سلام يصبر في التأليف ويلمح أن الحكومة قد تتبلور قبل نهاية تموز

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شدد الرئيس المكلف تشكيل الحكومة تمام سلام على أن لصبره حدود في ما خص عملية التأليف، ملمحاً في الوقت عينه الى أن التشكيل قد يتم قبل نهاية الشهر الجاري.

وفي حديث الى صحيفة "النهار"، الخميس، قال سلام مستشهداً بقول مأثور للامام علي بن أبي طالب: "سأصبر حتى يعجز الصبر عن صبري، وسأصبر حتى ينظر الرحمن في أمري، وسأصبر حتى يعلم الصبر أني صبرت على شيء أمر من الصبر".

ورداً على سؤال، عما اذا كانت عملية التأليف ستتم كحد أقصى نهاية الشهر الحالي، أجاب سلام "ربما أيضاً قبل هذا التاريخ".

وكان سلام قد جمّد جهوده في ما خص تأليف الحكومة، جراء ازمة التمديد التي يشهدها مجلس النواب.

كما يُذكر ان سلام يسعى الى تشكيل "حكومة المصلحة الوطنية"، وفي حين تطالب قوى 14 آذار بحكومة حيادية تريد 8 آذار حكومة سياسية وقال رئيس "الحزب التقدمي الاشتراكي" جنبلاط أنه لن يصوت على حكومة من لون واحد".

التعليقات 15
Missing helicopter 08:26 ,2013 تموز 04

Salam Says he Has Patience, Hints will Form Cabinet End of July.........

Great, but he forgot to specify the year.

Default-user-icon Tikram Ayntaynkin (ضيف) 08:37 ,2013 تموز 04

What end of July? Dr. Arreet 7akeh gave Salam two weeks a week and two days ago to form a government men 7awader al bayt or go back to his mommy's loving lap! Who does Salam think he is? ekhed ra7to mni7, huh! Does he not know that when Dr. Arreet 7akeh says something his words are... well... umm... duh... meaningless and nothing but art 7akeh? After all, isn't Dr. Arreet 7akeh the MAN who comforted us about amn al moujtama3 al massi7i, only to find out enno tole3 kello art 7akeh bi art 7akeh? wlak min addak ya 7ak...awati sakhif?

Thumb mckinl 09:43 ,2013 تموز 04

The vatican said the video "appeared" to be fake. A Priest was shot as was a boy of 14, in front of his parents in Aleppo for an alleged blasphemy.

The video in question has yet to be explained. Let's wait and see if all Bishops are alive and accounted for dear banima3roof.

Missing beirutbastard00 11:34 ,2013 تموز 04

I just read the article in the guardian.

It said the vid is of some other two ppl getting beheaded in front of a cheering crowd, chanting god is great.

The priest was actually shot n killed inside his church, as he tried to intervene between nuns n the rebels, when a group of Islamist took over the town, and ransacked the monetary. Destroying everything.

Also, as a side note, there's a link at the bottom of the article, that leads u to a story about the first hand account of Mohamad Katta's mother, the 14 year old kid killed for making a remark, seen as blasphemy by the rebels, at his coffee stand. Great read, so sad.

Default-user-icon Lancelot_DuLac (ضيف) 11:39 ,2013 تموز 04

Just form your bloody government already and get it over with! Let it reflect your convictions and if it has to be denied Parliament's confidence then so be it! But take a stand for once!

Thumb turmos 12:00 ,2013 تموز 04

@Roaring: Thank you for exposing this hideous character Flame-Thrower. He is repulsive in every aspect of the word. Massacres happen and he somehow justifies them or defends them as common-practice! He claims exclusivity to christian pain in beheading or killing those priests as if he is the only christian ( which I seriously doubt) concerned with such horrific acts, while to him the killing of innocent women and children is common occurrence and should not be over dramatized. I have seen him distort facts and manipulate news data beyond disgust. Sick indeed....

Thumb _citizen_ 12:14 ,2013 تموز 04

Dear Phoenix: I am not taking sides here, but i must admit i was shocked by some of your posts lately, and i refused to think it was you who was posting! You are older than me, I think. I am in my mid 30's and hail from a respected christian family in Ras Beirut. My family never left west beirut even during the civil war. Our sunni neighbors protected us with their lives, and there is not enough space here to even begin to tell you how we have been treated. I get appalled by how sectarian some of the comments here and it makes me so sad to the point I lost hope in this country. Last year, I finished my MBA at Harvard and instead of accepting an offer to stay there, I opted to return to beirut hoping for the best. I am now ready to pack up and leave again.... this time for good. When Lebanon is arms free and there is respect for human life, I might consider coming back..... Until then, I wish you all the best...

Thumb _citizen_ 12:33 ,2013 تموز 04

.... I am sorry to see you get dragged in reacting to personal attacks:((( I read Bani's post and did not conclude he blessed the beheading or killing of the priests. I guess his point was those priests were not beheaded as originally claimed. If they were shot or killed by means other than beheading that does not make the crime any less horrific which FT was insinuating Bani 's intent was!!!! Yes, his post contained negative remarks about you, but you to take FT's position is unreasonable for a man like you.... thanks for listening. I am leaving soon:)))))))) Yey!!!!

Missing beirutbastard00 12:46 ,2013 تموز 04

There is nothing that is always right or always wrong, especially when it comes to politics. You cannot have an honest discussion, and only spout your parties slogans. That's fine for demonstrations, or an emotional rant, but in order to have a real, meaningful debate, u must be ready to put yourself above that, and admit your side isn't perfect.

Thumb _citizen_ 13:11 ,2013 تموز 04

Phoenix: these are very disturbing news.... horrible! where did you read such news about the girl...? send me links, if possible. God bless you and I will stay in touch when I get ti Miami:)))

Missing peace 14:12 ,2013 تموز 04

"Sources close to Salam hinted Tuesday that he would announce a “fait accompli” government."

it would be about time to form a gvt away from the whims of every one... all parties should agree and stop whining like kids over who gets what! it is about time lebanon gets a gvt to rule the country... but some parties do not want that as chaos suits their propaganda best....

Missing peace 16:53 ,2013 تموز 04

hasn't the last PM resigned? so, no the cabinet is NOT woking just current affairs that will not improve lebanese economy or major issues...but i guess M8 does not care as long as hezbis can do whatever they want....
didn't everyone agree on salam? so your allies agree on the fact that he is saudi appointed as you bravely say no?
poor FT... always trying to look smart but each time is just more ridiculous....

Missing people-power 21:40 ,2013 تموز 04

Always a pleasure to see FT's silly comments get destroyed by Peace, once again

Missing helicopter 22:39 ,2013 تموز 04

Ft., I had no doubt that you are HA follower and not the fpm.
fpm declared the parliament extension as unconstitutional while HA and Berri are all for it. And it is clear which side you are on when the two diverge.
THis parliament is and should be considered unconstitutional.

Missing helicopter 01:08 ,2013 تموز 05

I am here agreeing with you ..... not all M-14 share the same opinion and hopefully not all M8 do either.
I deplore this act and all acts of killing innocents (be they civilians, clergy, or whoever). Taking a life is wrong regardless of the method. I like to hear an M8 person deplore the kidnapping of a priest in Bekaa because he baptized an adult Shi3a woman. They did not kill him but he was told clearly, your life or the woman goes back to her family (for an unknown fate). Lets call wrong deeds out as they happen and be consistent.