اجتماع خليجي الخميس المقبل لدرس سبل اتخاذ اجراءات ضد حزب الله

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اعلن الامين العام لمجلس التعاون الخليجي عبد اللطيف بن راشد الزياني الجمعة ان اجتماعا لوكلاء وزارات الداخلية في دول المجلس سيعقدون اجتماعا الخميس المقبل لدرس سبل اتخاذ اجراءات ضد المنتسبين الى حزب الله في دول المجلس.

وكانت الدول الخليجية قررت في العاشر من حزيران الماضي "اتخاذ اجراءات ضد المنتسبين الى حزب الله في دول المجلس سواء في اقاماتهم او معاملاتهم المالية والتجارية".

وقال الزياني ان اجتماع وكلاء وزارة الداخلية بدول مجلس التعاون الخليجي "سيضع الاليات المناسبة لتنفيذ القرار المشار اليه بالتنسيق مع الجهات المعنية الاخرى بما فيها وزارات التجارة ومؤسسات النقد والبنوك المركزية بدول المجلس".

وكان مصدر حكومي في بيروت اعلن لوكالة فرانس برس في العشرين من حزيران الماضي ان 18 لبنانيا طردوا من قطر.

ويعمل في دول الخليج العربي نحو 360 الف لبناني يحولون سنويا الى لبنان نحو اربعة مليارات دولار حسب ما نقلت صحيفة النهار اللبنانية.

وكان حزب الله اعلن جهارا دعمه لنظام الرئيس السوري بشار الاسد واكد مشاركته في المعارك الى جانب قوات هذا النظام.

بالمقابل تدعم دول الخليج العربي المعارضين السوريين.

التعليقات 12
Missing zahle_nights 22:12 ,2013 حزيران 28

Good one Roaring-FlameThrower :)

Thumb benzona 22:19 ,2013 حزيران 28

As long as they hit the HA men, not the Shias in general. No problem.

Missing trueleb 23:55 ,2013 حزيران 28

Well said ben.

Thumb Elemental 11:17 ,2013 حزيران 29

True Ben, not all Shia's affiliate with HA, lots of Shia are good friends of mine living normal productive lives.

Missing samiam 12:01 ,2013 حزيران 29

so are you saying the the farsi alliance members have open societies and freedom of speech?

your shilling is getting worse because it is wrapped in too many lies--go back to damascus and tell your story to the mindless minions....

Thumb cedre 01:43 ,2013 حزيران 29

They wont hit the shias, just the HA troublemaker scum.

Thumb Elemental 11:04 ,2013 حزيران 29

Well oc course, records can track who came in from Iran and who didn't.

Thumb lebanon_first 08:35 ,2013 حزيران 29

These HA gang are amazing. they got the whole wild word against them, not only israelis, but also americans, europeans, arabs, sunnites, most lebanese, now even chiites ... And they keep on going, and killing, and doing wars, and planting bombs and going and going and going... Like the dewars ad...

Default-user-icon Truth_Supporter (ضيف) 09:44 ,2013 حزيران 29

No doubt Asad is Tyrant, still much better than Monarchs who are never ending Tyrants and also corrupt, exploiters and tormentors. I hope once Hizbullah kick out Saudi sponsored Kharjees from Syria and Lebanon, they should extend their activities to Iraq and from there to Saudia and gulf states, to liberate people of these areas from tyrants ruling them as Monarchs, Hizbullah can easily do that by extending their supports with training, arms and armed men; to locals struggling in these areas against Monarchs. If Hizbullah would do they successfully, than it would be favor for whole Muslim World, Shia and Sunni alike.

Default-user-icon HA=QAEDA (ضيف) 10:34 ,2013 حزيران 29

I hope it doesn't stay at the GCC level only. Many HA supporters are living in the states and europe as well, some are with green cards and passports !! how hypocrite can someone be to live in a country and then call it "Al Shaytan Al Akbar" ?!!
Many right wing politicians in France/UK and repulbicans in the states are pushing for a ban on the terrorist HA organization supporters.
I really hope all these efforts do not mistakely affect innocent shiaa, and stay limited to the redical ones supporting HA.
HA = QAEDA (same game, different colors)

Thumb Elemental 11:03 ,2013 حزيران 29

Amazing how people can be played, manipulated into sides. Enough with using the God card, people use it way too much to justify their actions and why they're doing what they're doing.

Default-user-icon secularmoselm (ضيف) 11:54 ,2013 حزيران 29


1- both have religeous motives
2- both follow supreme leaderships
3- both are ready to kill for their own reasons.
4- in their doctrines, both want a shariaa' rule. HA has this hidden agenda. do you think they would give up on a religeous obligation?
5- one wears white and the other wear black. one is sunni and the other is his equivilant shiaa. both are terrorists