رعد: سلاح المقاومة خارج كل بحث وسيشهد مزيداً من الإنتصارات

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أعلن رئيس كتلة "الوفاء للمقاومة" النائب محمد رعد أن "سلاح المقاومة لانه اصبح خارج كل بحث"، مردفاً أن "هذا السلاح سيشهد مزيدا من الانتصارات ضد اعداء الوطن والامة".

وأشار رعد في كلمة له السبت، الى أننا " ما زلنا جاهزين من اجل تصويب الامور باتجاه حفظ وحدة البلد والاستقرار الداخلي والسلم الاهلي"، مردفاً "كفوا عن الصراخ بموضوع سلاح المقاومة لانه اصبح خارج كل بحث".

ودعا الطرف الاخر "وحرصا على شارعكم من التوتر والارتطام بمزيد من الافاق المسدودة الى اعادة النظر في سياساتكم"، موضحاً "راهنوا مرة ثانية على سلاح المقاومة وستشهدون كما يشهد كل العالم مزيدا من الانتصارات ضد اعداء الوطن والامة".

و أكد رعد أن "شارعكم هو شارعنا، ولنا مصلحة بان نكون جميعا هادئين خصوصا على مستوى السلم الاهلي، نحافظ عليه ونوفر كل مناخات المنعة والهدوء في الداخل من اجل ان نواصل تجهيزنا وتحصيننا لمجتمعنا من اجل التصدي لاستهدافات عدونا الخارجي، نحن لنا مصلحة اكيدة في ان يستقر الوضع الداخلي".

يذكر ان قوى 14 آذار تطالب نزع سلاح حزب الله وانسحابه من الحرب في سوريا.

التعليقات 41
Thumb EagleDawn 12:51 ,2013 حزيران 29

“We all have an interest in dealing with all matters calmly to maintain the civil peace and to fortify our society,” Raad said.
Then he goes on to say:
“Stop interfering in the resistance's arms... It's not debatable anymore,” Raad stated.
Take your arms and shove'm where the sun don't shine.

Default-user-icon BackToSquareOne (ضيف) 00:06 ,2013 حزيران 30

Lol yeah we've been "dialoguing"since 2005... It has gotten lebanon 1 war, thousands of dead, economy on the brink of colapse, government almost non-existent (or exists to rob people of their money), several political assasinations, several political coups, and 1 or more may 7 and similar... what else? What else is there? No infrastructure, no economy, no basic civil services, no ethics..on top of that, uneducated people make more money than the educated. What A Joke.
w haydak tayyaro ismo change and reform...the biggest joke of all...

Thumb mckinl 12:52 ,2013 حزيران 29

A reasonable request for the good of Lebanon that will be spurned by M14 to destabilize Lebanon on orders from the KSA.

Missing helicopter 23:47 ,2013 حزيران 29

When an unreasonable guy labels a request as "reasonable", that alone renders the request "unreasonable"/

Default-user-icon BackToSquareOne (ضيف) 00:09 ,2013 حزيران 30

Reasonable? If it is reasonable, then dont fuss about when other sects form their own militas... They are also resistant forces, no? One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter.

Thumb Elemental 13:12 ,2013 حزيران 29

“We all have an interest in dealing with all matters calmly to maintain the civil peace and to fortify our society,”....if the Ayatollah orders it.

Thumb Elemental 13:14 ,2013 حزيران 29

And yes Raad, your weapons are debatable, there's 1 Army in Lebanon.

Thumb mckinl 13:16 ,2013 حزيران 29

LOL ! Where do all Lebanese politicians head when they need permission? They head to Iran ??? I think NOT!!!

Riyadh that's where ...And the KSA is punishing all of Lebanon for their humiliating loss in Syria ...

Thumb Elemental 13:59 ,2013 حزيران 29

Hashish is a hell of a drug huh? You're missing the point yet again, such a pavlovian reaction.

Thumb mckinl 14:27 ,2013 حزيران 29

@ Elemental

It is the political parties of Lebanon that are Pavlovian as they crawl on their hands and knees to Riyadh to get approval for everything.

Thumb Elemental 18:39 ,2013 حزيران 29

Ring ring, and you mean to tell me HA doesn't follow orders from Iran? You're missing the point yet again. Try to break beyond your pre conceived notions.

Default-user-icon BackToSquareOne (ضيف) 00:26 ,2013 حزيران 30

What does saudi want from lebanon? Its beaches? Gas?, what does lebanon have to offer Riyadh??? Think about that for a second... Now think of what iran wants from Lebanon?
A brain is just like any other muscle..u dont use it, u loose it.

Thumb lebanon_first 14:09 ,2013 حزيران 29

Well Mr. Raad, I want to hit you every morning and noon and evening, But I want civil peace. And please, stop asking me to quit beating you; my beating you is non debatable.

Thumb liberty 14:50 ,2013 حزيران 29

I agree the army lives and is loved. But, I did not see anything in your post that had any relevance to the army? You imply you were thumbed down because of your support for the army?

Thumb liberty 14:52 ,2013 حزيران 29


Thumb benzona 15:23 ,2013 حزيران 29

Hey sexy, when does your shift end? LoL.

You bring that touch of humour on the website that we all need.

Thumb benzona 15:25 ,2013 حزيران 29

Raad is again of Fneish's pills. We can all see the end result.

Thumb benzona 15:56 ,2013 حزيران 29

Look at his eyes on TV. Il est complètement camé.

Default-user-icon dateam (ضيف) 16:05 ,2013 حزيران 29

I agree with what you have said...to add...its not that simple to hand in the weapons...we are not talking about a few guns and grenades...we are talking about an army..there's alot more involved..an amalgamtion into the army command would be a better option so as to maintain the integrity of the weapons and the detterence capabilities as a nation. From the quality of your post I think you may get what I mean. People seem to forget that the hzb has always called for a strong army.

Thumb LebDinosaur 16:32 ,2013 حزيران 29

“Stop interfering in the resistance's arms... It's not debatable anymore,”

Stop imposing your craziness and backwardness on us. You are dragging Lebanon into another disaster. We don't need your stupid arms. You need them for yourselves because your are thugs.

Thumb geha 16:39 ,2013 حزيران 29

yesterday's day of rage was just the beginning:
brace yourselves with more intense days of rage from now on, more organized and a lot higher in intensity.
it is now clear hizbushaitan was firing at the army and asir.
the son in law of aoun was in charge of the operations and what was done was not informed to kahwaji.
kahwaji has the task of cleaning the army from rogue elements.
hizbushaitan caused the death of most of the army elements.
nasrallah = hitler.

Thumb mckinl 16:44 ,2013 حزيران 29

Desperate accusations dear Geha ... Now that your back is against the wall you would say anything to save your worthless carcass.

Thumb geha 17:41 ,2013 حزيران 29

the days to come will show who is right from who is wrong. OK?
this information is solid 100%.

Thumb mckinl 17:49 ,2013 حزيران 29

@ Geha

Got a link or source for your information dear Geha?

Thumb geha 18:12 ,2013 حزيران 29

no need: follow the upcoming events: either way, you will know why they are happening.

Thumb jabal10452 17:10 ,2013 حزيران 29

Sure Mr Raad: it is pretty easy for you to tell me that your arms are not debatable when your are the one holding the gun and not me, and when you can use your gun or your sticks against citizens who do not agree with you, without any risk of accountability whatsoever.
Mr Raad, you are a crime boss, a mercenary, an extorter and a lier. And just like 99 % of our politicians, your boss is a foreigner.

Thumb geha 17:41 ,2013 حزيران 29

nasrallah = hitler

Thumb liberty 18:18 ,2013 حزيران 29

Dear Phoenix: I have been thumbed down for merely posting a link, even without comments! But, that does not stop me sometimes from expressing myself here should i feel the need. I suggest you don't pay attention and please stay away from the conspiracy theory. I know for a fact there are more than 10,000. naharnet registered users who might read an article vote you or vote me down without leaving a comment.

Default-user-icon BackToSquareOne (ضيف) 20:08 ,2013 حزيران 29

All true Lebanese are victims of this so called resistance..and that includes the government and the lebanese army.
I, as well as more than half the lebanese population, think hizbullah should reconsider their own policies. When all the dust settles, lebanon's government should be the strongest and 1 sect cannot rule alone... Hizbullah members should be no different than any other person. Alas, they think they are Godlike and should be treated as such.... Again i say, lebanon will only work once all sects have their own militias to defend their "pride" or turf or whatever you want to call it. When 1 sect controls the airport, the sea port, the borders, the ARMY, the GOVERNMENT, things will end up the same as it always does.....
And the following is for all who yell defending the army: you love the army so much give it your weapons!!

Default-user-icon BackToSquareOne (ضيف) 20:12 ,2013 حزيران 29

All true Lebanese are victims of this so called resistance..and that includes the government and the lebanese army.
I, as well as more than half the lebanese population, think hizbullah should reconsider their own policies. When all the dust settles, lebanon's government should be the strongest and 1 sect cannot rule alone... Hizbullah members should be no different than any other person. Alas, they think they are Godlike and should be treated as such.... Again i say, lebanon will only work once all sects have their own militias to defend their "pride" or turf or whatever you want to call it. When 1 sect controls the airport, the sea port, the borders, the ARMY, the GOVERNMENT, things will end up the same as it always does.....
And the following is for all who yell defending the army: you love the army so much give it your weapons!!

Thumb general_puppet 21:13 ,2013 حزيران 29

“Stop interfering in the resistance's arms... They're not debatable anymore,”... can you be more arrogant that? The Iranian militia will never give up its weapons or it allegiance to the Glorious Axis

Thumb lebanon_first 21:35 ,2013 حزيران 29

Funny roaring :-)

Missing peace 23:02 ,2013 حزيران 29

keen to maintain peace as long as the state and army do not interfere in their mafia practises.....

Default-user-icon BackToSquareOne (ضيف) 23:40 ,2013 حزيران 29

HA rules lebanon...we have no government, no independant army - as proven by numerous videos, pictures, and reports on the net..there are even videos of manar journalists on manar television showing HA members fighting along side the army. So let's stop the blatant refutals..
Our Borders, airport, sea port, government (whatever's left of it), army, are all controlled by HA... We as true lebanese are all victims of prolonged abuse...
HA wants civil peace, then surrender your weapons. HA loves the army and the country, then surrender your arms... 1 sect cannot rule and Aoun cannot keep giving HA christian political cover...
Its time to remove this country, army, and restistance rule that was shoved up our throats without our consent.

Default-user-icon PeopleArmyResistance-CivilWar (ضيف) 23:49 ,2013 حزيران 29

Stop interfering in the resistance's arms... They're not debatable anymore,” Raad stated

Fair enough... Just dont be shocked when the other half creates its own militia.. One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter...

Missing helicopter 23:54 ,2013 حزيران 29

phoenix, I look at it little differently.
For every truck load of HA weapons we collect a truck load of P. weapons. For every disarmed HA town, we disarm a P. camp. And within a year or so Lebanon will be arms free and the army barracks will be filled with confiscated weapons. Because if I were Nasrallah and read your post, I will encourage P. to do more arms hording, as that makes more Lebanese believing the same as you and HA can then keep its arms and control over big parts of Lebanon forever.

Missing helicopter 00:00 ,2013 حزيران 30

You need an avatar that matches Hezb symbolism and image. Nice try at making them look civilized, but most of us know better than that.

Default-user-icon BackToSquareOne (ضيف) 00:21 ,2013 حزيران 30

What you dont understand is that more than half the people in lebanon are "slaves" as you say.. True lebanese are all Victims of prolonged abuse by HA and syria.. Its mental abuse, economical abuse..i for one dont mind HA's weapons...Let HA resist whatever it wants but if another "resistance" movement is formed, dont make too much of it!
Once again, one man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter..
To top that, i have to say its really funny how now takfiri and al qaeda are automatically linked to israel and usa.. Just because your so called divine leader says it, it doesn't make it so... If usa wanted the civil war to end in syria and help qaeda there, they would have done it a while back... Now they decided to arm the FSA because FSA is losing ground.. They are more than happy to sit and watch muslims kill each other.

Thumb jabal10452 01:18 ,2013 حزيران 30

Yes yes God bless Hezbollah, protectors of people who willingly surrender their state, their rights and their citizenship to an armed militia who does not hesitate to beat them and kill them in broad daylight the minute they step out of line. You are mistaken If you think that the answer to the Wahhabi / Salafi threat is the surrendering of your freedom to a militia.

Thumb general_puppet 09:19 ,2013 حزيران 30

All Hail the Mighty Nasrallah he will protect the Lebanon from the cannibal's.

Default-user-icon Raleigh (ضيف) 22:41 ,2013 تموز 02

Hello there! This post couldn't be written much better! Looking at this post reminds me of my previous roommate! He always kept talking about this. I most certainly will send this article to him. Pretty sure he's going to have
a great read. I appreciate you for sharing!