جثتان مجهولتان من أحداث عبرا وفحوصات الـDNA تشمل عائلتي الاسير وشاكر

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تدور الشبهات حول جثتين مجهولتي الهوية من قتلى اشتباكات صيدا، حيث تجرى فحوص الحمض النووي الـDNA، للتأكد من هويتهما وتشمل الفحوصات عائلتي امام مسجد بلال بن رباح الشيخ احمد الاسير وفضل شاكر.

وأفادت "الوكالة الوطنية للاعلام" أن جثتين لا تزالا مجهولتين، الا أنه تم استدعاء والدة الاسير وشقيق شاكر لأخذ عينات ومطابقتها مع نتائج الـ DNA المأخوذة من الجثتين المحروقتين.

الى ذلك، يتابع مفوض الحكومة لدى المحكمة العسكرية القاضي صقر صقر اشرافه على التحقيقات الاولية التي تجريها مديرية المخابرات في الجيش اللبناني في احداث عبرا.

وترك الاثنين 9 اشخاص من بين الموقوفين الذين كانوا لا يزالون يخضعون للتحقيقات ويبقى قيد التحقيق 30 شخصا موقوفا حتى الآن.

وأدت المعارك بين الجيش اللبناني وعناصر امام مسجد بلال بن رباح الشيخ أحمد الاسير، يومي الاحد والاثنين من الاسبوع الفائت في عبرا في صيدا، الى سقوط 18 قتيلاً و20 جريحاً من الجيش اللبناني، فضلاً عن مقتل أكثر من 20 عنصر من عناصر الاسير.

في حين لم يظهر أي من الاسير أو شاكر بعد انتهاء الاشتباكات وسط معلومات متضاربة عن مكان وجودهما أو مصيرهما.

التعليقات 34
Thumb Sanelebanese 14:28 ,2013 تموز 01

For fairness, Hasan Nasrallah body was supposed to be charred 2005, when hizbsatan killed Rafiq Hariri and so on.

Thumb benzona 14:34 ,2013 تموز 01

isn't it sad to pray for Israel to deal with him as they dealt with Sheikh Ahmad Yassin.....

Unfortunately, they won't eliminate their ally in crime that legitimize their presence hence a lousy Lebanese economy....

Thumb geha 17:55 ,2013 تموز 01

nasrallah = hitler

Thumb benzona 14:36 ,2013 تموز 01

I just learned I was uncle (khaal) since a couple of hours ago.... Danni, Zacharie, Jeffrey was born at 9:58 this morning.... lol. it doesn't make me any yougner

Thumb Lebanon4life 15:17 ,2013 تموز 01

alf mabrouk :)

Thumb benzona 15:17 ,2013 تموز 01

Merci!!! Trois prénoms on his ID! He's lucky and will be able to chose his favourite...

Thumb jabal10452 15:24 ,2013 تموز 01

Mabrouk Ben!

Thumb benzona 23:29 ,2013 تموز 01


Thumb Bandoul 16:11 ,2013 تموز 01

Gongrats Ben :)

Thumb dandoun 17:54 ,2013 تموز 01

mabrook ya khaal

Thumb benzona 23:29 ,2013 تموز 01

he's going to be a dandoun like you.

Thumb benzona 18:54 ,2013 تموز 01

Thank you everyone. Just came back from hospital and it's a handsome little boy...

Apparently, (la bienséance veut que) one has to say a child looks like his father.... Even if it is untrue..... Hehehehehe

Thumb mouallek 19:00 ,2013 تموز 01

I wish the best for the newborn and his parents !

Thumb benzona 19:12 ,2013 تموز 01

Il faut être fou pour faire des enfants en 2013 en pleine crise économique..... Je lui ai acheté le journal d'aujourd'hui pour plus tard afin qu'il puisse en vouloir à ses parents plus tard hehehe

Thumb benzona 23:29 ,2013 تموز 01

hhehehehe spassiba ;-)

La trêve des confiseurs est terminée, back to our dirty business ;-)

Missing rami 14:38 ,2013 تموز 01

a3tini bawseh hallak baddak ta3tini bawseh

Default-user-icon marvin (ضيف) 14:44 ,2013 تموز 01

was that last comment benzona, to proove you arent israeli?

Thumb joker37 14:53 ,2013 تموز 01

that doesnt make sense. the gulf couldnt care less if he was barbecued alive. deplorable act by HA to murder and bbq assir and fadel shaker. the government should have imprisoned and executed them both. this extra judicial punishment will add resentment x 10 among sunni.

Missing blacksheep 15:05 ,2013 تموز 01

Did you go to school in Libya. When Qaddafi claimed Imam Sadr is in Italy!?

Missing Lesbianese 15:12 ,2013 تموز 01

Thank you hizbsatan for saving/using your weapon and be the root of splitting/charging the Middle East into Sunni Shiite conflict.

Thumb AngryLeb 15:32 ,2013 تموز 01

True hizz has nothing to do with this Also Asir has always been the cause of trouble and I have always said that he is going to create chaos.
And he you go,, He killed the Army,

Missing beirutbastard00 00:49 ,2013 تموز 02

Uf he killed the army?

Thumb Marc 15:48 ,2013 تموز 01

The fact that he and Shaker weren't heard from, tells me that they were killed. It was clear that a decision to finish them up was taken ..... I can make the announcement for you... Assir's and Shaker were killed in the mosque during the fight

Missing forces 16:14 ,2013 تموز 01

shaker killed asir softly with his song

Default-user-icon Moustapha (ضيف) 16:21 ,2013 تموز 01

I don't believe anything any and all the lebanese media broadcast these days. They are all a bunch of liars twisting the truth to achieve their own goals.
I am not defending al-Assir, However, if he is dead, then there is nothing to do about it anymore, but what if he is still alive, captured and taken to undisclosed location ?? The DNA test results can be forged just like anything else in this country.

I weep for the future of this country.

Missing Killuminati 17:48 ,2013 تموز 01

7aka badreh!!

Missing lappeaudecouille 18:34 ,2013 تموز 01

Khalo Benzona alf mabrouk!

Thumb jabal10452 18:52 ,2013 تموز 01

Walla ana b2ellak hayda fatas. The government is just buying time to let it sink it so that we could be spared yet another "day of rage" with all the related carcinogens. Bass a "Day of Rage" is surely coming. Close you windows, turn off your AC and say goodbye to yet another tourist season.

Those losers who just voted themselves in power for another 17 months, what are they doing for the country? Which one of them is prepared to put ego, sect, tribe and wasta aside for the sake of those 10452 km?

Thumb jabal10452 19:13 ,2013 تموز 01

I don't know... Why would the NNA spread rumors?

Thumb jabal10452 19:56 ,2013 تموز 01

You're right. Nothing on the NNA site as far as I can see... Naharnet better put up a link to this information or their trustworthiness will hit a new low. I'm embarrassed.

Thumb jabal10452 20:05 ,2013 تموز 01

STOP STOP ya77i, ya77i!


Read the last paragraph in the article.

OK Naharnet, you're still ok :-) please don't ban me for insulting Your Excellence In Reporting ;-)

Missing beirutbastard00 00:50 ,2013 تموز 02


Thumb LebCynic 04:57 ,2013 تموز 02

@ geha

nasrallah = hitler

It is with pride that we model ourselves on someone that eradicated more jew’s than anyone else in the world. Who do the like of you model themselves on queen Elizabeth??

Missing people-power 07:15 ,2013 تموز 02

You're mom must be so proud of you