نيجيريا تعلن اتهام ثلاثة لبنانيين مرتبطين بحزب الله بالارهاب

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اتهمت نيجيريا الاربعاء ثلاثة لبنانيين بارتكاب "جرائم مرتبطة بالارهاب" بعد اعترافهم بالانتماء الى الجناح العسكري لحزب الله.

واتهم خمسة لبنانيين بالضلوع في هذه القضية. ووجهت ستة اتهامات الاربعاء الى مصطفى فواز (49 عاما) وعبدالله طحيني (48 عاما) وطلال احمد روضة (51 عاما) علما ان الثلاثة يحملون الجنسية النيجيرية. وافرج عن مشتبه به خامس فيما فر السادس.

واورد القرار الاتهامي "قلتم انكم تنتمون الى الجناح العسكري لحزب الله، وهو منظمة ارهابية دولية، وبناء عليه فقد ارتكبتم جريمة".

والثلاثة متهمون بالتامر "لتلقي تدريب بهدف التحضير لارتكاب عمل ارهابي".

واتهموا ايضا ب"تقديم دعم مباشر الى مجموعة ارهابية" عبر اخفاء "اسلحة غايتها (ارتكاب) انشطة ارهابية".

كذلك، سهل الثلاثة عقد "اجتماع على صلة باعمال ارهابية مقبلة" داخل متجر كبير ومتنزه يعودان اليهم في ابوجا.

ويعتبر طحيني منسقا لحزب الله في نيجيريا واضطلع ايضا بدور الوسيط لنقل اموال.

ودفع المتهمون ببراءتهم وطلب القاضي ابقاءهم قيد التوقيف حتى الجلسة المقبلة المقررة في 8 تموز.

واعلن وكيل الدفاع عنهم احمد رجي ان نيجيريا لا تستطيع ملاحقة المتهمين بالانتماء الى "مجموعة ارهابية" كون حزب الله لا يعتبر رسميا منظمة ارهابية في هذا البلد.

والشهر الفائت، كشفت اجهزة الاستخبارات النيجيرية للصحافة انها عثرت على مخزن اسلحة في كانو، اكبر مدن شمال البلاد، داخل منزل كان يؤوي خلية لحزب الله.

وعند العثور على المخزن اكد مسؤول محلي في دائرة امن الدولة ان هذه الاسلحة "كانت ستستخدم لاستهداف مصالح اسرائيلية وغربية في نيجيريا".

وتواجه نيجيريا منذ اعوام تمردا مسلحا في شمال البلاد تقوده حركة بوكو حرام الاسلامية واسفر عن الاف القتلى منذ 2009.

ويقول خبراء ان بوكو حرام حركة نيجيرية اصلا لكنها اقامت صلات مع تنظيم القاعدة في بلاد المغرب الاسلامي.

التعليقات 56
Thumb geha 18:04 ,2013 حزيران 26

even Nigeria is indicting hizbushaitan.
who else does not?
they are considered a terrorist organization by the whole world, and we have m8 stupid guys, who are blind, and still defend them.

see them for what they are guys: filthy terrorist militia.

Thumb geha 21:51 ,2013 حزيران 26

the phoenix
you never fooled anyone with your comments and your avatar: your are a confirmed hizbushaitan element whose role is to misinform.
but you fooled yourself only.
you are one of those Iranian traitors in disguise.
but you remain a traitor.

Missing rudy 10:41 ,2013 حزيران 27

phoenix its a sad day when people fighting for a cause switch over to the opposite side out of fear.

you are working under the assumption that the enemy of my enemy is my friend. lebanon has more than one enemy and threat. and that includes both hezballah and the ones the sunni extremists in syria.

that doesnt mean you can support this one or that one. you can support a third, that is against both. it might not be clear or easy to find someone like that now, but agreeing to have hezballah now out of fear of the other group will only lead to more division and problems between the lebanese.

bani said one thing that is correct. HA's weapons now are what the palestinian weapons were decades ago. blessed under the guise of "resistance"
2 sides of one coin.

Thumb geha 18:04 ,2013 حزيران 26

even Nigeria is indicting hizbushaitan.
who else does not?
they are considered a terrorist organization by the whole world, and we have m8 stupid guys, who are blind, and still defend them.

see them for what they are guys: filthy terrorist militia.

Missing mohammad_ca 18:21 ,2013 حزيران 26

saving shia villages in Nigeria?

Thumb Elemental 18:26 ,2013 حزيران 26

Ashraf el nas, African edition. Ok, who didn't see this coming?

Default-user-icon NiceToKnow (ضيف) 18:34 ,2013 حزيران 26

Hezbollah here, Hezbollah there. wherever these terrorist thugs go they raise Lebanon's name very high and make every Lebanese proud!!!!

I hope they realize that they cannot sustain these stupidities for a long time and hopefully soon the world will clamp down on them and they won't know what hit them.

Default-user-icon NiceToKnow (ضيف) 18:35 ,2013 حزيران 26

Hezbollah here, Hezbollah there. wherever these terrorist thugs go they raise Lebanon's name very high and make every Lebanese proud!!!!

I hope they realize that they cannot sustain these stupidities for a long time and hopefully soon the world will clamp down on them and they won't know what hit them.

Thumb bigsami 19:04 ,2013 حزيران 26

May God rid us from this filthy disease known as HA. All they know how to do is kill, kill and kill!

Default-user-icon NiceToKnow (ضيف) 20:53 ,2013 حزيران 26

The whole world is conspiring to make hezbollah look like terrorist. Even Nigeria government are M14 paying money to get fake confessions that make Hezbollah look like terrorist.

We all know Hezbollah are saints and have nothing to do with drugs traficking, money laundering, murders, terrorist activities wherever they go.

Don't worry lebpatriot, we will not believe them, we know the whole world are lying. We know that only hassan nasrallah says the truth. we know that the nigerian government is on Hariri's payroll.

I hope you realize how stupid you sound!!

Thumb _citizen_ 21:08 ,2013 حزيران 26

Above is a link of the terror the buddhists are committing in Mynamar against Moslems. What is your point Mr. Phoenix? Would you have posted the link had the victims been other than Christians? What is your point? Where these Christians killed in Lebanon by their fellow citizens? If you have to worry about every christian or moslem being killed outside Lebanon, then say goodbye to this little country called Lebanon. You are sectarian to the bone, and your weak attempts to appear otherwise have failed you miserably. And before you open your mouth, I AM A CHRISTIAN more than you!

Missing plantmorecedar 21:11 ,2013 حزيران 26

If they attack christians, and I'm a christian, then I must fight them. If they attack the shiiah and I'm a shiiah, I must fight them. If they attacked the sunnis and I'm sunni then I must fight them. All this backwards rhetoric on how people identify themselves is pathetic. Minorities in this part of the world are so concerned with preserving themselves, that they fail to apply morals to themselves.

Missing zahle_nights 21:12 ,2013 حزيران 26

the1phoenix, what is your point? You said once before in this forum what our leader Bachir Gemayel once before said… There will be no regime worse than the Baath regime… During the WWII and when Germany attacked Russia, the English parliament was hesitant to support Russia because they are communist. Churchill response was we will work with anyone including the devil if they are against the Nazi. Bashar regime killed hundreds of thousands of Lebanese and now Syrian people. You and I are old enough and witnessed enough tragedy of what they did. Those incidents that you see by certain individuals in the FSA do not amount to 1% of what the Baath regime did and still doing… Byt the way, it was not me who thumbed you down.

Missing zahle_nights 21:22 ,2013 حزيران 26

the1phoenix I respect your point but I don't agree wiht it. No video and no incidents like these will change the principal that I too fought for during my years with the LF. Also, this is NOT why Hizbullah is fighting in Syria. Hizbullah is fightng in Syria to serve Iran agenda. Nothing less.. Nothing more...

Missing zahle_nights 21:51 ,2013 حزيران 26

Did you know four suspects are implicated in Hariri's murder among so many others by an International court and they are still on the run? Did you know another one is implicated in Harb's failed murder attempt and he is still on the run? Did you know that Hizbullah have arms arsenal all over Lebanon? Did you know on Earth we call these arms illegal? Did you know if you do not agree with this filthy militia you get beaten to death as what happened in front on the Iranian embassy? Did you know they control all telecom data in Lebanon? Did you know all that? Also let me say this to you for the 10th time; please stop branding us as cannibals and salafists. Look I am a Chrisitian Maronite. I was never salafist. I was never takffiri and I will never be. So your symphony is getting a little old. These empty accusations need to stop. You need to stop branding people salafist and takffiri if they don’t agree with your murderer militia.

Thumb Elemental 22:04 ,2013 حزيران 26

It's more a pavlovian reflex from them really. Automatically assuming anyone who disagrees with them is a Salafist. One thing they can't comprehend is that maybe there's people who can think for themselves and NOT be part of of the Salafists/Wahabiist.

Thumb benzona 22:15 ,2013 حزيران 26

A majority of the people dissociated themselves from the salafi.... It's M8 propaganda.... They work by creating fear..... Yet today's victims in Syria or Lebanon are 99% Sunni.

Thumb Elemental 22:09 ,2013 حزيران 26

Ring Ring

Thumb geha 21:59 ,2013 حزيران 26

you are a fake and it has been clear from day one.
you are not even a Christian for all we know.
with this video you showed wh you really are: an Iranian traitor trying to spread fear of the unknown called al nusra (the creation of your assad) just like abou adas.

Thumb geha 21:59 ,2013 حزيران 26

you are a fake and it has been clear from day one.
you are not even a Christian for all we know.
with this video you showed wh you really are: an Iranian traitor trying to spread fear of the unknown called al nusra (the creation of your assad) just like abou adas.

Thumb geha 22:01 ,2013 حزيران 26

each time the asad regimeis cornered they bring on the scare tactics: yes we are bad but if we g there is worse. we are the guarantors .... blablabla.....
you think we did not learn the story yet?
so now hizbushaitan (proving they are dumb) are playing the same game. fools.

Thumb Elemental 22:11 ,2013 حزيران 26

Cannibals are not vampires, therefore when bitten by a cannibal you get sepsis.

Thumb benzona 22:12 ,2013 حزيران 26

Monsieur, your generation ruined Lebanon by taking sides in'75. Not us, the «kids».

We want peace, in Lebanon, no roaming weapons and we went above all justice for Hariri and the group of slained personalities.

Missing zahle_nights 22:22 ,2013 حزيران 26

Let say this to all of you. I don't need Baath regime or Hizbullah or anyone else to be my protector in Lebanon. The only protector is our Lebanese Army; whether you are Christian, Sunni, Druze or Shia. I don’t need this murderer militia called Hizbullah to protect me. Hizbullah MUST be destroyed. There is no way around it…. Yes destroyed by force… They will not surrender their weapons to the army easily. During the US civil war – One of the bloodiest civil war ever, the Southern Army had to be destroyed to end the civil war, as the Southern Army was not willing to surrender easily – The same I see in Lebanon, but first Bashar regime will fall first – We will live and see that day coming very soon…

Thumb benzona 22:23 ,2013 حزيران 26

Why would we watch horrors? I couldn't sleep several nights after watching banimaroof's videos showing Syrian Chabiha and Lebanese Chabiha (Hezbollah) mutilating kids.

We know what war does to people. 1 life is 1 life, regardless of their religion. You're totally sectarian. Perhaps you should have your kids marry Muslims and Jews so you can care for anyone beside your little person and sect.

I wish more Christian politicians would go to KSA just like more Moslems would go to the Vatican. Do I have to mention Jerusalem? Because we have 500.000 Palestinians on our soil, someone decided it was illegal to talk with people sharing our southern border.

Shame on you narrow minded people. Complètement rétrogrades.

Missing zahle_nights 22:41 ,2013 حزيران 26

Yes Darling (lebpatriot) this is exactly what I am waiting for... What shame are you talking about?? Did they not use Iran's money and weapons to control us here in Lebanon...

Thumb benzona 22:44 ,2013 حزيران 26

Saudi money rebuilt Beirut, Iranian money destroyed it.

Missing formerlebaniz 22:45 ,2013 حزيران 26

Right no body is as mature as you accepting killing of innocent civilians and dealing with drugs and weapons for the greater good.

One day you will have Ayatollah Nasrallah as your "Supreme Leader" in Lebanon and will change Lebanon to a "Wilayat el Faqih" I'm sure than you'll find Lebanon more fitting and mature enough to your liking.


Missing formerlebaniz 22:46 ,2013 حزيران 26

Go to the beach and enjoy the women dressed in bikini's take pictures maybe and keep them. Soon Ayatollah Nasrallah will follow the foot steps of Iran and this will be a thing of the past.

Missing zahle_nights 22:57 ,2013 حزيران 26

Here is how I see it. Bashar regime falls. Hizbullah weapons supply will be cut off through Syria. Although Iran's money will still flow to Hizbullah, the military hardware will not. Iran will be dealt with one way or the other by the International community. More and more of the Shia will realize they lost their sons in Syria to a lost cause.. Nasrallah position will weaken more. The Lebanese government will ask Hizbullah to surrender their weapons to the army or integrate into it. Some hardliners in Hizbullah will refuse. Fighting will break out between the Lebanese army and some of Hizbullah hardliners. An estimated of 700 soldiers might perish in the battle. Hizbullah will be weakened much more (If not destroyed) and they will accept certain deal with the Lebanese army -- That is how I see it. The only way out is Hizbullah must be destroyed.

Missing formerlebaniz 23:09 ,2013 حزيران 26

I wonder when Ayatollah Nasrallah takes leadership in Lebanon will Iranian patriot be allowed to have this avatar... will he even be able to access the porn site he got this picture from.

Thumb thepatriot 13:18 ,2013 حزيران 27

"C'est la vie!" Yeah whatever...

Missing zahle_nights 23:20 ,2013 حزيران 26

No matter what happens to your murderer militia, lebpatriot (Darling) remember that I will always care about you… Remember, I ate my heart for you… Because I am a cannibal. I hope to God you look like that picture you post… Otherwise I would have eaten my heart for nothing…

Missing formerlebaniz 23:24 ,2013 حزيران 26

Zahle_nights; just wait until Ayatollah Nasrallah is the Supreme Leader she'll start dressing like a black ninja.

Missing formerlebaniz 00:20 ,2013 حزيران 27

Absolutely not FT, Saudi influence has been over Lebanon for decades, Saudi supported politicians never came over on TV and said they will enforce Sharia law or want a "Wahabi" nation. On the other hand Nasrallah did say and did act on it multiple times.

Unlike you I don't read propaganda and follow blindly I hear rhetoric's, see actions and make a judgment. I once 20 years ago did support Hizbullah in their cause but now I see their nature and categorically refuse it.

Missing formerlebaniz 05:10 ,2013 حزيران 27

Funny how you want me to take you seriously where the first comment you put is labeling me as an Israeli.

It was back in the last 90's and I don't need you to believe me or not. I was a scout member back than and I helped shelter southern refugees in our schools, also I gave my allowance on DAILY basis to one of the donation boxes they used to have on the streets, but maybe you were too young for that to remember.

Robot? See that's something I would never categorize you as, robots are programmed to be analytical to take facts in and make proper deductions. Heck SIRI can be considered FAR more intelligent than MOST of you and your cronnies.

Also, I BEG you or anyone to tell me where would I get paid to post where I am posting, heck why should I be doing it for free if I can get paid for it!

Missing formerlebaniz 05:10 ,2013 حزيران 27

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA! YOU CRACK ME UP! Now you are blaming geha for calling you Iranian/farsi/evil majoos? You call them wahabi islamist al Qaeda and salafi cannibals but that's ok? Seriously? Are we playing reversed rolls now?

Missing formerlebaniz 05:15 ,2013 حزيران 27

ABSOLUTELY talk is cheap, talk is ONLY a pretense to your actions, and actions are to be judged. I can tell you I want to rob bank X but I will not be put in jail for that (well not in many places) but I will get in jail for than robbing it. The issue of "Wilayat el Faqih" is not a 20 year old issue he brought this up not too long ago, and his actions speak MUCH louder than words.

He did help remove Israel from southern Lebanon (3ala 3enneh wo rasseh) now give your weapons to the Lebanese army and let us live in peace, I sympathize with the Palestinians but I will not risk my fellow citizens for their cause if no one else is. It's not his job to go and involve us in conflicts in other countries, he is NOT our supreme leader and he has no right to involve us in the affairs of other countries.

Missing formerlebaniz 12:09 ,2013 حزيران 27

I will not comment on your mentioning of you not calling people names, anyone that can read can see that all over this website.

Regarding your beloved leader's comments about "Wilayat el Faqih" ?

Eat this: http://www.shiatv.net/view_video.php?viewkey=a604b6b3316fc167fc15

Missing formerlebaniz 12:12 ,2013 حزيران 27

Forgot to mention this was in 2008-09


Missing zahle_nights 23:26 ,2013 حزيران 26

black ninja -- Good one formerlebaniz :)

Missing zahle_nights 23:31 ,2013 حزيران 26

lebpatriot, I don't want to disappoint you but they are muderers...Why are they hiding from the court? The chances are you are a Shia and no matter what we say in here, you are just not going to see it any other way... I do believe in miracles though.. Maybe one day you and others will se it...

Missing formerlebaniz 23:54 ,2013 حزيران 26

Sweet heart where I live women (I refrained my self from using the B word) like you are a dime a dozen.

Missing formerlebaniz 00:01 ,2013 حزيران 27

Any court made of humans that is se to judge Hizbullah members is a farce court. Only GOD can judge them and based on his judgment the amount of virgins they will get and the amount of lebpatriot they would be spared.

Thumb jcamerican 00:55 ,2013 حزيران 27

You handled these kids pretty well. Most of the posts here blame HA for everything. I am hoping HA will vanish somehow just to see how Lebanon will be one of the greatest countries in the world. oops I forgot the Palestinians, maybe they will vanish next. But I am sure somebody else have to go after that. Best solution is to sell Lebanon and get the lebanese people out, since none of them is lebanese.

Missing formerlebaniz 05:16 ,2013 حزيران 27

Hahaha Flamethrower, calling me currentisraeliz is not name calling right? :)

Missing formerlebaniz 05:21 ,2013 حزيران 27

Lets see first absolutely KSA can be a TOUGH place to be, hell I would be hanged there the minute I step a foot in that country no doubt (being an atheist and all), but I KNOW what's going to happen I KNOW where I'm going and I KNOW where I shouldn't go.

Iran on the other hand have kidnapped foreigners, tortured foreigners and while Saudi Arabia has a horrible human rights record with executions and cutting off limbs you never drive down streets there with people hung from street lights to parade their death for doing something wrong (I am sure this is not a common issue in Iran but it happens).

Missing formerlebaniz 05:23 ,2013 حزيران 27

Now, granted probably both of them are WORST than each other and I would never want to live or be caught dead in either one of those places they are NOT Lebanon. However, lets not kid our selves Lebanese cannot govern their own country by them selves nor for once either of them have thought this is a logical step which is sad but true. If it's for me between the Saudi influence over Lebanon compared to the Iranian? I would go for the Saudi influence any day twice on Friday (pun intended) over Iran why do you ask?

Missing formerlebaniz 05:28 ,2013 حزيران 27

I'm glad you asked I'll tell you:
1. Saudi Arabia had influence over Lebanon for decades, we have NEVER heard of any Saudi or a Lebanese politician backed by Saudi Arabia wanting to put in "Salafist" or "Wahabist" laws infact Hariri (and don't you dare deny it phoenix) did work on reconstructing MANY Christian churches in Lebanon with Saudi money. Saudi enjoys the idea of Lebanon being their steam valve.
2. Saudi Arabia is held accountable from the Western world and does have a good relation with the Western World, so if they DARE to marginalize the Lebanese Christian community or enforce any Islamic law in Lebanon they know they will regret these acts as their western allies will not take that lightly.
3. Saudi Arabia enjoys the commerce Lebanon provides and the labor Lebanon provides, Since Saudi Arabia most of it's business is with the western world and the Lebanese have a knack for International business.
4. Tourism... well that doesn't really need explanation.

Missing formerlebaniz 05:36 ,2013 حزيران 27

Now you ask why would I think the same way about Iranian hegemony over Lebanon? Well I'm glad you asked.
1. Iran has sanctions against it from A to Z. For them Lebanon will be a way to circumvent these sanctions and with that Lebanon will be slapped with all the sanctions Iran has.
2. Iran does NOT have a track record of being a diplomatic approach to their international efforts (denying holocaust, assisting in the massacres in Syria, wanting to wipe Israel off the map..etc) so I wouldn't be expecting the loving Iran will come to Lebanon and want it for the same reasons we love Lebanon.
3. Unlike Saudi Arabia and their interest in Lebanon as a tourism and commerce spot. Iran will take Lebanon as a strategic military base which needless to say military basis don't have the reputation of being a fun loving place to be in.

Missing formerlebaniz 05:36 ,2013 حزيران 27

4. Lebanon and Lebanese in general have ties and relatives in MOST of the western world, and the biggest income to Lebanon is Lebanese abroad sending money to their families. Well imagine what will happen to that when Iranian sanctions hit Lebanon.

5. If NOW Lebanon is getting warnings all over the place to travel to from western countries, imagine how it will be when Iran has Lebanon by the neck.

6. While Saudi have never really directly or indirectly attempted to control the Shia community in Lebanon infact Qatar have directly attempted to assist Hizbullah against Israel, Iranians do NOT have a good track records of their handling of their sunni population (google it).

This list can go down to the hundred but alas I don't have time and as Flamethrower said I wanna get paid to do this! So please whomever reads this let me know here where I can go to get paid!

Thumb geha 05:54 ,2013 حزيران 27

that is where you are wrong: you guys mean nothing and are nothing. you are already a bad dream from the past.

Thumb primesuspect 07:01 ,2013 حزيران 27

Better be Israeli than Farsi. They're Semites like us.

Thumb primesuspect 07:02 ,2013 حزيران 27

Absolutely. God bless you

Missing formerlebaniz 12:01 ,2013 حزيران 27

I don't know you to "play" with, and if you have noticed I refrained from calling her names despite the fact she has called me a salafist, and you have called me a spy. Yes "currentisraeliz" is considered calling someone names. The last person would I be looking for etiquette advise from is your kind.

Thumb thepatriot 13:12 ,2013 حزيران 27

"They have taken over the Syrian revolution"... you're the victim of mass media my good friend... talk to the people of syria... they will tell you what is the proportion of fanatics fighting there... alas, they make themselves heard because these groups get the money and the weapons, but they are ridiculous in numbers...(relatively that is).