توقيف مجموعة عسكرية تعرضت بالضرب لأحد مناصري الأسير وقهوجي يأمر بقتح تحقيق

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إنتشر فيديو على موقع "اليوتيوب" وتناقله المواطنون على شبكات التواصل الإجتماعي يظهر فيه جنود مفترضين من الجيش اللبناني يركلون أحد العناصر المناصرين لإمام مسجد بلال بن رباح في صيدا، في حين أكد الجيش أنه فتح تحقيقا بالحادث.

واكد مصدر عسكري الخميس لوكالة "فرانس برس" ان قائد الجيش العماد جان قهوجي امر بفتح تحقيق حول شريط فيديو "يظهر عناصر في الجيش اللبناني وهم يتعرضون بالضرب المبرح لموقوف يشتبه بانه من انصار الشيخ الاسير".

كذلك كشفت الوكالة "الوطنية للإعلام" بعد ظهر الخميس أن "المجموعة العسكرية المسؤولة عن ضرب أحد المدنيين في صيدا قد أوقفت من قبل الشرطة العسكرية وأحيلت الى التحقيق، وذلك عطفا على ما وزعته بعض مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي".

ويبدو عدد من الجنود في الشريط وهم يحيطون برجل جالس على الارض، فيما يساله احدهم ان كان يحب الاسير، فيجيب الرجل بلهجة غلب عليها الخوف بالنفي.

ويقول انه عامل في مسجد بلال بن رباح، لكنه لا يعرف شيئا عن السلاح ولم يحمل السلاح.

لكن الجندي الذي لم تعرف رتبته يتهمه بالكذب، ثم ينهال عليه الجنود بالضرب والركل بشكل عنيف.

ويلاحظ أن عسكريا برتبة عالية كان يشدد طيلة مدة الفيديو على عدم المس بالرجل.

وقال المصدر العسكري ردا على سؤال لوكالة فرانس برس "هذا غير مقبول. لقد امر قائد الجيش بفتح تحقيق جدي في المسالة".

واضاف "سيحاكم الذين يثبت تورطهم في هذه الحادثة التي تتعارض مع اخلاقية الجيش".

وكان قد استشهد 17 عسكريا الأحد والإثنين في صيدا إثر اشتباكات دامية بين الجيش ومسلحي إمام مسجد الأسير، فيما قتل أكثر من 20 من مناصري الأخير بحسب معلومات غير رسمية.

هذا وتوارى الأسير مع عدد من مرافقيه بينهم الفنان السابق فضل شاكر.

التعليقات 38
Thumb benzona 15:54 ,2013 حزيران 27

Who's kicking the hell it of the man working in Ghaziyyé?

Sunni? No!

Christian? No!

Shia? YES!!!

Chabiha? YES!!!


Thumb lebanon_first 16:10 ,2013 حزيران 27

Hey Ben... Tu es assez interessé par la politique libanaise et assez prolifique en commentaires pour quelquun qui ne compte pas venir au liban.

Thumb benzona 16:14 ,2013 حزيران 27

Je dois être un bon sioniste.

Thumb benzona 16:23 ,2013 حزيران 27

«dont buy benny's soup, he's more israeli than moshe dayan.»

Allahû Akbar!

You caught me..... Avec la main dans la cookie jar!

Thumb benzona 01:48 ,2013 حزيران 28

Ya latif Banimarouf.

It feels like a disguised may 7.

Anyone letting this go go unpunished is an accomplice. Yes, from all sects. Arise people, Lebanon is in danger.

Missing rafidahhh11 22:08 ,2013 حزيران 27

Civil war soon, tfehh shia pigs, exactly like assads kleb, may god destroy every lebanese who acts in such barbaric ways

Thumb sophia_angle 16:15 ,2013 حزيران 27

our problem is we r living in the 3rd world where ignorance is a majority so the minority will suffer big timezz ;)

Thumb benzona 16:16 ,2013 حزيران 27

Do you deny writing a couple of days ago that some Hezbollah fighters have enrolled with the army?

Obviously, on the above video.... We've got a fine selection of these holy soldiers.

Missing wahabislayer 16:19 ,2013 حزيران 27

There's nothing wrong here. Just another wahabi feeling what his brothers in syria are feeling under the boots of the army.

Thumb christianimmigrant 17:42 ,2013 حزيران 27

yea beat the sh%$ out of him.

Missing allouchi 16:43 ,2013 حزيران 27

Look at the pathetic M8 haters..it's blinding them...what comes around goes around ya habileh..this act must be punished...these soldiers are acting like rag tag bandits...Our military should be an example of good and professional behavior...

Thumb Senescence 03:38 ,2013 حزيران 28

"to the sound of fadl shaker's latest single 'takol albi'.."
I heartedly chuckled, hilarious; well done!

Thumb geha 17:09 ,2013 حزيران 27

m8 haters have nothing else to do but attack benzona for expressing his opinion.
does this remind you of something? yes, Salman. and yes, the above video, and several others.
m8 are thugs who deny everything until proof is there in front of their eyes, then what do they do? they attack you with Zionist, Israeli,....
filthy Iranian militia.

Thumb geha 18:33 ,2013 حزيران 27

fanatic? you talk about fanatics? you low life hizbo extremist :)
as for the rest of your insults: that goes to show your hatred to any opinion different from yours with proofs.
you are a blind Iranian traitor, so please get out of my country so I can live in peace.

Thumb geha 17:13 ,2013 حزيران 27

to m8 thugs: if ever you think getting rid of asir demoralizes us, then think again.
we are glad you took him out, but we are here to stay and take you out when we want

Thumb christianimmigrant 17:43 ,2013 حزيران 27

who are you to start with? introduce yourself so we know if you are M14, Hariri aka Qaeda or just another salafi thug.

Thumb geha 18:36 ,2013 حزيران 27

stupidity of m8 traitors is so clear in their comments.
they have a few labels they use to attack national Lebanese while they are Iranian murderers, drug dealers, terrorists, extremists, shabiha....
so anyone that is not following their turbaned idiot, they call him Qaeda or salafi.
the difference is: they are what I said above and it is proved.

Thumb geha 19:34 ,2013 حزيران 27

oh no. I id not call him majoos (go back to what I said).
I called him for what he is: another Iranian traitor, which he is.
his avatar never fooled anyone :)he is not even Christian :)

Missing lebanon4ever 17:18 ,2013 حزيران 27

I believe that the lebanese army is our only guarantee and whom ever attacks it needs to pay the price but I honestly found that video disturbing.

Default-user-icon AntiIran (ضيف) 18:12 ,2013 حزيران 27

found that video disturbing.

Default-user-icon TheTruth (ضيف) 18:21 ,2013 حزيران 27

It is disturbing and unacceptable when a defenseless person is physically abused, especially by the army who is supposed to be protecting civilians and not torturing them like the assad army gang does (which is the main reason the people of Syria are rightfully revolting against that tyrant)

Thumb geha 18:39 ,2013 حزيران 27

this is our problem with our army who stood by while salman was murdered in front of their eyes and they did not lift a finger. they did not even let the red cross take him to a hospital while they still could save his life.
if this army wants to prosecute me for what I am saying, then let them start by prosecuting themselves for protecting an Iranian militia and doing their job.

Default-user-icon NATASHA (ضيف) 19:37 ,2013 حزيران 27

i dont understand ppl,why is everyone making a big deal out of the army beating this guy,did people forget that the army lost 16-18soldiers,those soldiers,are our brothers,our fathers ,sisters, mothers,uncles.so obviously after a skirmish tensions are high,for those critisizing the army,why dont they speak up when salafist behead ppl because they dont agree with there religion or are different. any country in the world,no matter what,the people should stand with there army .i dont think its right what they did to this guy,but then again ,who can for sure say this guy wasnt shooting at them earlier.just my opinion, and i know some of u wont like it but,this is freedom of speech.p.s: i am not affiliated with any political party,i dont like any of them ,because they all have there own agendas,they all have masters outside lebanon .so in my opinion, all our politicians are whores to other countries ,we need to elect new young people and i mean not the son of this or the son of that.

Default-user-icon NATASHA (ضيف) 22:06 ,2013 حزيران 27

for the people that gave me thumbs down, i would like to know why u disagree with me, is it because i said we need to change all the politicians in Lebanon? or is it because i am saying we should support our Army.or is it because i don t have any affiliation to any political or religious party ? :-)

Thumb geha 19:37 ,2013 حزيران 27

Actually all the cards have been played and now that the truth is apparent you will not believe what kind of assistance these events gave m14: you increased our popularity tenfold.
a lot of people are appalled by what happened, thanks to you guys.
nobody is against the army, btw we want the army to act as it should be acting, i.e. protect the Lebanese against all invaders especially Iranians.

Thumb geha 19:39 ,2013 حزيران 27

الضربات العسكرية، مهما كانت ناجحة، لا تنفع، في الحالة التي يمر بها لبنان، فنشوء الحركات هي استجابة لحاجة الشارع. ضربة الأسير، زادت حاجة الشارع الى الأسيرية

Thumb geha 19:40 ,2013 حزيران 27

المظاهر التي رافقت عملية القضاء على " مخيّم الأسير"، حضّرت الأرض لحالات أسيرية جديدة. سلوكيات "حزب الله" في معركة صيدا والتعرض للأبرياء والتعاطي المخزي لمجموعات عسكرية مع من أوقفهم الجيش والإمعان في التبني الطائفي لما حصل، كلّها زادت الذل ذلا، والغضب غضبا، والتطرف تطرفا!

Thumb geha 19:41 ,2013 حزيران 27

وهذه الحالة التي رافقت وأعقبت القضاء على الأسير، ستجعل الحاجة أكثر إلحاحا إلى أسير محنك أكثر، وإلى أسير أقوى أكثر، وإلى أسير محصّن أكثر، وإلى أسير صوته أعلى أكثر!

في دراسة أجريت لعمليات الإعدام، تبيّن أن تنفيذ الإعدام يعطي نتائج ردعية ، على المدى القريب فحسب. فورا ينقص منسوب جرائم القتل، لكن بعد حين، ومع ذبول الصورة، تعود جرائم القتل الى الإزدهار!

غدا، عندما ينتهي مفعول الضربة العسكرية، سنرى الأسير عائدا، باسم جديد، وبحلة جديدة، وبأسلوب جديد، إلا إذا، اختلفت المعطيات!

Default-user-icon antoun (ضيف) 19:42 ,2013 حزيران 27

If u pay attention to the video, at 1:26 he recives a WHATSAPP msg?? From who might i dare ask?? why when where???

Missing realist 20:07 ,2013 حزيران 27

They will arrest some people and let them go after people forget, samir hana anyone??? Lol, go make marajil on those who killed the protester under your nose.

Thumb Marc 20:25 ,2013 حزيران 27

Not a good idea for all the media outlets and online news to publish the video. It sure is wrong and the soldiers didn't show their code of ethics and discipline. It is also their leader role to control their action ... It is understandable that they are frustrated after losing friends and comrades but this behavior is not acceptable and I hope the army shows the citizens that will not be repeated or tolerated....


Missing mohammad_ca 21:17 ,2013 حزيران 27

you sound like Charbel "let's work with the media to fold up the picture and hide it"...HELL no, let everyone see how these animals are treating citizens.

Thumb natasha 22:15 ,2013 حزيران 27

i like this, for once u guys are agreeing on something like all the politicians need to be removed and replaced by new young educated people who really care about the future of Lebanon,not those old relics called politicians .

GOD bless u all Christians, Muslims, Hindou, Boudist ,all religions. end of the day ,we are all created equal ,politicians and religious figures are what corrupt our society for there benefits.

Thumb benzona 22:37 ,2013 حزيران 27

Hahahahaha ROTFL. Your humour is deadly roaringFT. I love it!

Thumb benzona 23:43 ,2013 حزيران 27

Slash, Natasha and even the roar (imagine!) +1

Default-user-icon Lebanese Intelligence (ضيف) 01:43 ,2013 حزيران 28

I am utterly disgusted at the wasted lives of 16 Lebanese soldiers. They were fine men. That Asseer clown and his followers deserve death, nothing else. All you trying to support Asseer by trying to pin his savage attack on Lebanese soldiers on Hezbollah, go to Hell.

Thumb Senescence 03:52 ,2013 حزيران 28

Under such high stress the culprit is more inclined to talk. He was probably issuing death threats or insults or being overly uncooperative though I suspect it was of the former. A boot or two in the face for the lowly scum attacking the Army and risking his life for an extremist pig disrupting the country's balance is good in my book.

Missing cowboymicho 15:36 ,2013 حزيران 30

Poor asir supporter. The army should have taken him to dinner and wined and dined him at the riviera