عبد الجليل: لدينا أدلة بقضية الصدر وسنقدم العون إذا طلبت حكومة لبنان ذلك

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أكد رئيس المجلس الوطني الانتقالي في ليبيا مصطفى عبدالجليل وجود أدلة وشهود بإمكانهم أن يكشفوا حقيقة إختفاء ومصير الإمام موسى الصدر.

ولفت عبدالجليل لصحيفة "الأنباء" الكويتية الى أننا تحدثنا سياسيا في الموضوع مع بعض الجهات اللبنانية.

وأكد "نحن على استعداد لتقديم العون إذا طلبت الحكومة اللبنانية منا ذلك"، مضيفا: "لدينا من الأدلة والشهود ما يمكن أن يوصل الى الحقيقة، لكن هذا أمر مستقبلي عندما نحرر كامل التراب الليبي".

وأشار عبدالجليل، إلى أن علاقة المجلس الانتقالي بلبنان ممتازة، وأن الليبيين راضون عن مواقف لبنان الذي يمثل المجموعة العربية حاليا في مجلس الأمن.

التعليقات 7
Default-user-icon MUSTAPHA O. GHALAYINI (ضيف) 15:05 ,2011 حزيران 23

lucky esteez nabyah!!!!!!!!!!!

Default-user-icon Gebran Sons for Cedar Revolution II in 2013 (ضيف) 15:54 ,2011 حزيران 23

Imam Saddr was a true giant in Lebanese politics who had the same caring heart and constructive spirit as Rafiq Hariri, a rarity in our region. He believed in building bridges and raising up his community instead of tearing down others. It is sad he's been replaced by Berri and Nassrallah who are leading the Shia community to the abyss, building mountains of arms and digging valleys of hate and distrusts that will plague generations to come. Instead of South Lebanon benefitting from Lebanon's education and openness to attract high-paying international firms serving the Middle East market, it is now a wasteland filled with Iranian rockets that no investor will touch. The biggest lies of the 21st Century are that Berri/Hizb are helping the Shia and Aoun is helping Christians. Their actions have cost our economy over 100 billion dollars that can be easily calculated. Hopefully soon the Silent Majority will bring them to justice and victims can sue for damage as is the case for Mubarak.

Default-user-icon Charbel abi Johny (ضيف) 18:26 ,2011 حزيران 23

Gebran sons, you are completly wrong. Imam sadr was nothing but a syrian tool, he took orders directly from syria, and moreover he wasent even lebanese, he was of iranian origin. Had he been alive today then you can be sure that he would be allied with hezballah, make no misstake about it. So kindly do not glorify a man who when he lived was a tool in the hands of the syrian regime, he even issued a fatwa claiming that alawites are the same as 12:er shiites because the syrian regime told him so, he was never a giant, not even close!

Thumb ado.australia 19:43 ,2011 حزيران 23

Why is Saudi Arabia good and Iran evil? What is the difference? What I don't understand is why some "christain" names here, pretend that Saudi Arabia is friendly to Lebanon and Iran is evil? KSA does not allow churches. Does not allow chistians to were crosses. Does not allow Swiss airlines to enter because it has a cross on it tail. Women can't drive or be in the presence of men if they are not their brothers or fathers. Al qiada and mist terrorist come from ksa. Ksa have tried openly to islamiz countries openly by paying women to were the hijab. The most barbaric nation in the work! Saad hariri was born and raised in riyahd. His mother is Iraqi. He never spent more than a week in Lebanon until 2005. Since then, he still has spent more time in Saudi than leb. He and his Saudi family still live there. But Iran is the evil country. Iran allows christains and Jews to be politians in government. Churches florish, and women have much more rights.

So what is the difference again???

Missing arze1964 20:28 ,2011 حزيران 23

wow..possibly found? what will happen to the estazz and his movement? Will they change from Amal to??

Thumb shab 23:15 ,2011 حزيران 23


Missing mansour 08:49 ,2011 حزيران 24

ado.Australia is 100% right there is no difference between them i hate em both,i never liked the hariri family and never will and same goes for Syria and Hezbollah.i say good riddance to them all if Israel nukes them tomorrow.Thank you