جعجع: نجاح الثورة المصرية في إسقاط حكم الإخوان أثبت أن رهان الشعب على الديمقراطية في مكانه
Read this story in Englishرأى رئيس حزب القوات اللبنانية سمير جعجع أن "الرئيس السوري بشار الاسد غير باق علماً ان احدا غير قادر على تحديد الوقت لخروجه"، مردفاً أن "نجاح الثورة المصرية في اسقاط حكم الاخوان المسلمين أثبت ان رهانه على الديموقراطية كان في محله".
وأشار جعجع في حديث لصحيفة "النهار" نشر السبت، الى ان "نجاح الثورة المصرية في اسقاط حكم الاخوان المسلمين أثبت ان رهانه قبل سنة على الديموقراطية "كان في محله".
واضاف ان "رهاننا على الديموقراطية اولا، واكبر خطأ هو الوقوف في وجهها او على هامشها كأن لا علاقة لنا بهذا الشرق".
وإذ رأى جعجع ان "تعطي مصر اشارة الانطلاق الى كل العالم العربي وحتى الى تركيا، أضاف ان " الاسد غير باق علماً ان احدا غير قادر على تحديد الوقت لخروجه"، لكنه جزم بأن الاسد "سيخرج من المعادلة شأنه شأن جبهة النصرة اذ يذهب احدهما بالآخر".
وتشهد مصر تظاهرات في تموز 2013، أسفرت عن عزل الجيش للرئيس المصري الإسلامي المنتخب محمد مرسي ما أدى الى اشتباكات عنيفة بين مناصري الرئيس المعزول ومعارضيه.
كذلك، تشهد سوريا منذ آذار2011 اشتباكات مسلحة بين مناصري الأسد ومعارضيه أدت الى مقتل عشرات الآلاف وتهجير المئات.
There is a saying that goes something like this: "Does the donkey know what an almond is?".
Knowing Dr. Arreet 7akeh, nothing is cheaper than his art el 7akeh. The guy has no shame in continuing to blabber stupidities to which his supporters, Drs. Arteena Satleh, clap and smile like the retards that they are. wlak min addak ya 7ak...awati beyekh.
A warlord by definition opposes democracy, but also has the power to define it anyway she (MP Hariri, for example) wants: she says, "Be democratic: do it my way."
Do you ever read the news? those nouveau riche so called democracy Brotherhood leaders were involved in recent killings which is why they are under house arrests and cannot leave the country before being tried, in addition the head of the army invited both sides: Muslim Brotherhood and the rest of the country for a new re-election, not obviously overnight, so you are wrong twice and cannot see that the people have learned how to take down their leader since last year when they tried Mubarak for his actions and now Morsi. True leaders lead by example by speaking the truth, they do not hide in underground bunkers or run away to Europe.
"run away to Europe"... Let's see this reminds of someone called "Le Generale"... Every time I think about this clown, the word "TFEH" comes to mind.
Sure why not ..... all of the Middle East needs real Democracy. This is the only way for Arabs to keep pace with Israel and defeat it economically and otherwise. A3sr El-jaheleyya was couple of thousands years ago.
If they were allowed to continue they would have become like HA ..... the hand that tries to take us down will be cut off.
They were set to make changes that puts the military and judiciary under their wings and then bye bye re-elections or democracy.
He would have still been in prison if your beloved Asad still occupied Lebanon. All nightmares come to an end. The sun will eventually rise and darkness will vanish.
Really? Overthrowing by force a democratically elected president is democracy? Walaw ya Hakim?
Lady gaga, every time they let you out for hour you seem to pop you head up just to make a remark . Yes we do know you are still alive but not well , keep taking your AIDS medication otherwise you're loosing your mind. Now go back inside your cell !