صقر: جثتا عبرا ليستا للأسير وشاكر بحسب نتائج الحمض النووي
Read this story in Englishأعلن مفوض الحكومة لدى المحكمة العسكرية القاضي صقر صقر، الاربعاء. أن الجثتين المجهولتين في عبرا ليستا لامام مسجد بلال بن رباح الشيخ احمد الاسير وفضل شاكر وفق ما اظهرت نتائج فحوصات الحمض النووي.
وأوضح أن الجثتين لا تزالا مجهولتي الهوية بسبب التشوهات والحروقات الكبيرة.
وبانت جثتان لا تزالا مجهولتي الهوية، وقد تم استدعاء والدة الاسير وشقيق شاكر لأخذ عينات ومطابقتها مع نتائج الـ DNA المأخوذة من الجثتين المحروقتين.
وأدت المعارك بين الجيش اللبناني وعناصر امام مسجد بلال بن رباح الشيخ أحمد الاسير، يومي الاحد والاثنين من الاسبوع الفائت في عبرا في صيدا، الى سقوط 18 قتيلاً و20 جريحاً من الجيش اللبناني، فضلاً عن مقتل أكثر من 20 عنصر من عناصر الاسير.
في حين لم يظهر أي من الاسير أو شاكر بعد انتهاء الاشتباكات وسط معلومات متضاربة عن مكان وجودهما أو مصيرهما.
Not a mention of the checkpoint massacre of LAF soldiers and officers. The article makes no mention that Assir is a murderer and a traitor to Lebanon ...
The article says Assir is supporting the fighting against Assad. Well he has a peculiar way of fighting Assad by turning the streets of Sidon red with the blood of those who defend Lebanon.
Asir was put there to weaken Future.... il faut toujours voir a qui profite le crime..... now Hezbollah is free to pursue the Syrian Zionists in Homs and Aleppo.
with your Naharnet Administrator allowing you to post is is quite easy to be an ignorant laptop journalist.
They will never find them...They went to the same destination of Shaker El Absi and others who were planted for a specific mission...
They are gone and will never be found...Mission accomplished..Planted for a reason and the role is over..
What about the bite marks on the burned bodies, specifically around their hearts? I'm sure they belonged to Assir and Shaker.
God help us...
Asir will reappear with a tenfold vengeance....
and they say civil war is not at the door.
I would suggest we all avoid areas of hizbushaitan concentrations from now on as they will be the target of asir's revenge.
for once I agree with you. not about the prophecy itself though :)
I have been warning that what is going on will lead to devastating war for a while.
it is about time hizbushaitan realizes that its actions have arisen sunni sentiments in the whole world. the result will be devastation.
it is about time they wake up and back off these actions, and restore moderate sunnis.
Filth Thrower: You are evil indeed. You go to any lengths to defame your opponents thru lies. Go read Naharnet and any other source and you will see the condemnations from the first minute. You are a cheap repulsive creature who spreads confusion and unfounded accusations. Respect yourself.....
They were mustaqbak stronghold but not anymore thanks to your resistance.
Don't you notice how as Mustaqbal gets weaker the radicals get stronger.
Also could you point out the very warm relationship Hezb has with Hamas, Radical Palestinians outside the camps, Nasserites and Jamaa Islameyya in Sidon ...... but it is all for a noble cause SERVING THE KHAMENI.
here is my 2 cents on this. he was captured by ? when he ranaway,what happened to him we woulld have to wait for an archeological find some day.
However, the DNA test confirmed that all Sannis have the genetic mutation known as Sannis Lunaticus Berserki, which probably originated with Moawiya Bin Laden or his son Yazid Bin Laden.