizbullah time will come soon, like it or not. Do not try to fool me you little fool.
No American or any european, australian citizen can be legally tried by telecom data that is collected without judicial (legal) warrants! Yes the US government are collecting the general communications data but they cannot legally use it against citizens without judicial warrants ya habiel!
Their excuse is that its used against non citizens like you ya salafist cannabil!
6 minutes ago OTV: A phone call between Asir and a Turkish mediator was intercepted, in which the cleric asked to leave Sidon and head north, but not to Tripoli.
7 minutes ago OTV: A Sidon figure was communicating with Asir until the last hours of the battles in Sidon. He is still being tracked and he did not go to Syria or Tripoli.
Ado, I don't quite understand what you mean? Judicial warrants as in, the government cannot just pick us out of our homes and take us to jail? Because what I'm sure has been in the case, at least in the UK, Spain, France and the U.S is that as the government collects data, anything that amounts to credible evidence can be used against us and merits a warrant for our arrest. All of this is done without our oversight, which isn't necessarily bad. The fear is that petty violations or information can be used against people in an act of political persecution. In many times the information is investigated in a biased manner, or does not take other offenses into account as corruption.
Ado, I don't quite understand what you mean? Judicial warrants as in, the government cannot just pick us out of our homes and take us to jail? Because what I'm sure has been in the case, at least in the UK, Spain, France and the U.S is that as the government collects data, anything that amounts to credible evidence can be used against us and merits a warrant for our arrest. All of this is done without our oversight, which isn't necessarily bad. The fear is that petty violations or information can be used against people in an act of political persecution. In many times the information is investigated in a biased manner, or does not take other offenses into account as corruption.
I try not to comment on geagea... But I must challenge these treachouros comments. This is why we demand parliamentary elections be held on time! There is no reason to deny the Lebanese people the chance to express themselves democratically! Iraq held elections under much more threats and violence! These people must answer to their constituents!
Who is geagea to accuse Aoun of exploiting the LAF's blood? He is an enemy of the Lebanese army by spilling much more LAF blood than Assir!
Geagea is comparing the rejection of the immediate, undebated extension of general Qawajie as the same as the attack by Assir and his followers on the Lebanese army! Tfeh al leik!
You are an embarrassment to the Lebanese! I hope that the elections can be held as soon as possible so the weak memories of the Lebanese are not forgetful of your treachouros stances! The army stated that politians are either with them or against them... Well geagea is obvious in his response!
ado.australia why every time we talk about Hizbullah and their illegal arms, we get branded as takffiri and cannibals... Look, I don't know what your sect is (It deos not really matter -- All I care is that you are Lebanese) but I tell you I am Christian Maronite. I was never salafist. I was never takffiri so please enough of these empty accusations from those who support Hizbullah. We are Lebanese and we need to live in a country where everyone abides by the law including your murderer militia called Hizbullah.
Petty electoral gain = Dr. Arreet 7akeh's amn al moujtama3 al massi7i tole3 kello art 7akeh beb awal. wlak min addak ya 7ak...awati khedo 3a art 7akeh?
wolf you can make all the stories that you want.. Your Nasrallah master has blood all over his hands
Wolf, Your allegations against the LF are nothing but an organised Aouni propaganda campaign that you are drilling into your supporters minds.
The Army during the whole Lebanese civil war was not allowed to interfere in the ongoing conflict in fear that it may break up. It took a mad lunatic in his short term in office to wage three separate campaigns using the Army.
Aoun's three edventures.
- the first against the Syrians which the LF played a major role fighting along side our army.
- The second against the LF to try to disarm them, which caused death and destruction to the whole Christian area.
- The third against the Syrians again, which had been given a green light to our airspace in reward for their participation in the first Iraqi Gulf war.
These three wars weighed a heavy toll on the strength of our army, especially Aoun's third adventure. The Syrians systematically eliminated all our true soldiers while Aoun fled to France and left idiots like you alive who are nothing but Syrian soldiers either affiliated with the Baath or the SSNP.
stop your hatred phonex ballout. your kodama couards and you should zip it if you have an ounce of pride. tfeh 3a hek 3alam.
assir is 3assir,and the hasabalah orchestra playing out of tune as usual.
poor general aoun has been slammed by every peace of crap journalists or mouth pieces for the farteen,if he was a wrestler by now he would have had about 50000 broken bones ,if you don't believe me bleeeeeeeeeeze reseach the archieve of naharnet from the first slam he got when he arrived at beirut international airport in 2005, up tell now.i have to laugh out loud at the stupidity of some that never stops.anyway i look forward till next tuesday to read about the german suplex he is going to recieve ,crlos edde ? nah,we have not heard from him for so long.continue...
dori sham3oun? nah the real sham3oun is dead,bass man khalaf ma mat danny that is. layla muawad?,nah she is half retired,her boy couldn't lift his mattress.fares souaid? he expired.saniora? nah too much dirt and evidance,he can cry fore sure.amin and sami are not in the mood,they would love to slam the baytari instead.who is left to slam and suplex the general? the baytari, the lift master abou al3abd kabbara,mou3een elmer3bi,hulk hogan khaled el-daher,we ran out of christians who want to slam the general according to logic and calculation. i know someone is going to say how about walid beik? nah he was slamed by the general in souk elgharb,he knows better,and remember this ma elak saheb ella min ba3ed atle and you know walid beik he is the spin master.oooooops forgot sa3do,he is to bussy slaming characters on his playstation.but the general is da3ess 3ala rasson kilon, minchen hayk tale3 sarikhon min 25 years.live with it or bang your head.